The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 132: 200,000 bonus

"You have watched too much in a romance movie, and you still agree with you? You think it's a TV series."

Ye Yaorong looked at his woman speechlessly and said. Her imagination is too rich. If this is really a life-saving grace, if she has to promise her, wouldn't it be impossible for her to have five more wives.

"How can it be impossible, I am!" Liu Qingqing said looking at Ye Yaorong.

"Why, when you marry me, you don't like me, but repay your gratitude. It's too sad." Ye Yaorong said with a sad expression on his face.

"Just like you were before, I wouldn't marry you if it weren't for the gratitude." Liu Qingqing said with a glance at Ye Yaorong.

"Then, do you regret marrying me now?" Ye Yaorong asked Liu Qingqing, hugging Liu Qingqing tightly.

"No, I don’t regret it. I feel very fortunate to marry you. Although you had so many problems before, now you have changed. You are my most beloved man and the man of my life. I will not leave. Yours, I will never regret marrying you." Liu Qingqing said, looking at Ye Yaorong affectionately.

"Now even if you regret it, it's too late. I won't let you leave me." Ye Yaorong said, hugging his woman tightly.

"Well, husband, do you know? Every time I am in your arms, I feel safe and happy." Liu Qingqing said, leaning against Ye Yaorong's arms.

"Really, I open my mind to you every day, and I won't charge you." Ye Yaorong smiled and said with his arms around Liu Qingqing.


Liu Qingqing tickled his man's body non-compliantly.

"Okay, okay, watch TV and watch TV." Ye Yaorong was a little ticklish, and quickly avoided his woman's hand.

"Huh, do you dare to make fun of me in the future?" Liu Qingqing said happily.

"Dear viewers, although we don’t know who this unsung hero is, we have to thank him for saving six young lives. With the rapid development of material civilization, the people increasingly neglect the construction of spiritual civilization, like this There are fewer and fewer people who do good things without leaving a name."

"Just now, our program received a call from the municipal government. The municipal government plans to give out 200,000 Chinese coins to reward the unknown hero, to promote the spirit of daring to sacrifice oneself and save others in society. If that unknown hero If you are in front of the TV now, please unplug the two phone numbers on the screen and contact the "Xiao Li Talking About" column group."

"It's time for the end of this episode, viewers in front of the TV, we will see you in the next issue of'Xiao Li Says Things'."

When the TV broadcasts here, the episode of "Xiao Li Says Things" is over, leaving the audience in front of the TV with questions about who the unknown hero is.

"My wife, there is a bonus of 200,000 yuan!" Ye Yaorong said happily. No one is too small for money.

"There is a 200,000 bonus, but it won't be so easy to get. You have to be on TV and promote positive energy to get it." Liu Qingqing said.

"On TV, forget it, it's a pity that this is 200,000."

Ye Yaorong said distressedly. Ye Yaorong was also very afraid of going on TV, because Ye Yaorong knew in his heart where so many abilities came from. If he got on TV, it would arouse a lot of people's attention. If there is too much attention, it is easy to go wrong.

After all, Ye Yaorong himself has no way to explain why he has so many talents. As for the "lazy system" in his mind, it is absolutely impossible to say, otherwise Ye Yaorong suspects that he will be arrested as a non-human being. The dissected sections are used for research.

Thinking of such a terrible scene, the two hundred thousand in Ye Yaorong's eyes, it is simply a reminder, how dare Ye Yaorong go get it.

"Husband, don't you want these two hundred thousand?"

Liu Qingqing originally thought that he had to talk about it in order to get rid of his man to get the 200,000 bonus. Who knew that he was only saying that he was going to be on TV for publicity, and his man immediately retreated.

"Isn't this going to be on TV? You see that your man is so capable and attractive. What if there are so few women who like me and want to chase me?" Ye Yaorong said.

"It's easy to handle. There are so many rooms in the house. There is no problem living with three or five women at random." Liu Qingqing said while looking at his man with a smile.

"Isn't it because your wife made me look up? There is no woman as beautiful as a wife, and I still look down on your husband." Ye Yaorong said confidently.

"You still think about beauty, and you want to marry a beautiful girl like me. I tell you that there is none." Liu Qingqing said with a blank look at his man.

"That said, I can only grow old with my wife in this life." Ye Guangrong said with a helpless expression of pity.

"Okay, you still want to grow old with others and watch and fight." Liu Qingqing picked up the bedside pillow and patted Ye Yaorong.

"Murder your husband..." I immediately got up on the bed. Fortunately, the bed was big enough, more than two meters wide, enough for two people to mess around.

"Don't run, let me hit, just one." Liu Qingqing chased after holding the pillow.

"Lady, the father-in-law is wrong, please spare me."

"Do you know what's wrong?"

A game of men and women chasing for mercy was staged in the bedroom...


At nine o'clock the next morning, Ye Yaorong delivered the zithers and pianos he ordered from the "Huayuan Musical Instrument Workshop". Because it was said yesterday, Ye Yaorong was waiting outside the yard, so these delivery installation workers We did not encounter obstacles from "Xiaobai" and "Wangcai".

Both the piano and the guzheng were placed in the room that was cleaned up yesterday. From now on, this room will be the concert hall of Ye Guangrong's house.

Although it looks very simple, both Ye Yaorong and Liu Qingqing are very satisfied.

Waiting for piano

After the installation was completed and the installation workers were sent away, it was already eleven o'clock. Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing simply cooked two dishes, casually paid attention to lunch, and could not wait to walk to their concert hall. Both of them have itchy hands and both want to play a song.

"Husband, do you come first, or me first?" Liu Qingqing asked while looking at her course it’s my wife, you come first, isn’t there a song called'Wife is the Biggest', since you The biggest, of course you go first. "Ye Yaorong said with a smile.

"Hate, I'll just play "Lovesick" for that husband."

Sitting in front of this piano, Liu Qingqing gently opened the wooden cover on the keys, revealing the black and white keys inside.

Liu Qingqing’s thin fingers danced on the black and white Qinjian, and a beautiful piece of music followed Liu Qingqing’s fingers...

The sweet, lonely bitter, colorful, transparent, and intoxicating poetry of the encounter belongs to everyone's musical love song!

Bring you back to your first love, dream home, dream back to the morning dew of life, and rest in the arms of Qin Yin-pure piano sound, telling the infinite love.

The elegant piano performance evokes Ye Rongrong’s fond memories of the places he once loved


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