The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 198: Threat

"No, you can't go."

Chen Nan saw that Ye Xiaojuan was really determined to leave, and he stopped acting as a good person. It was easy when he came, but not so easy if he wanted to leave.

"Why, didn't you say that you can come and go freely?" Ye Xiaojuan said angrily.

"You can leave. Give me the training fee."

Old God Chen Nan said to the ground. This is my own territory, I still can't figure out Ye Xiaojuan's failure.

"What training fee?" Ye Xiaojuan asked suspiciously.

"It's the cost of those lecturers who gave you classes in these days. Originally, a class fee of 3,000 yuan was charged, because all the money was borne by the company, and no such high training fees were required from you. Now that you have to withdraw halfway, the company’s losses will be great. Of course you will have to bear the training costs."

"I'll do the math for you. Well, you have been here for almost a month, and the training has not been less than a dozen times. This does not include the individual counseling for you. The cost of individual counseling is higher. Forget it, it depends on your appearance. Those from the countryside don’t have much money, so let’s pay 100,000 yuan for training."

Chen Nan pinched a finger and said. As for the so-called high training fees, these people can’t get it. As long as someone joins this gang, they must pay such a high training fee if they want to withdraw.

Many people call this "redemption fee". If you can't pay this high training fee, then you have to listen to the story of the boss ~ Xiao.

"You are blackmail."

Ye Xiaojuan was fainted with anger, and now Ye Xiaojuan really regretted that she had listened to her classmates and joined such a gang. He really told Brother Glory that this is not a criminal gang, what it is.

"How can you say blackmail? Didn't you participate in the company's training? The company has invested money. This is for return. If you leave without saying a word, the company will suffer a big loss. You think this is a play Home, just go if you want, come if you want."

"If everyone is like you. How can you bring this team? It's really unpopular now, the team is getting harder and harder to bring."

Chen Nan shook his head and said. The look of Ye Xiaojuan's fixation, even now Chen Nan's look at Ye Xiaojuan no longer hides anything, revealing Chi Lou Lou's desire ~ hope.


After all, Ye Xiaojuan is a young girl who just left school. Chen Nan said that except for her anger, she didn't know what to do.

"Xiaojuan, let me come."

Ye Yaorong patted Ye Xiaojuan on the shoulder. Signaled Ye Xiaojuan to retreat behind him.

The reason why Ye Yaorong hadn't said anything just now was to let Ye Xiaojuan know the ugly faces of these people who made the story.

Let her clearly realize who these so-called leaders and lecturers who care about her and guide her are, and let her know more that she was deceived.


Ye Xiaojuan obediently retreated behind Ye Yaorong. At this time, Ye Xiaojuan could only rely on her brother Honor.

"I just ask, Ye Xiaojuan's money, mobile phone and ID card. Are you still going to pay it back?" Ye Yaorong stared at Chen Nan and asked.

"Why, you still dare to threaten me not."

Chen Nan looked at Ye Yaorong disdainfully and said. A country boy who has never seen the world before. I have come to Xianshui, and dare to be so arrogant. I really can't treat this place as his hometown.

You are a dragon in Nanshui, and you have to lie on your stomach.

"I threatened you, what's wrong?"

Ye Yaorong said unceremoniously. For those who engage in biography ~ Xiao. Ye Yaorong hated it very much. He didn't know that people were ruined because of Xiao Xiao.

"Boy, see if you don’t understand the situation. Where is this? This is Xianshui. It’s our territory, but it’s not a place where you want to go wild. I tell you, today you don’t want to get your money back. Don't want to leave."

Chen Nan said arrogantly. In the entire place of Nanshui, there are no less than one hundred key figures in the biography of Xiao Xiao. There are hundreds of thugs, and there are thousands of people from the bottom of Xiao. Water is the home base of Huaxia Chuan~Xiao.

In this way, Ye Yaorong was so arrogant in the base camp, he was not looking for death, what was it, when he beat him half to death, and let Ye Xiaojuan, a pretty chick, beg for himself, hehe, at that time what she wanted her to do, she couldn’t be surprised Listen to yourself.

Thinking about Miss Ye's beautiful face and the figure that made her want to be unfaithful, Chen Nan couldn't wait, and even Chen Nan was thinking about embracing Ye Xiaojuan in the house now.

"Really? Believe it or not, I will make you half dead now." Ye Guangrong picked up the kid Chen Nan.

"You, what are you...doing?"

Chen Nan, who was picked up by Ye Yaorong like a chicken, said with some fear. Chen Nan, who was a little over 1.6 meters tall, was picked up like a chicken by Ye Yaorong, who was a little over 1.8 meters tall. With both feet on the air, Chen Nan suddenly realized the gap between him and Ye Yaorong. He was not at all like this. Opponents of farmers.

"What do you think, return the money and mobile phone to Xiao Juan, or I'll hit you down, believe it or not." Ye Yaorong said viciously.

Ye Rongrong didn't want to make things too big either. Ye Rongrong didn't think he was a savior. In addition to taking Ye Xiaojuan away, Ye Yaorong didn't want to be nosy.

After all, this is someone's territory, it's really getting louder. Ye Yaorong doesn't know how many people there are. The official background is not strong or not. With Ye Xiaojuan, Ye Yaorong is still a little bit uncertain.

So as long as Chen Nan returned Ye Xiaojuan's mobile phone, money and ID card to Ye Xiaojuan, Ye Yaorong turned around and left with Ye Xiaojuan.

Ye Yaorong believed that after this incident, Ye Xiaojuan would not be so easily deceived in the future, and that people should become much more mature.

"Money, money is not with me, it is all handed in. The mobile phone is in the house, I will give it to you."

Chen Nan said with some fear, because Chen Nan could see from Ye Yaorong's eyes that this Ye Yaorong was not telling a joke, it was really possible that he might hit himself unsuccessfully.

"Go and get Ye Xiaojuan's cell phone out for me, and then call me to give you back and return Ye Xiaojuan's money."

Ye Yaorong thought for a while and said. Ye Yaorong also knows that it's this kind of mode of surrendering that Xiaojuan's money, the bulk of Ye Xiaojuan's money must be on Chen Nan's online, perhaps in his online online.

Now Ye Yaorong can only wait. After all, he promised Ye Xiaojuan to take the money. The process may be a little troublesome, but in order to make Ye Xiaojuan fully aware of the abhorrence of this biography, Ye Yaorong had to take some risks.

Of course, Ye Yaorong still has a bit of confidence. With his current physique, plus Tai Chi, iron cloth shirts, and intermediate acupuncture, even if he comes to dozens of big men, Ye Yaorong can still take Ye Xiaojuan away. .

"Why are you stunned, don't you beat him up yet."

After being put down by Ye Yaorong, Chen Nan immediately moved away from Ye Yaorong. After reaching a distance that he thought was safe, he shouted at the other people in the room.

Chen Nan felt that the kid Ye Yaorong had a little bit stronger. In his own room, six or seven adult men should have no problem defeating Ye Yaorong.

On January 8, 2016, "The System of Native Lazy People" was released. Thanks to the following friends for their rewards:

Half past one

Crazy Kong Ming

Canghai Nebula Chu Fei

King Imp

In the cup? Residual wine

Smoke d'

When the wind blows

Xuanyuan Invincible★




Book Sword-Laugh

God Demon

t method

Do not bully the mountain or the water

Local folks

Wu Ai Lingxia

Stormy season

Zhang Jinbin

Big Bad Wolf 00.

Eternal night

Sprinkle salt on the wound

Small gifts

Happy life

Book Friends 1016125840

The loneliness of potatoes 1 (to be

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