The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 785 We are not a good person (two in one)

Led by the two elves Hu Di and Lucario, Xia Yan and the others came to a certain square in the castle.

At this time, it was already a mess.

There are ruins full of pits, and some corpses.


Or elves.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan frowned.

Haven't had time to check it out yet.

"Xia Yan!"


Accompanied by the whistling air current, Du and Xiaochun jumped off the violent dragon and landed beside him.

Dawu was also carried by his flashing golden monster, and slowly fell to the ground.

"What happened?"

Seeing this scene, Dawu couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Xia Yan shook his head, "I haven't had time to investigate yet."

He glanced at Hu Di, who was a little lost, and Lucario, who closed his eyes as if he was perceiving something.

Say it.

Xia Yan and Du are two professionals.

Just put on your gloves and look at the fallen humans and elves.

At this time, Queen Irene arrived with the guards from Oludran City, and some curious people followed.

"Mr. Dawu, what's going on here?"

Queen Irene was astonished when she saw a corner of her castle turned into what it is now.

"I don't know. But Xia Yan and Du are already investigating, and they are professionals." Dawu said truthfully.

The surprise on Irene's face had turned into worry.

The sensitive queen faintly felt that this incident was unusual, and it was very likely that it had something to do with what she had been worrying about all along, that someone coveted the tree of the beginning of the world.


I have to admit that a woman's sixth sense is really good.

Xia Yan and Du got the information they wanted almost at the same time, and stood up solemnly.

Eyes meet.

The two spoke a word in unison.

"Team Rocket."

Rockets? !

Among those who followed, almost all those who had heard of it, or even had contact with the Rockets, almost exclaimed immediately.

Even Queen Irene lost her composure at this moment.

When trying to integrate the city of Orudran with the alliance, she did a lot of research on the current situation of the alliance.

Even Xia Yan can know so clearly, there is no reason to be unsure about the existence of the Rockets.

It's just that knowing this at this time only made her more worried.

To Xia Yan and Du, finding out about the Rockets is only the most basic and superficial.

"There are a lot of people, and some of the blood on the ground does not belong to these people. They have already fled," Du said.

"There are also a lot of elves, the point is this."

Xia Yan said, and took out a pitch-black elf ball that was taken from the waist of the fallen Team Rocket member.

"This is?" Dawu asked.

Xia Yan shook his head.

"What kind of elf ball is temporarily uncertain. But what I can be sure of is that this kind of elf ball has a very obvious suppression effect on elves, and it contains a certain special energy, which will make the elves locked in it gain a certain degree of A boost in strength.

The price is."

After a short pause, he continued: "The elves will gradually lose their minds until they lose control."

out of control?

"Is there such a poke ball?" Xiao Chun couldn't help but said.

In her opinion, such an elf ball is not beneficial at all, even if it is more resilient, it can also enhance the strength of the elf, but once the elf loses its reason, what if the strength becomes stronger?

No one doubted what Xia Yan said.

After all, among the people present, he was the only one with a doctorate in elfology.

Even if the title has not yet been awarded, the weight of words is still very heavy.

"And this one."

Du spoke again.

A maroon that has lost its vitality is surrounded by strands of black mist.

Congealed but not scattered, it seems to have some kind of corrosive properties.

"Its body is filled with the same energy as that of this elf ball, and it is dozens of times more concentrated."

Looking at this Ma Huanla, Xia Yan's face looked very gloomy.

"This energy is overflowing from its body, and its appearance has no damage, indicating that death does not come from the outside, but from the inside.

If my guess is correct, its internal organs have already begun to be corroded by these energies. "

"Treat the elves like that!"

Dawu understood the reason for Xia Yan's ugly expression, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence.

This is completely treating the elf as a tool that can be used at any time or discarded at any time.

After Du and Xia Yan interpreted and analyzed the scene one by one, the people present gradually understood what happened just now.

"Actually, there is one more thing I'm curious about." Du suddenly said.


Xiao Chun looked at Du suspiciously, she had already analyzed it so thoroughly, there was nothing else she didn't know.

Du didn't speak, but just glanced at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan sighed silently.

"Is it the elf they were capturing?"

"Yes!" Du's face was full of anger, "Ma Yula, who has been infused with special energy, and his own strength is not weak, I am very curious about what kind of elf Team Rocket is capturing."

All eyes fell on Xia Yan.

