The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1082: Arrival

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a clear and melodious sound in the distance, from the distance to the near, blasted.


"Elder Yun Qinger?"

When I heard this voice, the colors of Arakawa Supreme and Yunchuan appeared in surprise, and looking at the direction from which this voice came, I saw a young girl who was torn apart from the distance and suddenly arrived. It seems that Yun Qinger is Yun Qinger. From the breath that Yun Qinger sheds around him, at this moment, Yun Qinger has already had the final stage of supernatural power, almost half a step into the state of supremacy.

"Qing'er's physical potential of the yin should be fully developed."

Yunchuan thoroughly refined the remnant of that magic tree, and looked at the young girl from a distance with a look of surprise and joy on his face.

With the arrival of Yun Qing'er, the surrounding void was condensed with a layer of ice flowers, which looked extremely beautiful.

This kind of coldness is not the same as normal ice coldness. The chaos of the former Snow God is also the cultivation of this extreme cold power, but his extreme cold power is far worse than Yun Qing'er. This kind of cold caused by Yun Qing'er's overcast body is, to a certain extent, the manifestation of the true power of the Tao.

With the arrival of Yun Qing'er, the entire void was frozen and spreading. Between that moment, the entire huge female **** demon nest fell into this frozen void.

Originally, this mother god's devil's nest was about to completely dissipate and hide in the void. It was already an irresistible thing. Even the supreme figures of many worlds could not stop it, but with the arrival of Yun Qing'er, the entire void All were frozen, but it was the mother god's nest that could not be hidden for a while.

"The ants who haven't even reached the world, Hugh wants to stop me!"

Within the mother god's nest, the mother's mouth made a scream, and the entire mother god's nest, at this moment, was violently turbulent, and wanted to break free from the frozen void.

Yun Qing'er's pretty face blushed, and drops of sweat dripped from her forehead. Although she now has a half-step supreme level of cultivation, the mother worm has brought many world-class supreme characters together. Being helpless, she was able to trap the mother god's nest for a while, but she could not permanently trap the mother god's nest.

Kakah Kakah.

The void broke, as if the sound of the ice surface came from all directions. After a few breaths, the struggle of the mother god's nest was more violent. Seeing Yun Qing'er could no longer trap the mother god's nest .

However, these breathing times are enough for many worlds, and these breathing times are enough for Yunchuan to wipe out the remains of the magic tree.

A turquoise blue sword light chopped down and fell on top of the mother god's nest, so that the mother god's nest cracked a crack like a web.

The weak river, like a giant python, roared around, nineteen and eighteen bends, wrapped around the mother god's devil's nest, and put a lot of magic on the mother god's devil's nest, and the huge The barriers are eroded.

Another two dragons composed entirely of flames headed towards the mother god's devil's nest again. The previous weak river and Yun Qing'er's frozen void had caused the shell of the mother devil's nest to have been superimposed. It became extremely cold, and the addition of these two extremely large fire dragons made this extremely hot force and extremely cold force burst out together, so that the shell of this mother god's nest, click Blasting.

This mother god's nest was originally extremely defensive, but the previous self-explosion due to the blood sea supreme, plus the collision of the ancient god's ancient god's nest, made its extremely strong defense force much worse than before. Without Yunqinger's arrival, the female worm can escape with the mother's devil's nest, but now, with the arrival of Yunqing'er, the mother's devil's nest cannot leave in the first time, but it has become an overwhelming camel. The last straw.

The mother worm who lost the mother goddess's nest immediately made a sharp and screaming cry in her mouth, with deep fear in her voice. This female worm had lost half of her body, and is still dripping with blood. Has not fully recovered.

At this moment, the mother's devil's nest was broken, leaving the mother worm completely exposed to the outside world. The mother worm suddenly started to scream, and countless miserable green blood began to spread in all directions, and those miserable greens were like slime. Within the blood, it began to grow at a very fast speed, madly spawning one by one, rushing towards the supreme figures of many world realms, and began to delay the escape of the mother worm.

"Mother, you are the only one left. Where do you want to escape?"

A chuckle came, and then, the young boy in white stepped from a distant place, raised his hand to cast a foot to the road, Yun Yun Tiancheng, between a few steps, he had already arrived not far from the mother worm.

Immediately afterwards, the small world on Yunchuan's side had already been cracked down, suppressing the entire body of this female worm inside the small world.

In Yunchuan's small world, when this female worm was suppressed, the whole small world had already ignited a blazing red flame, letting this female worm squeak and burn.

And the next moment, in this small world, many voids exploded bursting out, forming an extremely large void cracks, like a grinding disc, which killed the female worm directly inside.

Being in this small world in Yunchuan is already the absolute home of Yunchuan. Even if the intact female worms fall into this small world in Yunchuan, they must take off a layer of skin, let alone It is said that the current female worm is dying and has great vitality. In this case, after falling into this small world, it is almost doomed to be dead.

This mother worm is directly without any resistance, and was killed by the power of Yunchuan's chic world, and the many wrecks and corpses after being killed were taken by the other shore flower to the rhizome. In the meantime, a little bit was left, completely gone.

The other shore flower growing in the small world of Yunchuan has absorbed a lot of the power of this mother worm, and it seems that it has become a little stronger than before.

In Yunchuan's small world, the flames containing causal doctrines burned again, burning for a full half day, and then stopped completely.

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