The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 112: Discuss raising funds to build roads

   At eight o'clock in the next morning, Zhao Haitao came over, and Ye Yaorong walked his home outside the village with him, the road that had already led to the national highway, and measured many narrow places.

With this amount, Ye Yaorong was a little bit stubborn. It is because the narrow road in the village is too long and too much. If the truck is going to pass, at least half of the road needs to be repaired. This is a big project, Zhao Haitao estimated. Even the simplest one is to allow excavators and medium-sized trucks to pass. The repair cost is no less than 400,000 yuan.

   This is more than Ye Yaorong’s money for digging the pond. Even if Ye Yaorong has some small savings now, it is not enough to repair the road and dig the pond. Even if it is calculated at the least, Ye Yaorong can become poor and white.

   "In fact, if you are building roads, you don't need to pay for it alone. You can find the village committee, or the village committee can help you solve this problem." Seeing Ye Yaorong frowned and didn't speak, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Zhao Haitao said.

   "This time I really troubled Master Zhao. I can only put aside the pond repair work. I will ask the village committee to see how to solve the road problem."

   Ye Guangrong said with some embarrassment. After all, Master Zhao had been busy for most of the day, and as a result, the business could not be done, and Ye Yaorong felt a bit sorry for him.

"Brother Ye, what are you talking about? Although I can't do your business now, it doesn't mean we can't do it in the future. Besides, if your village wants to build this road, won't my job come again? "Zhao Haitao said with a smile.

   "I have to go to the village committee and the old village chief to make a total of this matter. I hope the village can help solve this problem."

   Ye Guangrong said. In such a situation, Ye Yaorong could only put the matter of building the pond first, and when the road matter was resolved, he would consider the matter of the pond.

   After bidding farewell to Zhao Haitao, Ye Yaorong walked directly to the village committee.

   "How about the contact about the excavator?" Ye Yaorong asked as soon as he walked into the village committee.

   Ye Xianghai has been a village secretary and secretary in Taoyuan Village for more than ten years. He basically stayed in the village committee for most of the time. The village committee has become his second home.

   "Uncle Tianming is here too."

   Ye Guangrong said to another person in the village committee office. This person is called Ye Tianming, an accountant in the village. He used to be a substitute teacher for the elementary school in the township. However, in the past few years, the country’s education policy changed and substitute teachers like him also withdrew from the stage of history. To put it bluntly, they were laid off. , And now farming at home.

   "Glory, listen to the village chief saying that you need to dig a pond for breeding, that's not bad." Ye Tianming said with a smile.

   "Uncle Tianming, don't mention it. I have a headache when mentioning this. No, I came to the village committee for help." Ye Yaorong said with a depressed expression.

   "What's wrong? Difficulties?" Ye Xianghai asked suspiciously.

   "Yes, I contacted the excavator and the truck, but people can't get in on the road in our village. It's not that I have no choice but to come to the village committee." Ye Yaorong said helplessly.

   "Dizzy, why did I forget this stubble, the road in our village really can't get into the excavator."

   Ye Xianghai also remembered at this time that the broken road in his village was indeed too narrow, and even bigger cars could not get in. He never thought of this last time.

"I asked Master Zhao, and he said that if you only want to repair the road to the point where the excavator and truck can be driven into, it will cost at least 400,000 yuan. I can't do anything with that amount of money, so I can only ask the village committee for help." Glory said.

   "The village chief, I think this road in our village really needs to be repaired, and it is really inconvenient in many cases." Ye Tianming said.

   "I also know that, in fact, I wanted to build the road in the village a long time ago. It's not because the village has no money."

   Old Village Chief Ye said helplessly. If you want to get rich, you need to build the road first. The old village chief Ye Xianghai also understands that the key is to build this road. It costs hundreds to 800,000 yuan. There is not so much money in the village.

"Village chief, the village committee does not necessarily have to pay for road construction. I have heard that in many places, villagers raise funds to build roads. We can also raise funds to build roads. In this way, the villagers contribute part of the road and the village committee pays. One part, the village head, you go to the town to fight for another part, isn't that enough?" Ye Tianming suggested.

   "Uncle Tianming's proposal is good, as long as the village is willing to build roads, I would like to fund 100,000 yuan." Ye Guangrong said immediately.

After all, in Ye Yaorong's view, the road is repaired, and the benefits to him are the greatest. No matter if he is engaged in breeding or planting in the future, this transportation is inseparable. You can't drive your own electric tricycle. Can't get many goods.

   "Are the villagers willing to pay?" the old village chief asked suspiciously.

"It will definitely be. There are not a few people in the village who complain about bad roads in the village these years. There are also people who go out from the village. Some people are very rich now. You can also ask them to raise some funds. Then, we will also To build a road monument, the more people donate, the more their names are in front. I think this will also make the villagers more enthusiastic.” Ye Tianming suggested. Worthy of being a teacher, he has more knowledge and ideas than the old village chief.

   "This is a good idea. It is better if you have a lot of ideas tomorrow. That's it. At night, gather the villagers to have a meeting to discuss fundraising and road construction." The old village chief said directly.

"Villagers pay attention, now there is a very important thing to announce. At 7 o'clock this evening, all the villagers will go to the village committee for a meeting. At least one person who can be the head of each family must come to the meeting. Say it again, at 7 o'clock this evening. Zhong, all villagers go to the village committee for a meeting."

   The old village chief turned on the broadcast of the village committee, and the loudspeakers in the village heard the voice of the old village chief Ye Xianghai. These big speakers were installed in every corner of the village in the 1960s and 1970s. UU Reading guarantees that the village’s broadcast can be heard by the entire village.

   Although half a century has passed, these big speakers and radio stations in the village are still functioning normally. I have to say that the quality of the products half a century ago is very good.

   At seven o'clock in the evening, a large group of people came to the village committee. Basically, at least one person came from each house. In some cases, the whole family arrived, concentrated at the entrance of the house.

   The so-called field houses are large houses in the village where some public facilities are placed. There are wheat strippers, two-meter-high high-power electric fans, and some equipment that everyone needs publicly when the farming is busy. Some festive props such as lion heads and dragon frames are also placed here. .

   Seeing that everyone is almost here, the old village chief began to speak: "This time I called everyone to the meeting to talk about one thing. As for whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. It's up to everyone to judge."

   Everyone looked at each other, not understanding how the old village chief started with this tone, and stopped for a while to whisper and whisper, and the audience was silent.

   are all waiting to hear what the old village chief has to say. Who said that people in the countryside have no disciplined surnames? That was when no prestigious person spoke.

If there is a young man speaking on the stage, even if you are very rich, the people who listen to the lecture may whisper to your face, but if there is a person of great prestige on the stage, even a poor old man can control the audience. atmosphere.

Therefore, in many rural areas, a person’s prestige is often more convincing than money, and the old village head Ye Xianghai has been the village head and village secretary for more than ten years. The prestige in the hearts of the villagers is really no one. And.

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