The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1346: Disaster strike

This sound followed by a snoring sound, which not only made most people in the entire Tianxuan world feel a sense of shock and dullness, but the sea of ​​divine power that enveloped the entire Tianxuan world was also the first to bear the brunt. The ocean of divine power is constantly tumbling and surging, and the divine power on it is also continuously evaporating with this tumbling surge.

Under the almost constant attack, there are some small cracks in the divine ocean that envelopes the entire Celestial World. Among these cracks, a few magical spirits spread and entered the entire Celestial World. In the middle, they turned into horrible monsters, roaring, killing, and devouring in all directions in the entire world of Tian Xuan.

However, after the isolation of Yunchuan ’s sea of ​​magical powers, the demons revealed by these revealed magical qi are already some of the most basic demons without much wisdom, and even the demons in the elementary place are rare.

"Monster, dare!"

In the entire world of Tian Xuan, many martial arts are angry and rushing to the crown. Although the monsters that originally came down are said to be weak, they are very numerous. After they came down, they all went to the most crowded places in Tian Xuan. And away, it has caused a great killing in an instant.

However, the number of higher-level martial arts in the Tianxuan world has been increased several times compared with the previous. Many martial arts have risen one by one, and they have been fighting with these monsters. The range is suppressed.

"This should be, as the Lord Yun previously said, the dark age of my Tianxuan world has come, and the monsters on the stunned star are invading into my Tianxuan world!"

Many world realities look up at the sky one by one, their faces are extremely dignified. They have already known this situation from Yunchuan's mouth, and Arakawa Supreme and others have previous experience in dealing with monsters. Later, as early as the first time, it was already arranged, and all the children in Zongzhong were systematically dealt with the monsters.

"Yun Zong's retreat should be coming out soon. Although the sea of ​​divine power transformed by his avatar is immense, it has endured the pressure of the monster to erode. Without the host of Yun Zong himself, I am afraid that the sea of ​​divine power will not last long. Once the Sea of ​​Divine Power is eroded, I am afraid that the Sovereign Yun will also be hit hard! "

In the Sacred Sect of Desolation, Gu Yan looked up at the sky with anxiety on his face.

The face of Arakawa Supreme is also exposed with a hidden worry. The magical ocean above the sky with the continuous erosion of magic energy can already clearly see that there is already a part of the original clear ocean of magical power in it. The gray colors, even the most marginal parts, have become black.

This is the situation where the Yunchuan Divine Ocean is being eroded continuously. Once the divine power is eroded by this magical energy, it is like the previous Buddha and others. Life and death cannot be autonomous. However, some extreme figures in the world such as Arakawa Supreme and others It is a little reassuring that if ordinary martial arts are eroded by this magic, it may take a short time for the deities and divine powers to be completely eroded and cleaned, and Yunchuan ’s deities and divine powers that envelop the entire heavenly world It's so big that after this period of time, those magic energies have eroded less than one-thousandth of the area.


At this moment, a buzzing sound was heard in the Sovereign Hall of the Sacred King of Heaven, and then, it was clear that a dim light came from the entire Sovereign Hall. , Rising into the sky, suddenly rushed into the sea of ​​divine power in the sky.

The original continuous erosion has changed all kinds of horror and weird appearance. The unevenness on the ocean of divine power, at the moment when that dim light rushed in, it suddenly stopped, and the entire ocean of divine power was calm at this moment.

Even those previously eroded areas in the Divine Ocean, at this moment, also returned to normal with a speed visible to the naked eye, and those gray colors quickly returned to normal appearance.

At this moment, the sea of ​​divine power that enveloped the entire world of Tianxuan emerged a gigantic giant wave, where the giant waves passed, and those monsters that had originally been drilled out of the gaps of the magical sea transformed by the vines were all one by one. Grinded and crushed into ash in the squeak.

"Master Yun!"

In the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, many high-rises are coming around the Sovereign Hall at this moment. After seeing the power displayed in the Sovereign Hall, the excitement is revealed on each face.

After this dim and dim light appeared, Yunchuan's figure stepped out of the Sovereign's Hall and looked at the sky, with a dignified color on his face.

Elder Gu Yan and many other elders in the Heavenly King Sect, recorded the changes and anomalies in the Tianxuan world in the past few years in Yujian and handed them to Yunchuan.

Yunchuan took over this jade Jane, and after learning about the past few years, he slowly said: "According to the current situation, this should only be a precursor to the Dark Age, many tentative attacks by monsters, so The monsters that appeared were just the lowest cannon fodder. "

Because the sun is shrouded in magic, at present, the entire world of Tianxuan has become a faint and dark yellow color. Although Yunchuan's sea of ​​magic power is said to be isolated from the magic gas emitted by the confusing stars, but Until now, there is also no way to change this change for a while, unless he has enough strength to be able to directly defeat the entire fascinating disaster star.

He had previously realized the source doctrine, and after several years of retreat, he had completely straightened and combed the relationship between his own source doctrine and many doctrines, fully integrated and consolidated.

The only dim light that made the vine avatars transform into the sea of ​​divine power is the embodiment of this source. The sea of ​​miracles is the vines of many vines, and many of the vines in it are Yunchuan The mastered Dao is transformed, and the Yunchuanyuan Dao is injected, and the power of these many Dao is united and integrated, so that the power of the entire Divine Ocean can be increased by several times.

However, Yunchuan did not fully stimulate the power of this magical ocean, but only a slight defense, so that this ocean of magical power only exerted its defensive power.

"I can feel that the pressure coming from the sea of ​​divine power is increasing. Old Sovereign, you must be prepared early. My sea of ​​divine power cannot really prevent the invasion of demons."

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