But Xia Yan put one hand on Hu Di's head as a comfort, while looking at Lucario who was already standing on the roof of a building, looking at the mountains in the distance.

Is it a dream?

In fact, Xia Yan almost already had the answer.

It's just that he's weird.

Although Sakagi is very keen on dreams, Sakagi will never be able to do this kind of person who completely treats elves as tools that can be discarded at will. Although Sakagi is cold, he is still very kind to his own elves.


The Rockets' research on the dream gene and Chaomeng should have reached the time when the results are coming soon.

With Sakagi's personality, although Dream is strong, he will definitely pay more attention to the Mewtwo who is known as "far beyond Dream".

For him, once Chaomeng is created, it doesn't make much sense whether Chaomeng catches it or not.

Moreover, the Rockets have been relatively quiet during this period, and it makes no sense to appear on this matter that the league is quite concerned about.

But the identities of the Rockets will not be faked.

Because Du even recognized the identity of one of them.


At the critical moment when Chaomeng is about to be born, Sakagi still made a move on Dream?

It seems that this is the only result.

Xia Yan took a slight breath, "It's a dream."

"Fantasy?!" Du exclaimed.

"keep your voice down!"

Xia Yan glared at him angrily.

Then look to Queen Irene.

After hearing Xia Yan say the name "Fantasy", Irene's expression became a little complicated.

But he still turned around and said to the guests who followed him:

"I'm sorry everyone, this kind of thing happened, we in Ouludran City will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, but now, please go back and rest first, my guards will protect your safety."

Bang! Bang!

The guards in heavy armor, under the leadership of the chief guard Bills, dispersed the crowd or escorted them to the hotel.

After the crowd dispersed, Queen Irene looked at Xia Yan with exhaustion in her eyes, "Mr. Xia Yan."

Xia Yan nodded.

Then he slowly explained:

"The tree of the beginning of the world and the dream are one, or the dream is the tree of the beginning of the world, and it is not impossible for the tree of the beginning of the world to be the dream."

"Dream has the ability to change its appearance at will. The Phoenix King we saw today is actually Dream."

After what he said, everyone showed a thoughtful look.

after all.

It is not a secret to Du and others that the Rockets are chasing dreams.

"The dream is now," Xiao Chun couldn't help but speak.

Xia Yan shook his head, "Failed."

Hearing this, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Just fail.

Once the Rockets really capture Dream, no one knows what they will do with Dream.

But Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

"Although Mengmeng was not arrested, I guess it was also seriously injured."

"With the Tree of the Beginning of the World, Dream's injury will recover soon." Queen Irene was relieved first, and said in relief.

"no the same."

Although Xia Yan didn't want to hit her, he still said:

"It's different this time. Lucario said that it felt a very powerful waveguide force, and that waveguide force was full of strong malice."

"You mean?"

Take a step forward.

"It's just a guess, but I suspect that Dream is very likely to be infected by the same energy as Ma Yula."

Thinking of Ma Xuanla's death.

Everyone felt a chill.

"It's not good, Mrs. Irene!"

A guard hurried over.

"Crystal, crystal it"

So the group felt the balcony on the top floor of the castle again.

I saw the azure crystal that Dawu sighed yesterday, but now it has changed.

Slight strands of black air spread upward from the center of the crystal, like the meridians of a leaf, spreading towards the surroundings.

And the black air is getting stronger and stronger.

"World Tree!"

Queen Irene's expression changed instantly.

Lucario even stood on the railing of the balcony one step at a time, looking at the World Tree in the distance in the distance.

Close your eyes.

His complexion became more serious.

After a while, its voice rang in Xia Yan's mind again.

"It's angry."

What I said, I don't know if it refers to the tree of the beginning of the world, or to the dream.


Xia Yan shook his head secretly.

"Dream was indeed infected by the energy of the Rockets, and the Tree of Origin of the World, which is one with Dream, was also affected by it."

He looked at Hu Di beside him again.

Start at night.

In other words, since Mengmeng was attacked, Hu Di's mood was a little abnormal.

It just stared blankly at the tree of the beginning of the world in the distance, not knowing what it was thinking.

"If the Tree of Origin of the World is destroyed, all the elves living in it will be affected, even the entire continent, and the entire world will be affected." Queen Irene said.

With hopeful eyes, he looked at Xia Yan.

