The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 405: Living together

Chapter 405 Living together

“Baby, the test paper is so that we can be admitted to the same university. I really don’t do it for anything else.”

Don't listen to promises.

She was angry.

As soon as Song Yi came back, he paid attention to other people. Just now he was flirting with each other, but now he became cold and cold.


Song Yi hugged Xu Nuo and coaxed in a low voice: "Baby, don't you want us to walk under the willow tree together, go to Panhu Lake together, and experience all the romance."

"I've been waiting for you to grow up."

Xu Nuonuo was shocked by that last sentence.

She is actually very easy to coax: "You accompany me on dates during the holidays. Accompany me to study in the library every day and you are not allowed to leave."


The two of them successfully ended up in the same school in college. When Xu Nuonuo was in military training, Song Yi prepared sunscreen and things to prevent heatstroke for her every day.

Incredibly considerate.

After a whole military training, Xu Nuo Nuo, as a little fairy, could not escape the curse of turning black. During that period, every time Song Yi came to see Nuonuo, Nuonuo would put on a mask.

Every girl hopes that even her hair will be fragrant in front of her beloved. Xu Nuo Nuo doesn’t want to be dark.

To be honest, Song Yi didn't care that much about whether she was black or not.

Because it still looks good.

Song Yi was particularly unhappy with Xu Nuo's perfunctory behavior for a period of time. When I found out the reason, I almost died laughing.

"In the future, when we are both old and our bodies are half buried in the earth, our faces will be covered with wrinkles. Will you dislike me?"

Song Yi asked this.

Xu Nuonuo thought about it, and probably not. So he shook his head.

He asked: "What's the question?"

She smiled and said, "Because then you will definitely be the most handsome old man on the street."

Song Yi smiled, "So why do you think I will dislike you? I would be happier if you were uglier, so that there will be fewer and fewer people who covet you."

"Ah! You actually want me to become ugly, you are so bad!"

Which girl doesn’t love beauty?

Song Yi immediately begged for mercy: "How can I give up? No matter twenty or fifty years, you will always be the most beautiful."

"When the time comes, we will show the marriage certificate to our children and grandchildren, so that they will know how well-matched our elders are."

During her sophomore year, Xu Nuonuo and Song Yi rented a house outside. The two of them chose to live together. Every time they waited for each other downstairs in the dormitory, they would attract a lot of people.

So they followed their hearts and chose to live together.

There is a strong wind blowing outside in May, and it is expected to rain heavily at night. Song Yi has already started working in his junior year.

This was the day they had just started living together. Xu Nuonuo took a bath first, and then after a busy day, Song Yi took out a bath towel from the room.

He had been living here for a while and went to the balcony to get some clothes. A drop of wind fell on the top of his hair. He looked up and saw wet cloth blown up by the wind outside the French window.

Xu Nuonuo was still watching TV and glanced at Song Yi, but following his gaze, her face suddenly turned red.

Although it is not that they have never touched each other, they have also shown it to each other. But Xu Nuo Nuo is still embarrassed.

Before reaching the final stage, Xu Nuonuo lived with him for the first time, and now Xu Nuonuo was particularly shy.

When the atmosphere goes wrong, I start to feel shy.

Since she had finished her meal in the evening and took a shower, she washed her underwear by hand. She hung them outside to dry, and they are still dripping.

And her little **** were still blowing around in the wind.

The air was eerily silent for a moment, and all you could hear was the wind blowing outside the window. The summer wind is not cool, and the rain brings with it the heat and stuffiness of summer. (End of this chapter)

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