The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 696 The True Hero, Xia Yan! (triple)

Dragon of truth, Reshiram!

A true hero, Xia Yan!

"Mr. Xia Yan, that's Mr. Xia Yan!" Kalita grabbed the arm of her mother Jiang Ta excitedly, indescribably excited.

Although the new "true heroes" are not from their "people of the land".

But the appearance of a new hero still made her very excited.

Jiang Ta grabbed Kalita's hand and squeezed it hard.

Slightly stagnant breathing.

Riding the white dragon in pursuit of the truth and guiding people to the true direction is the true hero.

I didn't expect to see this scene in my lifetime.

Deredo knelt on the ground blankly.

What Xia Yan didn't know was that when Reshiram was testing him, he was also testing Deredo.

But Rashiram's explanation to Deredo was

【Your goal can be real. 】

Simply explain it.

You barely got my approval. If there is no Xia Yan, you can become a new hero, but with Xia Yan, I can only be sorry.

It's very real.

And Reshiram's choice undoubtedly destroyed Deredo's original firm belief.

His plan to save the "Land of the Earth" was dismantled to pieces.

"Could it be... Am I really wrong?"

Thinking of the tribes he saw living in the barren "land of the land" when he traveled, he had a huge self-doubt for a while.

Not only these informed "people of the land", but all the residents and tourists in Ain Okdor at the moment are staring at Reshiram who is like a white cloud but emitting soft white light in the sky.

They still know the legendary beast.

Among them, there are also some people with more flexible thinking. They immediately took out their mobile phones to take photos and uploaded them to the official website of the alliance.

for a while.

The name of the real hero Xia Yan once again spread throughout the Internet.

Not only the residents of the Hezhong area were shocked by this, but all the areas, from the Four Heavenly Kings to ordinary residents, were all shocked by this.

A real beast!

A mythical beast that can be ridden by humans!

Right at Xia Yan's feet.

Various such as "Mr. Xia Yan is awesome", "I would like to call it the strongest", "Mr. Xia Yan is dancing", "Be a man riding Lashiram", "I will be his son", "I will Give him monkeys" and so on, there are so many comments.

In short.

Originally, after Xia Yan won the runner-up in the "Ling Lan Youth Competition", his fame suddenly rose, but as time went by, his popularity slowly declined.

After announcing the identity of "Dodo Bird", its popularity skyrocketed again, involving two levels of trainers and researchers, but the popularity came and went quickly. After all, it did not involve as many people as the "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition".

But this time.

Xia Yan's popularity has skyrocketed again, covering not only some trainers and researchers, but also more ordinary people!

After searching for Xia Yan's identity, it is not difficult to find out his civilian origin.

And such an identity made it very difficult for Xia Yan to struggle in the league, but it became the best "weapon" in terms of gaining recognition.

In short.

The official website of the alliance was almost paralyzed again due to the large number of traffic and comments.

And with the development of time, most of the comments gradually began to digress.

for example.

"Mr. Xia Yan is mighty! You are worthy of being from Okandu!"

"Asshole from Kanto, don't say that you are from Kanto as soon as you see a powerful person, the owner of Xia Yan is the owner of our Sinnoh!"

"What Kanto, Sinnoh, don't you see that Mr. Xia Yan is the real hero of our people?"

"Just to put it mildly, Mr. Xia Yan is the honorary consultant of our Fengyuan Dewen Company."

"Chengdu: Let's chat."


Standing on the balcony of "Sword of the Earth", Watari opened his mouth and looked at his best friend riding on Reshiram's back.

The powerful energy of the dragon energy rushing towards his face made him not know what to say for a moment.

Just looking at Xia Yan's calm (pretentious) appearance, Du blinked.

Say something.

Have you seen this movement of holding the hat before?


I can't remember all of a sudden.


Du took out his phone, took a photo, and sent it to their group.

【The Most Handsome Dragon Envoy】: (picture.jpg) Xia Yan.

Then he happily turned off the phone.

After waiting for a result to be discussed in the group, he went to harvest the fruits.

Du is still very smart.

