The Legend of Honghuang Erlang

Chapter 5 Jade Spring Mountain

Clouds are not living things, but they are more spiritual than most living things. Clouds are born with immortals. If immortals appear without a few clouds as a foil, the ethereal meaning will be greatly reduced.

Most of the gods will choose to fly in the clouds. First, it saves mana, and second, it will not be monotonous to fly alone in the sky. The female fairy can guard against the clairvoyant eyes peeping on the ground, while the male fairy can highlight his own temperament.

The Jade Cauldron Immortal flew with Yang Jian and Yang Chan towards his own mountain in the clouds, flying neither too fast nor too slow, passing mountains and waters without hindrance, floating above the clouds, and traveling freely among the stars...

That is, the atmosphere between the two men, one big and one young, who had just apprenticed as teachers, was a little dull.

‘Is the master who just worshiped you dissatisfied with yourself? '

Yang Jian inevitably began to think about this question, and remained silent; but the little Chan'er he was holding was flying into the sky for the first time, happy and nervous, all kinds of chirping shouts, just like a little magpie.

Hush! Yang Jian has reminded Xiao Chan'er for the tenth time.

Xiao Chan'er immediately stood up straight, and hugged Yang Jian's arm obediently; but after waiting for a while, Xiao Chan'er happily called the mountain over there and the bird at hand, inexplicably happy.

Yang Jian gestured again to calm down Xiao Chan'er, but Master Yuding turned his head and glanced at the brothers and sisters behind him, his face twisted...

Yang Jian was frightened at the time. Master was hurt by Manjushri's palm just now.

However, Master Yuding just wanted to laugh...

Hearing two hehe from the mouth of the great fairy, he said in the gentlest voice possible: It's not in the way, just let her play around, it's a child's nature.

Hey, good, Yang Jian replied weakly, and Master Yuding coughed and turned his head back, carrying the two brothers and sisters flying over the boundless land on the back of the cloud.

Between master and apprentice, there was a little embarrassment.

The prehistoric world was originally boundless, but many catastrophes, such as the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, and the war between the lich, forcibly broke the boundless land into today's four major continents plus Central China. The secular world is mainly concentrated in Nanzhan Buzhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou. Central Shenzhou is a place where people who practice Taoism and sects of cultivating immortals gather, and it is also called between heaven and earth.

Although Kunlun Mountain is on the prehistoric land, it is hidden among the continents. There is a saint's dojo, so it can be separated from the power of good fortune, and it is not included in the three realms and five elements. It is hard to find.

But Master Yuding's ashram is in Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain, which is also a small cave heaven and blessed place, the exact location is naturally known to no one except Master Yuding and a few friends. There must be many treasures in this cave, and of course we can't just let people know the location.

Flying all the way, whether it is fast or slow, it is not too slow, but within half an hour, they entered the territory of Central China.

Yang Jian's road of seeking immortals starts from Nanzhan Buzhou, heading towards the junction of Nanzhan Buzhou, Xiniu Hezhou and Zhongshenzhou. The real Yuding took them to fly northeast from Kunlun Mountain, and naturally entered the area of ​​Central China.

Different from Nanzhan Buzhou, which is a multi-ethnic city and village, you can see towering mountains, spiritual veins like scales, fairy trails falling down, and spiritual fruits everywhere.

Sometimes you can see the spirits and monsters running and jumping in the mountains, and sometimes you can see the man with the sword roaming in the void.

I also saw three or five long-clothed men drinking in the mountain pavilion, and turned to Yingying and Yanyan lingering in the mountain stream.

Every famous mountain must have a big faction, but every flat land must have a big city, a wave of good fortune soars to the sky, and the source of blessings everywhere is beyond the world.

Master? Is this the Heavenly Court? Yang Jian asked in a low voice, he didn't know much about these common senses.

It's not the Heavenly Court, but you can reach the Zhongtian Gate if you fly right up here, Reverend Yuding answered patiently, with a calm and gentle tone, Don't worry, even if there are monks everywhere here, they won't be able to see us.

Yang Jian blinked, this should be the supernatural power used by the master, right?

Yu Ding looked at Yang Jian's eyes that were curious about the world around him, nodded slightly, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This pair of master and apprentice gradually got along a lot more naturally.

This cloud passed over a mountain full of people's voices, and then fell directly downward, burrowing into the deep mountains, until it flew to the end of a valley where there was no one around. Yuding pinched a trick, and the rock wall that was originally a dead end appeared layers of ripples, and the cloud carried the three of them crashing into it...


