The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 174: Thief

   "Have you heard of that? Ye Guangrong's big snakehead fish is worth one million!"

   "Why haven't I heard of it, the village chief has led people to Ye Yaorong's house, and I don't know what Ye Yaorong thinks, but he won't sell it for a million."

   "Yes, one million, you can buy a good house in a big city."

   "I don't know if this kid Ye Rongrong was out of shit, how come this kind of money-gathering happened to him."

   "What happened to me, I don't know which silly boy Ye Guangrong has a problem. I don't sell it for a million. You said that you have fun. Have you ever seen such a stupid person?"

   "I heard people say that at the time the village chief was all mad at Ye Yaorong."

   "One million, I can't sleep even thinking about it."


   The next day, the fact that the big snakehead fish of Ye Guangrong's family was worth one million was spread in Taoyuan Village, and even many people in the outer village knew about it.

  Many people from other villages come to Taoyuan Village specifically to see what a million-dollar snakehead fish looks like and why it is so valuable.

   This can make Ye Yaorong to death. These people come and make the inside and outside of Ye Guangrong Academy very lively. Ye Yaorong, who wants to lead a quiet life, is uneasy.

Among these people, some are from the village, some are from nearby villages, and even people who have moved out of Taoyuan Village come back to watch the excitement. Many of these people have some relatives with Ye Yaorong’s family, and some are still relatives. A relative that Ye Yaorong didn't even know.

These people are here, let’s not talk about anything else, you always want a glass of water for people, there are people who like to hold themselves to gossip with Qingqing, so that Ye Yaorong and Liu Qingqing will not listen, no The solution is that people are elders. Although they are far away and have no contact, they are still relatives and elder relatives. Even if they are impatient, they have to listen to the parents.

   Ye Yaorong really regretted not selling the guy "Blackhead".

   Fortunately, three or five days passed, and the number of people who came to see the freshness gradually disappeared, and Ye Guangrong's family was considered calm again.

   In the bedroom of Ye Guangrong's house at night.

   "My wife, I'm exhausted. Tomorrow you will post a note to me in the yard with the four characters'decline to visit'."

   Ye Guangrong lay on the bed weakly and said to Liu Qingqing.

   "Hehe, husband, today is already pretty good, so aunt Qian came here, and after waiting for the freshness, no one should come." Liu Qingqing smiled and pressed Ye Yaorong's shoulder and said.

"Come on, next time this Aunt Qian comes, you just say I'm not here, I'm afraid of her, I'm so good at it, from my grandfather's generation to my father, I told me for more than four hours , She’s not tired, I’m tired of listening."

   Ye Guangrong spit out bitter water and said. This Auntie Qian was a former villager. When Ye Yaorong was a child, she often came to Ye Yaorong's house. She was very close to Ye Yaorong's mother.

   This time, I heard people say that Ye Yaorong’s family raised a giant snakehead fish worth one million, so he happily came from the county seat to see the freshness.

Snakehead fish looks just like that. After watching it for a few minutes, there is no interest. So she took Ye Rongrong and his wife to reminisce for a whole afternoon. If it wasn't for the dark, she would go home to cook dinner. I have to talk to Ye Yaorong and his wife Bingzhuye.

   "Auntie Qian is a nice person, but she's too good at talking." Seeing his man's depressed look, Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

   "People are good, but this mouth is too good at talking, I am really afraid of her, I have never met someone who can talk like this." Ye Yaorong said helplessly.

   "My husband, the fact that the'blackhead' is worth a million has been spread in the village, and it is not a problem to let it be stocked on the small pond outside the yard." Liu Qingqing frowned and said.

   "You are right, but the big pond has not been dug out yet, and there is no place to put the big guy "blackhead". For the time being, this can only be done. When the big pond is built, you can put it in."

Ye Yaorong also has a headache. Ye Yaorong doesn’t want to be like that. People always come to see what these million snakehead fish look like, but for such a big snakehead fish, there is really no place to house it except the pond outside the yard. I can only wait for the big pond at home to be dug.

   "This can only be done." Liu Qingqing also has no good way.

   "My wife, don't say anything, go to sleep."

   Ye Guangrong gave his wife a look that you know, and said.

   "Hate, didn't you say you are tired?" Liu Qingqing said with a blank look at his man.

   "I was very tired just now, now, I am superman." After speaking, Ye Yaorong rushed towards Liu Qingqing.

   "Take it lightly, it hurts me..."


   At twelve o'clock that night, the entire Taoyuan village had fallen into a deep sleep. Not far from Liye Glory House, eight or nine black shadows of Chu Chuo Yingying gathered.

   They came over two ridges from the Yanshan Village next door to the east. Instead of walking through the middle of the village, they came along the foot of the mountain, so none of the local dogs in the village barked.

   The lights in the courtyard of Ye Yaorong’s family were also off. After all, it was so late, Ye Yaorong and Liu Qingqing were used to going to bed early.

Headed by    was the ruffian Ye Rongtao in Ye Guangrong Village, but he was not the leader of this group of people, the leader of this group was a bald man.

   This bald man is a villager in Yanshan Village, a neighboring village. He is a famous ruffian from Shiliba Township. He was arrested for stealing and intentionally hurting people. He has been in prison for several years.

   After he got out of the prison, he didn't do any proper work either. He just gathered the ruffians from several nearby villages, and even engaged in sneaky activities.

   No, these days, I heard that Ye Yaorong’s family raised a snakehead fish worth 1 million. "Baldhead" was tempted. After gathering a group of partners and discussing it, there was action for the night.

A group of "bald heads" gathered together and discussed. Two people came towards Ye Yaorong's yard, and four of them went up to the edge of the pond. They were still holding the fisherman in their hands. However, the two people touched in the direction of the There were still two people left on the spot to let the wind go. A total of nine people came. Seeing this posture is not just as simple as stealing snakehead fish.

   The "King Kong" family was lying in the front hut of the front yard, and saw two small thieves who entered the front yard groaning from their throats.

   The two gangsters didn't take it seriously, and slowly approached, and when they reached the appropriate distance, they threw the corn that they prepared in their hands to the house where the "King Kong" family lived.

   These "thieves" have already figured out the situation of Ye Guangrong's house. Two big wild boars and five small wild boars are outside the yard, a puppy and an old dog are inside the yard.

   So these "thieves" have already figured out how to deal with these animals. In their opinion, no matter how smart animals are, they won't understand what medicine is in food.

It's a pity that the two thieves underestimated the IQ of the "King Kong" family. The corn they threw over, "King Kong" and "Black Girl" did not even look at them. Where did the two of them have seen this kind of battle and they were directly attacked. Down, with a scream, I couldn't move.

   The two were almost not frightened, one cried directly, and the other was not much better, so scared that he couldn't shout out, he shook his whole body.

The four thieves who were going to the pond turned around in fright and joked. This is a big wild boar weighing more than 500 catties, and a wild boar weighing more than 300 catties. If they attack, four people It's not an opponent at all. If you are bitten to death, you will really die unjustly.

Originally, these scumbags had no loyalty to speak of. The catastrophe must be all kinds of flying, where can you take care of your own Welcome to read the latest, fastest and hottest serial works. At mobile phone users please go to read.

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