And at this moment.

What about Xia Yan who caused a huge sensation?

Sitting on Reshiram's back, what he wants to say most now is

Much more comfortable than the ultimate green caterpillar!

The cloud-like soft white hair is much more comfortable to the touch than Ray Kongza's hard scales.

Xia Yan couldn't help touching it twice more.

Lugging cats and Ibrahimovic is not as handsome as stroking Rashiram.


Victini nestled into Reshiram's thick ground hair, moaning comfortably.

It's so comfortable too.

Reshiram turned his head blankly.


Xia Yan coughed softly, and withdrew his hand that was about to rub its soft hair.

"Reshiram, I want to remove the barrier that binds little V."

Rashiram nodded.

Bear! !

A crimson flame ignited in the torch-like structure at its tail, and then opened its mouth, and two balls of flames spit out from its mouth.

The flames drew two beautiful arcs in the air.

Through the balcony and windows of the "Sword of the Earth", shoot into the "Sword of the Earth".

boom--! !

The two flames met and collided at the altar. The terrifying power directly ignored the defensive barrier set up by the altar, and together with the operating energy contained in it, they were destroyed and burned to nothing.

Staggered flames!

One of Reshiram's exclusive moves!

Standing on the balcony, Du clung to the wall, holding his breath.

For a moment just now, he thought the flame was going to kill him.

It wasn't until the scorching breath gradually faded that Du let out a long breath.

Turn to look at the inner hall.

The pupils shrank involuntarily.

The damage caused by such a powerful and terrifying flame must be extremely terrifying.


At this time, except for the altar in the center that was completely turned into powder, there was no change in any other structures in the inner hall.

Terrible control!

With the explosion.

Xia Yan looked towards the stone pillars all around Ain Okdor.

The faint super power flowing on it instantly dimmed, and quickly dissipated and faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The barrier has been destroyed!


Victini's feeling is the most obvious, it can clearly feel that the shackles restricting it have been lifted.

"Little V, there will be nothing to restrict you in the future." Xia Yan said with a smile.


Victini nodded vigorously, blinked one eye, and made a "V" victory gesture with his fingers.

[I also have one thing to do. 】

Reshiram's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Hearing this, Xia Yan gradually restrained his smile.


Reshiram nodded slightly.

[Although neither Zekrom nor I like it very much, it is undeniable that we are one, and it is also an important existence for us. 】

The "Three Dragons of the Way" are originally one.

And as a body, Kyurem is even more special.

If it can obtain the "Fusion Magic Card" in Xia Ka's hand, it will be able to freely use the power of Ssangyong.

It is not a good thing for Yu Xiayan to let the plasma team control Kyurem.


Reshiram was still a little worried about Team Plasma's technology if he was left alone.

Since they can make Kyurem lose control of his anger, it also means that they may have the ability to influence Reshiram.

"Okay, I happen to have subordinates who have agreed." Xia Yan said.

[Subordinates? 】

Xia Yanchao's ability extended.


Four Frisbee-shaped Genesects formed a straight line, fell from the air, and surrounded Xia Yan's side.

【This is.】

Seeing Genesect, Reshiram was stunned.

Even Reshiram didn't know the elves from 300 million years ago, and Genosakt was transformed by Akromar, and his appearance has changed a lot.

"Genosect, their leader is under the control of the group that is attacking Kyurem at this time, and it is very likely that they have become a member of the fight against Kyurem. And I have promised them to help They rescued their leaders and brought them home."

The eyes of the four Genesects flickered.

They thought that Xia Yan, the temporary leader, would make them wait for a long time, but they didn't expect it to be so soon.

And following Xia Yan during this time, not only did he eat well and sleep well, but he also gained a kind of respect that he had never felt before, from his superiors to his subordinates.

It was this respect that made the Genesects willing to serve Xia Yan.

Reshiram took a deep look at Xia Yan who was smiling all over his face.

No wonder this person is related to so many beasts.

[Perhaps, the truth is not all about you. 】

Hearing this, Xia Yan was startled.

What's the meaning?

