Forbidden magic, darkness.

This is a magic trick that is rarely used by Philide. There are many reasons why it is not commonly used, such as serious consumption of magic power, difficulty in controlling the attack power, a dark mind, etc., but the most important one is...

"To be honest, I don't like this look!"

At this time, Philid had long green hair, slender horns sprouting from both sides of his forehead, angry eyes, pointed ears and fangs, and a fierce look on his face, with a bit of unbridled wildness;

His body shape increased dramatically, his height increased from 175cm to more than two meters. His whole body was covered with muscles, including ten neat pieces on his chest and abdomen alone. His skin turned as black as ink, and spots like a cheetah appeared at the same time.

Completely devilish!

Seeing that his companion was serious about it, Bigusro chuckled and said: "The opponent is the 'Devil's Heart', so do you plan to use the 'Demon' to control the 'Demon'?"

"Yes, so leave this battle to me!" The cold voice said from the mouth of the demon in front of him, causing the already cold temperature to drop several degrees.

Lastiros descended from the air, and the heavy steel landed firmly on the ground without making much noise: "He has completely turned into a monster..."

He looked at Philid, whose appearance had changed drastically, and couldn't help but take a breath: "In order to win the battle, do you have to abandon your human identity and become a demon?"

"Whether it's a demon or a monster!" Philide, who turned into a demon, said ruthlessly, "As long as I have the power to protect my companions and the guild, it doesn't matter what I become!"

Rastilos, who was in the armor, was heartbroken, and cold sweat broke out from his back: "Such words are really not elegant at all! Are all the people in Fairy Tail scary?"

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the two men were ready to attack with their own power.

Philide's body was exposed, and he was surrounded by a beast-like aura. Anyone who looked at him for the first time could feel the amazing power and speed on his body.

Lastiros hid himself. Except for the special mask on his face, the other parts of the armor were closely connected. Even the joints were extremely flexible and extensible. At the same time, you will not be restricted by changing fighting postures.

Wild and restrained, muscular and mechanical, there are many points worthy of comparison between the two, but in the next moment, these differences are all covered up by their respective explosive attacks.

"Dark words, destruction!"

Knowing that his opponent was separated by a layer of armor, magic such as "pain" and "horror" were of little effect, so Philid changed his attack to more destructive words.

Now, he no longer uses the Western long sword as a writing pen. He only needs to use two fingers to cast spells quickly.

On the other side, Lastiros raised his left arm slightly, using a golden round shield to block the oncoming dark words. The powerful defense would not only neutralize the "destruction", but even have a faint tendency to rebound.

Then, with a long shout, he held the sword in his right hand and struck down!

"Drink ah ah ah!"

Bang! ! !

Philid dodged with dexterity, and the pitch-black sword fell on the ground, immediately creating a long trench half a meter deep. The power of the long sword was not diminished, and it extended outward along the weak spot of the land, making a crackling sound.

The terrain changes, and rainwater mixed with soil, quicksand, dead branches, and remaining leaves flows down deep underground under the influence of gravity.

puff! puff!

There were several soft sounds in the air, which were the sounds of the demonized Philide moving. He was seen moving around, and in the blink of an eye he came to the back of Lastiros. He raised his right arm high and dropped his sharp claws!

At such a speed, Rastilos's melee ability was naturally unable to react.

clang! ! !

The steel armor groaned after the opponent's full blow, and even the rain falling from the sky was shaken away by the invisible ripples produced by the impact. However, thanks to the steel armor, Lastiros did not receive much damage.

Sensing that his opponent was behind him, Rastilos, who was knocked away, raised his fisted left hand and suddenly opened it in the direction of Felide in his intuition, and the light cannon in his palm was instantly activated!

At the same time, he inserted the pitch-black sword into the ground with his right hand. While slowing down the remaining force, under the ground invisible to the naked eye, the pitch-black sword stretched and moved at an incredible speed, and then broke out from the enemy's position!

Bang! ! Bah! !

The two attacks from the front and the bottom were launched at the same time, and ordinary people would not be able to react in time. However, in the "dark" state, Philide not only reacted with amazing reflexes, but also reached incredible speed. Therefore, even before the attack came, he had already Sensing danger and running away.