Xiaochan praised the beautiful scenery in front of her with a childish voice, and Yang Jian was also a little fascinated.

A mountain stands between heaven and earth, neither high nor strange nor steep, giving people a sense of peace and harmony. There are many mountain springs, waterfalls, brooks and pools on it, as well as lush forests, full of spiritual energy.

Master Yuding led their brothers and sisters straight down towards the mountain, and there was a flat open space on a hillside. There is a spiritual spring in the center of the clearing, surrounded by mist; beside the clearing is the entrance of a cave, with two green wooden doors tightly closed.

Here, here is my, uh, cough, my master's cave.

Yu Ding thought for a while, then tapped an orchid and a small bamboo in front of the gate of the cave with his backhand, and the multicolored light shone, and two young girls who were about the same size as Yang Jian and dressed in small palace attire appeared at the door, and kowtowed to Yu Ding.

Thank you for your enlightenment, master, please give me a name.

This is the technique of enlightenment, instructing spiritual things to turn into a boy, who can help the gods to run errands and do odd jobs on weekdays, and can also practice with the gods.

I will give you the names of Tinglan and Cuizhu. Yuding's voice seemed to be always indifferent and gentle, and he said: You have practiced in my cave for more than three hundred years, and you are my registered disciples. Come and see your senior brother soon.

The two beautiful and delicate girls bowed to Yang Jian together: I have met you, brother.

Hey, Yang Jian scratched his head, but he could only bow his hands to the two girls, I've seen my junior sister. Ting Lan Cuizhu laughed lightly.

Yu Ding watched with a smile on the side, and then took a few more glances at Xiao Chan'er. Facing the open space next to the spring, an exquisite attic rose out of thin air.

Yang Jian stared blankly at the side again... Is this a creation out of thin air? As expected, the master is deeply hidden, and he is full of supernatural powers.

Yang Jian?

The apprentice is here, Yang Jian quickly bowed his head in response.

Your sister is still young, and there must be something that you can't take care of in your daily practice, so let Tinglan Cuizhu play with her. Yuding said with a serious face, From now on, you will practice as a teacher, and you must not be playful and waste time!

Yang Jian bowed his head honestly and replied: Yes! This disciple has great ambitions in his heart, so he will not dare to slack off! In the future, he will definitely win the praise of his master and not be compared with other disciples of the same generation!

Can you not live up to it, the original Yang Jian was the most powerful existence among the three generations of disciples of Chanjiao, and he was also the only one among the three generations of disciples who could compare with the Twelve Golden Immortals during the Conferred Gods.

What's more, this Yang Jian is no longer that Yang Jian!

Good, Yu Ding patted Yang Jian's shoulder with some relief, and said, Find me in the cave after you settle down.


Watching Yuding walk into the cave, Yang Jian was agitated by himself.

elder brother……

Huh? Looking down at Xiao Chan who seemed to be reluctant to pull on her clothes, she squatted down slowly and looked at her sister at the same level.

Xiao Chan, Yang Jian said softly, Brother needs to spend more time on cultivation in the future, so that he can learn his own skills and take good care of you in the future. Don't cry, brother will definitely come out to look for you when he is free, so let these two older sisters accompany you, okay?

Yang Xiaochan pouted, puffed up the corners of her mouth again, and finally smiled: It's okay, brother, go and learn from the gods! Xiaochan is not a child, so she won't make trouble.

Yang Jian was amused by her, pinched the tip of her nose, got up and bowed to the two girls.

The girl hurriedly returned the gift, maybe Master Yuding did it intentionally, the two girls were about the same age as Yang Jian in appearance, they seemed to be afraid that Yang Jian would not be able to bear the hardships in the mountains, so find him two playmates.

Not daring to keep the master waiting for a long time, Yang Jian rubbed Xiao Chan's head, the two girls walked to Xiao Chan's side knowingly, and Yang Jian turned around and walked towards the concealed gate of the cave.

The path of practice begins today!

Yang Xiaochan pursed her lips, but held back her tears, and only waited for her brother to enter the cave and the caves were slowly closed before wiping her eyes with her lips pursed.

Second brother doesn't want me?

She sniffled, always having some youthful troubles.

The two girls were intelligent, and they were already coaxing her: Brother is going to cultivate, I won't want you, and he's in the cave, just wait for him at the door.

Come on, let's take a bath in the spring over there, shall we? It's very cool.

Behind the gate of the cave, Yang Jian, who was leaning on the gate to listen to the movement outside, sighed softly, and walked towards the cave with colorful lights...

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