Zekrom, can we also try to communicate?


Thinking of his behavior of wanting to crush the "Dark Stone" the first time he saw it.

Forget it.

"Come on, Reshiram."


In the blue sky, Reshiram flapped his wings and went straight to the sky to wait for Qiongyu, soaring above the nine heavens.

Du stood on the balcony and opened his mouth.

Did Xia Yan forget me?

At this moment, Xia Yan, who was flying smoothly above the stratosphere, looked calm.

He also suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something.

But look at Reshiram, the Victini rolling deep in its feathers, and the four Genesects following Reshiram side by side, all ready, not forgetting anything.


"Leshiram, and little V, these are some energy cubes that I made myself that can restore the state. Since there may be a battle, it is necessary to ensure the state."

Forget about the most important part of building a good relationship.

The skill has regressed, not as good as Pokkisi.

Xia Yan took out the energy cubes and handed them to several elves.

After Victini took a bite, his eyes lit up instantly.

Although the energy cube is not as delicious as macarons and ice cream, the energy in it and the taste that is more suitable for elves make it immediately put this thing on the same level as macarons and ice cream.

【tasty. 】

Reshiram was also very honest, and expressed his satisfaction with the energy cube Xia Yan handed over.

"Reshiram, I have a doubt." Seeing that Reshiram was in a good mood, Xia Yan took the opportunity to say.

【Please say. 】

"The friend who came up with me before, doesn't he have the qualifications for recognition?"

Reshiram pondered for a while, hesitated, but finally said:

【He is very good, with reality and ideal intertwined in his heart, but I think he is more suitable for my younger brother, Zekrom. 】

Xia Yan was stunned.

The great ideal and lofty ambition in Du's heart is to change the current system of the alliance, which may indeed be closer to Zekrom.


Give him the "Dark Stone" next time?

Think of crossing.

"I have one more thing." Xia Yan smacked his mouth with a slightly embarrassed expression.

【Um? 】

"Go back, I forgot to call him."

Rashiram: .

"Akromar, how many times have you tried, but you still can't fully control it?"

Wearing Quecchis, which had been thickened by an unknown number of layers, came to the laboratory in the [Plasma Destroyer].

Seeing the white mist coming out of his mouth continuously, but his eyes full of excitement, Akromar seemed to be boiling with blood all over his body, he couldn't help frowning and asked.

"783 times."

Akromar didn't even say a word.

【Plasma Destroyer】Fly high.

Needless to say, although Kyurem is strong, it cannot fly. This is its biggest shortcoming.

Gulardo: Oh hoo?

But even so, the cold air seeping up from below made the temperature in the entire ship too low.

The one who can still guarantee enthusiasm is probably Akromar.

Lian Queqisi already wanted to give up a little bit.

Hearing the number given by Akromar, Quecchis made a decision instantly.

"Give up this operation, Akromar! Kyurem is not so easy to control." Queches said in a deep voice.

"I see!"

Akromar didn't show his dismay and unwillingness when he heard that he gave up the experiment as usual, but was even more excited.

Holding a pile of experimental data in his hands, he walked up to Quecchis a little excitedly.

"Master Queches, look what I found?!"

Queches glanced at the data Akromar handed over, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

If he could understand these data, what else would Akromar do?


The cane hit the ground.

"Cough, say!"

Akromar didn't hold back anymore, he kept his glasses on, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Kurem! The genes of Kyurem are so special! Its genes are continuously changing, and there is no qualitatively stereotyped gene! I have never seen this kind of genetic situation!"

Queches frowned.

Sometimes he doesn't quite understand the thinking of researchers like Akromar.

Even if genetic uncertainty, so what?


Their plan for this operation is to give Akromar a try to control Kyurem, so that he can better control the black and white Ssangyong in the future.

You're there now studying Kyurem's genetics.

Is the cart before the horse?

Akromar didn't seem to want to let Quecchis guess the result by himself, so he just continued:

"According to the legend, the three dragons are originally one, so I made a bold assumption and guess, and put it into action."

While speaking, he continued to take out the report.

