Chapter 62 Fighting

 The things that really broke out were not these.

Two years ago, when He Rui went to pick up Song Yi, the most stubborn Song Yi was thin, with red eyes, cruel and helpless, like a wolf cub forced into a corner.

That time, Silence touched the letter left by Grandpa Song to Song Yi.

The old man had worked hard all his life, but his body collapsed when he was over fifty. He was looking forward to Song Yi's growth but had no time.

Later, I was almost hanging on the hospital bed relying on nutrient solution, with tubes all over my body, and my hand could no longer hold a pen, but I wrote ten letters home that were both letters of concern.

There were ten letters, all soaked in water. The paper was all smudged with ink, and not a single word could be read clearly.

Song Yi has always listened to Mr. Song's words and only opened the letter at a specific period, so he has only read one letter so far...

Shen Mo's so-called "sorry" completely angered Song Yi.

The young man's eyes were cold and gloomy. It was as if there was a ferocious beast hiding deep in those black pupils, and the reason inside was gradually collapsing.

Song Yi was so strong that he punched Shen Mo in the face. Mo Shen's face immediately turned black. Song Yi was so angry that he directly pressed his head and smashed it to the ground.

Shen Shen had almost no power to resist, or Shen Shen didn't even think about resisting. He wanted Song Yi to be destroyed, just like the time he "fell into the water" when he was young.

Song Yi was not as stupid as he was when he was eleven years old. He dragged Silence away and dragged him to the living room.

There was a fruit knife on the exquisite fruit platter. Song Yi barely paused for a moment and directly took the knife to stab Shen Silence.

Shen Mo, who had been beaten to bleeding, was frightened when he saw the knife. He just wanted Song Yi to bear some charges, not the charge of murder. He didn't want to die.

Of course Song Yi knew that he would not let Shen Mo receive so much good treatment after only being beaten once.

He would not give Silence another chance.

Even if Shen Mo wants to escape, he can't compare to Song Yi. The fruit knife stabbed crookedly and penetrated into Silence's chest, dripping with blood.

Shen Mo was pinched, and Song Yiyan arrived almost instantly, immediately sent Shen Shen to the hospital, and actually rescued him again.

The first reaction in Song Yi's mind was regret.

Mr. Song's first letter to Song Yi was to tell him to stop being impetuous and angry. Song Yi didn't regret it, and he still hasn't regretted it until now.

Later, Song Yiyan asked Song Yi to apologize and broke a very thick stick. Song Yi was stunned and didn't say a word: "It's impossible to apologize. If you have the ability, you can kill me."

Song Yiyan saw a piercing and wild look in his eyes at that time.

Later, he became furious. Although he suppressed the matter, he drove Song Yi directly to City C and had no contact with her for two years.

Who doesn't know that the letters left by Mrs. Song are Song Yi's fate? As a brother, He Rui doesn't even want to touch Song Yi.

Those letters and conspiracy theories were deliberately kept silent.

He Rui lamented deeply about Shen Mo's scheming and city government more than once. How could someone start planning these things at that age?

Song Yi put out his cigarette and looked much clearer. He leaned lazily on the sofa and opened his cell phone, and several messages popped up at once.

[Boss Song Yi, help, help, Nuonuo was taken away by a group of women, and even her cell phone was left with me. I don't know who to ask for help. Only you can help Nono. ]

His profile was as cold as ice, and his thin lips formed a sharp arc. The veins on his hands popped out, as if he was furious.

He Rui watched helplessly as Song Yi crushed the water glass in his right hand.


Mrs. Song went to the eminent monk specifically for Song Yi to ask for that water cup. The small words around the black water cup were all Buddhist inscriptions, and incense was also burned. This is something that is really hard to buy. (End of this chapter)

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