Chapter 892 Parting ways

 “Wu Yang, why don’t you leave?”

Bai Xiao was surprised that if Jiang Xiaoxiao didn't leave, she had already guessed that this might happen.

 But based on Wu Yang’s proud and complacent attitude when she first met him, she knew that this man could not be with a weak group like them.

 Unexpectedly, the most impossible thing happened.

 “I’m happy, but I’m not happy enough.”

 Wu Yang really deserves a beating for looking like that.

Jiang Xiaoxiao packed his luggage.

 The three boys probably had this idea for a long time, so they actually carried all the food away.

 In other words, people have already thought about it in advance and want to part ways with them.

But they did a great job and didn’t leave any food for them.

Xiaoyu suddenly realized that the food was not with them at all.

“Those bastards, they actually took away all our food, except for the fruits in my basin.”

Xiao Yu would really like to thank himself for his love of eating, if he hadn't just fought to save his life. Then he had no choice but to start carrying the bowl of fruit. This little thing may be gone.

"They took it with them. Now everyone packs their luggage lightly. If possible, don't bring it. You don't even need to bring a change of clothes. Survival is the most important thing in this situation. Just bring some Food, water and necessary medicine, life-saving weapons, everything else can be thrown away."

Jiang Xiaoxiao began to organize his things.

 “Throw it all away, I brought so many good things.”

 Bai Xiao was a little frustrated.

“Which is more important, your life or your things? It’s your choice.”

Jiang Xiaoxiao turned around and took out a lot of things.

"I still have a lot of potatoes, yams and sweet potatoes in my bag. Although these are raw, I will give some of them to each of you. In this way, if we get separated, at least everyone will have food. these things.

It’s okay to eat it raw, but it doesn’t taste good, but at least you can survive. "

Since we are all comrades-in-arms, when information is shared, of course it is material sharing.

 Besides, there are too many in his own space, and Jiang Xiaoxiao would not be able to bear it if these young girls really died here.

 I will definitely help them if I can, but they have to carry their own food, that’s for sure.

 Everyone walked over silently and picked up yams, potatoes and sweet potatoes from the ground.

Everyone put a small pile in front of him into his backpack. When he put it in his backpack, he realized that it looked like a small pile on the ground, but it was still a lot when he put it in his backpack.

I don’t know how Jiang Xiaoxiao carried such a heavy thing on his back. Of course, many people looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao’s backpack with suspicion.

Jiang Xiaoxiao held up his backpack and gestured, and then they realized that Jiang Xiaoxiao's backpack was a mountaineering backpack.

There is a zipper at the bottom. After opening the zipper, the backpack will become very large.

Jiang Xiaoxiao must have packed a lot of things just like this, otherwise they would all doubt that Jiang Xiaoxiao had a Doraemon bag.

 Everything was packed up and everyone went into battle lightly. Everyone only carried a backpack.

As for weapons, don’t think about it now.

Finally Wu Yang thought of a way. After all, he still carried a dagger with him. He didn't think much about it at the time. This dagger was a military thorn that he particularly liked.

 Normally, it is used as a collectible, but who would have thought that today it would become the only weapon.

It’s really ironic.

 Chopped some branches.

 The two ends of the sharpened branches can be temporarily used as weapons, otherwise you won't even have anything decent in your hand.

Each girl has one.

Jiang Xiaoxiao analyzed the route. The three boys had already rushed to where they saw the silver box just now. Even if they rushed there now, they probably wouldn't be able to get anything good.

 The wisdom of picking up people's teeth.

 They simply decided to change course.

  They inserted it diagonally where the box was once within sight, but it was very risky to walk in this way.

 Because that would mean walking directly down the hillside, and there are dense forests here, so it is difficult to determine what dangers there are in the woods.

The black bear we just saw is a product of the woods. Who knows what jackals, tigers and leopards are waiting for them in the woods.

 But if you don't leave now and wait in place, you are waiting for death.

 You may be able to get a weapon if you find the box.

 Five people set out on the road.

Wu Yang had a dagger in his hand, so he volunteered. He walked in front and could use the dagger to clear the way.

Of course, as a man, this is what he should do. There are three girls in the middle, and Jiang Xiaoxiao falls at the end.

 It’s not who arranged it, it’s not that she has the ability to end it, it’s because there is nothing she can do now.

 If the three girls were left behind, it would be difficult to find anyone in such a large forest.

 As the person with some practical experience here, Jiang Xiaoxiao is probably the only one.

No matter what, her man Song Moting once taught her a lot of common sense. At this time, she could only play her best role and rack her brains to bring out the things she had learned.

 After walking into the jungle, a group of people realized how difficult it was to travel on the hillside.

 There is no one path that can be followed.

The jungles, shrubs, stones, and venomous snakes that emerge from the shrubs at any time, small animals, and even various insects, mosquitoes, and flies on the road are all threats that they must guard against.

The three girls were still complaining at first, but after seeing a wolf in the distance howling into the sky on the cliff.

 No one is complaining anymore.

 Compared with life, these sufferings are nothing at all.

 Walked a long way, but they found nothing.

 The five of them were all a little depressed.

 Now they were sitting in an open jungle area.

 Hang in the shade under a tree and have something to eat.

Everyone has not eaten for two days and one night, everyone is very hungry, and it seems that the sky is getting darker. If they don't find a safe place to stay before dark.

 They may be buried in this jungle tonight.

 Because they saw no less than a dozen white silver wolves on the road, and also saw many wild boars, black bears, and even leopards and tigers.

 Fortunately, they are far away from each other.

 When they see each other, they turn around and run away, but the other party does not see them. If they are really touched by the other party.

It is estimated that even a brave person cannot win if they meet on a narrow road.

  gnawing on the raw sweet potato in hand.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was silent while Wu Yang finished eating what was in his hand.

"You all gather together and don't run around. I'm going to walk a little further. It's getting late. I have to find a cave or something. We have to find a safe place to stay."

 Wu Yang still looks like a man.

Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded. She somewhat understood that Wu Yang's words were actually meant for her. Here the two of them realized that they had leadership qualities in this mission.

 Wu Yang is no longer here.

 She can only be responsible for protecting these girls if she stays. Of course, this does not mean how powerful Jiang Xiaoxiao is.

It only serves as a backbone, and Wu Yang probably doesn't regard himself as a major combat force.

 (End of this chapter)

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