Excitedly pointing to the final list of results on the paper.

"It's possible to fit! It's possible for them to fit together!"


Queches is still patient, after all, Akromar is of great significance to the Plasma team, and he also mentioned the three dragons just now.

"What's the meaning?"

Akromar took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"I used some of the tissues collected from Genesect's fingertips to extract Kyurem's gene fragments, and then extracted its gene fragments from the Reshiram scales in the tissue bank, trying to fuse the two genes."

Originally, when the gene fragments of the two elves were fused, the final result could only be destruction of one result.

Unless the main gene as the carrier is a highly compatible gene like Dream.

"But the gene chain has not collapsed, they have the possibility of fusion! That is to say, Kyurem and Ssangyong are indeed from the same source, and Kyurem can accommodate the power of Ssangyong, from two individuals to a single one, the strongest individual!

This kind of strengthening method is simply unprecedented! "

As he spoke, Akromar became agitated uncontrollably.

He has been researching how to strengthen elves all his life.

Various methods have been used, even involving the modification of the elf's body.

But the gene fusion method of Kyurem and Reshiram was something he had never imagined.

It was as if someone had opened the door to a new world for him, showing him a new direction, or the kind of direction with infinite possibilities!

Queches didn't quite understand some of Akromar's data and arguments, but he got the result.

With disbelief, he confirmed:

"You said Kyurem can be fused with Reshiram or even Zekrom?"



Queches has been pursuing Ssangyong, trying to use the power of Ssangyong to reshape the order and establish a new kingdom.

But now someone told him.

The Ssangyong you want is not the strongest, there is a stronger existence than it, and the carrier has been found.


Akromar's "but" made Queches's heart sink after he had just risen.


"This kind of gene fusion is not stable. It can fit perfectly for a short time, but it is missing a key, the key that makes the two genes fit together completely and for a long time, just like... like two pieces of wood connected by mortise and tenon. a wedge to hold them in place."

"Is there a way to make up for it?" Quekis asked.

If it cannot be made up, the discovery is the same as no discovery.

Just like the last time he was so speechless or the same nonsense last time.

Akromar's excited expression gradually dissipated, and he rested his chin in thought.

After a while, he spoke again.


There was determination in the voice.

He is a genius, a real genius, if even he can't research it, he doesn't believe that there are others in this world who can do it.

He is the only one in this world who can do this!

Quecchis took a deep look at Akromar.

Although he didn't want to believe it, the mad scientist in front of him, the fanatic scientist, had indeed turned what Quecchis thought was a lie more than once into reality.

It can be said.

Akromar owes a lot to the Plasma team's current achievements.

"Master Queches! Ice. Ice."

At this time, a member of the plasma team suddenly rushed in with some haste.

Kuiqisi's expression turned serious, and the cane was once again struck on the ground.

"Why panic, speak slowly!"


The man hastily took two deep breaths, and did not say again until his breathing calmed down:

"Master Queches, more than half of the ship's propellers have been frozen. If we continue to stay, the ship will be at risk of crashing."

Quecchis: "."

Can it be frozen at such a height?

Kyurem's ability is really terrifying.

"Akromar." Quecchis looked at Akromar.

I saw him nodding indifferently.

"The data collection is enough, we don't need to continue to die."

After more than 700 attempts, a genius like Akromar has already obtained enough experimental data to improve his controller.

But it is impossible to completely win Kyurem today.

So, Queches waved his hand.

"Send Genesect, we're ready to evacuate!"


It's almost there.

Kyurem has made such a big commotion, even if the United Alliance does not want to pay attention to it, it is difficult.

Maybe there are already a few Four Heavenly Kings waiting for an opportunity below, and it's time for the plasma team to retreat.

As for the leak of some data from the P2 laboratory and the arrest of the cadre An Jie, Kui Qisi didn't take it to heart.

In the worst case, we will tear ourselves apart with the United Alliance.

Just enough to keep Team Plasma quiet during this time.

The next time it reappears, the target will not only be Kyurem, but also Ssangyong!

The N he had carefully prepared for so long should come in handy.