After that, the two began a new round of fighting, fighting from the ground to the sky, and then from the sky to the ground.

One relied on his own strength and speed, and the other relied on the weapons and armor in his hands to continuously attack and defend, constantly knocking them away and being knocked away. The two of them were involved in a crazy close combat that lasted ten minutes.

Dong dong dong... bang bang bang...

Neither Philide nor Bigusro, nor even Lastiros himself, expected that this battle would last so long.

The on-the-spot breakthrough made Lastiros's magic stronger and his combat effectiveness also improved a lot.

"Dark words... dark words... dark words..."

One after another magic spells were used in the hands of the demonized Philid, all of which were dark words aimed at Lastiros' armor.

If it were before, Lastiros could not survive two moves and would fail, but now, he can survive until the fourth move, the eighth move, or even more.

Influenced by those "popular magic books", Rastilos not only became more imaginative, but also strengthened the magician's combat foundation.

He restrained his magic power, and used it only on weapons when attacking, and used armor and shields on defense. In this way, he could use his equipment to its maximum effect and have a hearty battle with Philid.

The two men fought vigorously, and Bigusro watched with great enjoyment.

"I didn't expect that Philid even used 'Darkness' and still couldn't win. The guy opposite who loves to show off is much stronger than I thought..."

At this moment, a burst of footsteps came from behind him.

Accompanied by the sound of treading water and soil, there was a chilling and disgusting magic power. This magic power was dark and cold, with a strong murderous intent, and enveloped the three people present.


Bigusro's voice and its sudden appearance made Philide and Lastiros stop at the same time.

The three of them turned around to look at each other. The person who came was a strange figure with wolf ears, a cat tail, and spots similar to Philid's demonic form. He had short hair and yellow bangs covering the left half of his face, revealing His right eye is full of malice.

You can tell at a glance that he is a difficult guy to deal with.

"Could it be the 'Devil's Heart'..."

Philide glanced at Rastilos, and before he finished speaking, he heard the other party's voice coming from the armor: "Our guild does not have such a person!"

Under the attention of the three people, Jackal slowly said: "You are the people of 'Fairy Tail', right?"

The malice that almost filled their bodies, combined with the "enemy attack" signal they had seen before, made Philide and Bigusro immediately realize that this was the person who set foot on Tianlang Island after the "Devil's Heart".

" seems like he is your enemy!"

Lastiros gloated over his misfortune, but he did not hold on to the idea that "the enemy of his enemy is his friend". Instead, he increased his vigilance and planned to run away as soon as something went wrong.

This guy who didn't look like a human made him feel very bad. Now that the plan to attack 'Fairy Tail' has unexpected consequences, it's better to go back to the guild leader and ask for clarification.

Philide completely flinched, stepped forward and asked, "Who are you?"

"Human? I'm not a human!" The jackal laughed sinisterly, "but a demon who came to hunt 'goblins'!"


Bigusro tilted his head and shouted towards the steel armor: "You still say that he is not a person from the 'Devil's Heart'? He is obviously saying the same thing as you guys!!"

"Are you an idiot?" Rastilos was speechless in the armor that no one could see. "We say this because of the name of the guild, but this guy is obviously a real devil!"

"Uh...of course I can see this kind of thing!"

The jackal glanced at Lastiros: "You are a member of the 'Devil's Heart', so you call yourself a 'Devil'..."

Then he glanced at Philid again: "And you are from Fairy Tail, but this state is demonized..."


Finally, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, with anger in his smile: "When can mere humans call themselves 'devils'? We are really looked down upon!!"

Seeing this scene, the three of them were stunned at the same time: "Is this guy crazy..."

"Be careful! I have a bad feeling!"

"I thought this guy was here to find Fairy Tail, but looking at his appearance now, could he count me as his enemy?"

Suddenly, the jackal retracted its movements and looked at Felide and the others again. A faint green light flashed in his eyes, and then his whole body was covered with a strong murderous intention.

"Come on together!! Let's see what the real devil is!!!"

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