The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1348: Shenhai Demon

Although many disciples who practiced the virtual world are not weak in strength, compared with the existence of the world, they can be said to be far worse. The gap between the strengths of cultivation is really too large, and no one can Stop this monster in this world.

"Dirty beast!"

Just when the monster of this world was raging, in the city of the gods, a sword light that cut through the sky suddenly appeared, blasting towards the monster of this world.

From that city, there was an old man with a sword and eyebrows flying obliquely. Although he was old and had silver wires in his black hair, there was a sharp edge that could not be concealed.

"Elder Jianshan!"

"Elder Jianshan!"

"Extreme Jianshan!"

Many disciples of Qinglian Jianzong saw the appearance of the old man, and one face was surprised and happy, and they opened their mouths toward the old man.

This Elder Jianshan is one of the principal elders in Qinglian Jianzong. Because of the previous creation of Wuchuan Wudao, he was promoted to the world's realm before Shouyuan Daxian was about to come. Although he was just promoted to the world's realm, but Because of the sword repair, the power between his shots was extremely amazing. The sword light slashed the world realm obliquely and the blood spread.

Seeing that Elder Jianshan had such amazing power in his shots, these disciples of Qinglian Jianzong were exhilarated and cheered.

Compared with the previous strength of Qinglian Sect of the Sword, it is clear that there has been a tremendous growth. Even if Qinglian Sword is not here, relying solely on the chief elder of Zongzhong, he can preside over the situation here.

The power between Elder Jianshan and the monster in this world is amazing. The horrible sword spirit and magic power are pervasive in all directions, and they are comparable for a while.

After a while, Elder Jianshan relied on the power of the Qinglian Kendo to quickly suppress the monster in this world. In the **** city where the Qinglian sword sect was located, he was attracted by the movement here. Another elder who had been promoted to the realm of the world came to deal with the monster of this world, and soon suppressed this monster to death, making it immovable for a moment.

However, after being promoted to the realm of the world, unless the gap between the strengths is too great, otherwise it will be difficult to annihilate it in a short time, although Qinglian Jianzong has two principal elders in this world. Dealing with this monster of the world, suppressing it to an absolute downside, but it can only be slowly and slowly worn away, so that it has no chance to fight back.

This battle lasted for a few days. After a few days, this monster with the strength of the world did not have much resistance.

"Although this kind of monster is not considered to be too much in the existence of the world, it is a bit too embarrassing. Although it is said that there is no resistance, it is supplemented by a steady stream of magic. With the strength of two people like me, if I want to kill them completely, it will take me at least a month to wait. "

The elders of Jianshan crisscrossed each other's swords and smashed this monster possessing the power of the world to continually chop, frowned, and began to speak.

"This is also good. You must know that this demon is the existence of the world, after all, before you and I thought about it, one day you and we will be able to slay the supreme figure of the world?"

Another world-class figure in the Qinglian sword sect is also the same as the old man. The power between the shots is also great, but then there are some frowns and worries: "But what makes me a bit worried now is here After a period of time, will there be a new world realm-level monster in the darkness of the starry sky, and once that is done, what I and others will do in this period will become useless It's done! "


At this moment, there was a wave of divine power in the sea of ​​divine power below the two of them, and then a little bit of excitement appeared on their faces.

"Does Fang Caiyun send a message to me and two others? It is said that I and the other two only need to put the monsters of this world into the ocean of divine power? The power contained in this ocean of divine power can directly Destroy this monster? "

Elder Jianshan blinked and felt the fluctuations in the sea of ​​divine power, and some incredulously asked the elder of Qinglian Sect of another world.

"Yes, I just received the voice of Yun Suzerain in this ocean of divine power. This sea of ​​godly power that spreads the entire world of Tian Xuan is a clone of Yun Suzerain. I only received the voice of the two people Nothing can go wrong, indeed it should be a message from the Lord Yun to me and the other two. "

After receiving the voice from Yunchuan, the existence of these two Qinglian sword sect world realms is no longer hesitant, and no longer spends Yuanli to suppress this monster, but wraps this monster with sword gas and throws it into Deep in the ocean of divine power.

Goo Goo Goo Goo.

This fierce monster with the strength of the world is struggling fiercely, so that a large area of ​​the magical sea is constantly trembling, but the seawater of the magical sea and the enchantment surrounding the demon week are constantly offsetting and eroding each other.

However, compared with the huge ocean of divine power covering the entire world of Tian Xuan, the monsters in this world seem insignificant, and the elders of the two worlds of Elder Jianshan are constantly suppressing on the top. Now this monster is even If you want to escape, you can't do it. It's just that the half-pillar incense has less time, and the ocean of divine power has completely annihilated it, so that this monster cannot die.

And when this monster was completely annihilated, there was also a hazy light in this sea of ​​divine power. When this hazy light dissipated, the breath in this sea of ​​divine power also increased. A few minutes.

In the areas where other supermassages are located, many martial arts also received the voices from the Divine Ocean, and many of the previously indestructible monsters were directly thrown into the Divine Ocean, and by the Divine Ocean The divine power contained in it is annihilated.

Although the sea of ​​magic power is constantly annihilating many monsters, it has not decayed a bit. On the contrary, as time goes on, as the number of monsters invested in the sea of ​​magic power increases, so does the breath emitted by the sea of ​​magic power. It became more and more magnificent, and it was strengthened almost every day.

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