Akromar seemed to see what Quecchis was thinking, and said with a smile:

"Master Queches, don't worry, I will improve the ship when I go back, and when I encounter Kyurem next time, I will let its freezing ability become the power of the ship!"

"very good!"

Quecchis was very satisfied with Akromar's abilities.

Clear and clear blue sky.

Du couldn't help rubbing his arms, and couldn't help complaining, "It's a dragon, but it has such a powerful ice ability."

Xia Yan, who was sitting calmly on Reshiram's back, glanced at him.

Is it outrageous that a dragon can use ice power?

I'm afraid you don't know what it will be like when a dragon combines the attributes of a fairy.

But looking at the frozen world under the clouds, Xia Yan sighed.

"Kurem is really angry."

Hugging Kuailong, he looked at Xia Yan with a little "resentment".

The white mask released by Reshiram not only blocked the cold air seeping up from below, it even blocked the turbulent air flow during flight.

How could there be such a caring beast?

Between the two of them, only Du's cloak was left, which was still rattling in the cold wind.

Victini tightly grasped the silver collar around Reshiram's neck, and it was more like a dragon knight than Xia Yan.

The big curious eyes kept blinking.

This is the first time that Victini has left Ain Okdo after a thousand years, and it is too different from the scene it saw thousands of years ago.

Reshiram looked calm.

Gently shake the wings.

Exceeded Kuailong.

Kuailong's huge body and short wings flapped vigorously. He looked helplessly and vaguely at Reshiram who was exuding a terrifying aura all the time.

As for?

Bullying my small wings, right?


Xia Yan and Reshiram's expression turned solemn at the same time.

Overlooking the land, in the frozen world thousands of miles away, a loud and angry dragon chant shook the sky.

Layers upon layers of ripples gradually dispersed, and the swirling airflow hovered above the "Giant Cave".

The sunny weather around was instantly replaced by dark clouds.


"Giant Cave" direction.

Rashiram nodded.

No longer waiting for the fast dragon, it began to fly at full speed, its tail spouted flames, and it quickly swept downwards.

Giant's Cave.

Boom! ! !

From the glacial rock formation, a huge bright white light beam shot out and slammed hard on Kyurem's body.


In the roar of anger, the blue ice beam swept across, coating the already frozen world with a thick layer of ice crystals again.

in the dust.

A fiery red disc flew out with a cannon on it, avoiding the attack.

After staggering to the ground.

Taken the form of Genesect.

Behind it, a bright silver cassette is inserted in the groove of the cassette, and the rich steel-type energy in the "high-tech light cannon" just now comes from this.

However, at this time, the cassette was emitting plumes of black smoke.

This is the best proof that overuse is about to be scrapped.

Moreover, Genesect's body was covered with scars.

It is clearly a metal body, but it has obvious signs of frostbite.

Kyurem's ice energy can completely freeze even metal.


Genesect was panting violently.


It froze for a while.

Looking towards the sky, hope burst out in his eyes.

It sensed the approach of its companion.

For the first time, the signal of the order was sent.

And the four Genesects following Xia Yan also received the signal.

They changed their appearance and wanted to rush down to support them.

But Xia Yan stretched out his hand to stop him.

The Genesects were momentarily at a loss.

On one side is the strict former leader, on the other is the gentle temporary leader, this...

But Xia Yan said solemnly:

"Your leader must still be under control, so don't be affected. Removing the control of it is to save it, but the premise is to bring it down first."

The Genesects were stunned.


This was also the case in the P2 lab before.

Ever since.

thump thump thump——

Four metal sounds landed.

The fiery red Genesackt was very satisfied.

The subordinates are still obedient, and they work together to make Kyurem realize the horror of the "strongest hunter".


But see.

The four gun barrels were aimed at it, and the four colors of energy were filled.

Leader Genesect: "What are you doing?! Rebellion? The opponent is over there."

Friendly Genesect: "The leader is under control, brothers, don't listen to it, bomb it!"

boom--! !


PS: Nearly 7k words, ask for a monthly ticket~~

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