"The crystal that can transmit waveguide is slowly emitting waveguide full of malice. If you don't stop it, not only the elves in the tree of the beginning of the world, but even all the elves in these mountains will be affected by the waveguide. influence, and thus become irritable."

Lucario pointed to the crystal and said to Xia Yan.

In the mountains around the World's Beginning Tree, such crystals can be seen almost everywhere.

Dream can also use this to distribute the power of waveguide.

Thousands of years ago, after Mengmeng absorbed Aaron's waveguide power, it was with the help of these crystals that the waveguide power filled with goodwill and comfort was diffused, and the war that broke out was quelled.

Now, if the power of waveguide is turned into the power of waveguide full of malice, it will also be able to prevent the war from breaking out again.

To know.

Because the tree of the beginning of the world is located in the deep mountains, there are not a lot of wild elves in the surrounding mountains.


Because of the nutrients provided by the world's original tree, the resources in the surrounding mountains are richer than ordinary mountains and forests.

As a result, the number of wild elves living in it far exceeds the forest outside.

Even the strength of the wild elves is not comparable to that of the wild elves in the forest outside.

This burst.

I don't know about other places.

I am afraid that the city of Ouludran will be the first to be destroyed.

Xia Yan secretly sighed.

We are not the kind of merciful people.

We are not good people.

We just want to give a satisfactory answer to Hu Di, who agreed to it this morning.


Xia Yan told Lucario's words and the possible problems he predicted in detail.

As soon as these contents are spoken.

The expressions of Du, Dawu and everyone changed.

"It's too far away from the town where the alliance is located, and the airflow is abnormally unstable. Even if the alliance is notified now, it is estimated that they will not arrive until at least tomorrow." Du said solemnly.

Dawu squeezed his wrist and adjusted his sleeves a little.

"Then we must try it," he said.

The two are equivalent to expressing their views.

He looked at Xia Yan again.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

"You guys, go and prepare something first."

"Everything is here, no need to prepare." Du said.

But Xia Yan stopped him.

"Go and prepare, I still have some things to understand, very important! So, gather here in half an hour."

Seeing his firm attitude, although they were anxious, there was nothing they could do.

He nodded and left immediately.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate either, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Looking at the four people who left, the maid's eldest mother-in-law said worriedly: "Master Irene, they won't"

"Will not."

Irene knew that she wanted to ask if they were going to escape and leave the city of Ouludran alone.

But Erin's answer was very firm.

Holding the railing with white palms, looking at the tree of the beginning of the world in the distance, he murmured: "They won't."

I don't know if I am appeasing the head maid, or appeasing myself.

Xia Yan after leaving the castle.

Came to an empty corner.

Without hesitation, he called Sakagi of the Rockets.

If he wanted to intervene in this matter, he had to figure out one thing.

Who is the leader of the Rockets this time, and what is the attitude of Sakagi and the Rockets.

Of course, he can't directly say where he is now and what his purpose is, otherwise his identity will be exposed soon.

With the voice from the communicator, Xia Yan tried to calm himself down as soon as possible.

"Officer Yan Xia?!"


As soon as the communicator was connected, the voice of Sakagi's secretary, Matori, came.

Last time after the Carlos incident.

Although the real bird failed to destroy Team Flash's spaceship, it also created opportunities and time for Xia Yan.

At the same time, Fradali had to surrender.

In the end, Fradali's death can be regarded as a credit to the real bird.

And since then.

Zhenniao's attitude towards Xia Yan took a 180-degree turn.

"The leader is about to take a break. Officer Yan Xia, please wait a moment." Makoto said and wanted to contact Sakagi.


But Xia Yan stopped her in time.


"It's not a big deal, you don't need to alarm the boss, I just want to know some information." Xia Yan said.

"Oh, well, you say."

"I'm planning to go back to Kanto during this time, and I might go to Mount Tsukimi for a stroll. Please help me find out which cadres have been active around Mount Moon recently, so I can say hello in advance and ask him to help. "

Oludelang City is in the deep mountains to the north of Yuejian Mountain.

If he asks this way, his identity should not be exposed.

"Yuejianshan, please wait a moment."

Yuejianshan is considered a place that the Rockets pay more attention to, so there is not a lot of information.

Listening to the sound of searching for information from the communicator, Xia Yan looked at the moon in the sky.

A bright moon, surrounded by black clouds.

Strands of clouds spread towards the moon, vaguely intending to cover it.


PS: 1.1w asking for a monthly pass!

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