The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 621 Star Spirit Key and Emerald Princess

In the Fairy Tail world, there are a total of eighty-eight Celestial Keys, corresponding to the eighty-eight constellations in the sky.

The eighty-eight constellations are divided into: northern sky constellations (5), northern sky constellations (19), zodiac constellations (12), equatorial constellations (10), and southern sky constellations (42).

Most of the star spirit keys are silver-white, but the star spirits of the zodiac are more important and powerful than other star spirits, so the color of the star spirit keys is golden, and Ophiuchus is the most important due to its geographical location. Specially, its key color is jet black.

Currently, Lucy has all the keys to the zodiac, as well as several silver keys, which is quite rich for a Celestial Mage.

But the number of wandering Star Spirit Keys is three to four times greater than the keys Lucy holds!

Kira is a person who loves collecting. Although the silver key is not as powerful as the golden key of the zodiac, now that he has encountered a new star spirit key, he naturally wants to buy it.

The store owner noticed that Kira had been standing in front of the key for a long time. He thought that the man in front of him was so handsome and his clothes looked rich, so he must be generous, so he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Does the guest want to buy a star spirit key?"

Kira nodded, pointed to the star spirit key on the shelf, and asked: "Which constellation key are these?"

Although he had known them before, Kira really didn't remember these constellation patterns. Not to mention the silver keys in front of him, he couldn't even distinguish the constellation patterns of the zodiac.

"Guests, please see, from left to right they are: Draco, Andromeda, Vulpecula, Hercules, Monoceros, Cetus, Flying Fish, Telescope, Canis Major..."

Fifteen Star Spirit Keys in a row, the fat boss knew all the treasures, and he spoke so eloquently that Kira was dumbfounded.

"Boss, you're so awesome! There's no label on this, but you can remember it so clearly?!"

The fat boss smiled proudly, and the fat on his face trembled: "These are all basic operations! Who opens a store in the royal capital without this ability?"

Kira was immediately in awe and sighed inwardly: "No wonder my business is getting worse and worse. It makes sense..."

But then after thinking about it, Kira felt relieved: In the service industry, this level of achievement is what it should be! It was because of my job as a magician that I had the confidence to be so careless about the magic shop, but that was not the case for people like them!

Thinking of this, Kira suddenly felt ashamed, so he gave a rare moment of relief and waved his hand: "Okay! I want these! Wrap them up for me!"

As soon as he said these words, he felt proud and proud.


The fat boss was so shocked that his beady eyes fell out. He looked at Kira in disbelief. He felt that the young man in front of him was so dazzling and charming. He was so moved that his eyes were filled with tears, his face was red and his neck was thick.

"Oh my god!! This is the first time I see such a handsome guest like you!!!"

Kira also smiled modestly: "My appearance is just ordinary! Who among the readers reading this is not one hundred and eighty thousand times more handsome than me!"

The keys to the zodiac are very expensive, but the price of silver keys is much cheaper, ranging from 10,000 J to 1 million J. This is because their respective uses are different.

For example, the puppy Blue in Lucy's hands has a very low price because it has no use. I heard that she only bought it for 19,000J, which is still the price minus 1,000J for its appearance.

But the silver keys that Kira has now acquired are different. Draco, Hercules, and Monoceros are all the leaders among the combat-type stars, and are naturally more expensive; Andromeda and Vixen, although they are ornamental types, but I heard that the former has a stunning face, elegant posture, and fairy spirit. He is a popular star in the world of stars. The latter feels good in hand, so the price is equally expensive.

As for how the store owner knew the appearance of these Celestial Spirits, of course it was because there were records left by Celestial Spirit Mage in the past.

After a while of bargaining, Kira finally spent 2 million J to buy all the silver keys, and left the magic shop with the respect of the fat boss.

2 million J, which is the price of one or two S-level jobs, is a drop in the bucket for Kira.

The income of magicians is so high!

Twenty minutes after Kira left the magic shop, another person walked in.

This man seemed to be looking for something. He wandered around the huge store for a long time, and finally walked slowly towards the fat boss: "Boss, I heard that you got a batch of star spirit keys here?"

The fat boss looked up at the person in front of him and rubbed his hands with an apologetic smile: "I'm so sorry, those Star Spirit Keys were just bought by a customer in one go."

"Bought them all?"

"Yes, all of them!"

"That's it...then there's nothing we can do..."

The person who bought so many Celestial Spirit Keys in one go must also be a Celestial Spirit Mage. It is impossible for such a person to be willing to sell the keys again.

"Sorry to bother you."

"It is the store's honor to serve you."

After the man walked out of the magic shop in despair, a stalwart figure followed him: "Princess, did you buy the Star Spirit Key you wanted?"

The girl called the princess shook her head in disappointment: "'s too late, the key has already been bought by someone."

This man and woman are none other than the princess of the Kingdom of Fiore, Emerald E. Fiore, and the leader of the Sakura Knights, Arcadios.

Very few people know that Princess Emerald, the future heir of the Kingdom of Fiore, is a mage, and an extremely rare Celestial Mage.

Not long ago, Princess Emerald found out that there was a magic shop here that was selling Celestial Spirit Keys. As a Celestial Spirit Mage, it was necessary to collect props for her own use, so she ran out of the palace on purpose, planning to sell the Celestial Spirit Keys. These keys were put into the bag, but unexpectedly, they were a step too late and an unknown person got ahead of them.

As for Arcadios who is accompanying him... Is it normal for a princess to have a bodyguard when traveling?

Feeling the princess's disappointment, Arcadios immediately asked: "Do you need me to send someone to find out the news?"

"No, just continue to collect information about other star spirit keys. Let's go!"


As a princess of the Fiore royal family, Emerald E. Fiore has been aware of the special nature of her identity since she was sensible.

She considers herself lucky for many reasons.

For example, his father, Thomas E. Fiore, is not the incompetent king in the history books, or the cruel and unkind monarch, or the arrogant and lewd emperor. Instead, he is a diligent and caring person, kind and benevolent, lively and cute, and likes pumpkins. little old man;

For example, I am the only daughter of King Toma and the sole heir to the next throne. I have no brothers or sisters who want to fight for power, nor ministers or generals who want to usurp the throne;

For another example, the kingdom is obviously located in the center of three continents, but because it is a permanently neutral country, there has been no war on the border for hundreds of years and it is very peaceful. Relying on its geographical advantages, the kingdom's economy has developed rapidly and the people live and work in peace and contentment;

Since Fairy Tail completely destroyed the Baram Alliance at the end of last year, although there are still small quarrels between dark guilds in the kingdom, with the joint efforts of the Senate and the local magic guild, the overall internal stability of the kingdom is relatively stable. It is peaceful, and with the number one magic guild in Ishgar and several 'Holy Ten Magicians' in the country, it can be said that the country is rich and the people are strong.

Everything is so beautiful, so beautiful that Jade wants to act like a monster and cause trouble.

No, I should say, I want to prove myself!

As she grew up, this pampered and arrogant princess eagerly wanted to prove to the people, her father, and the ministers and generals of the kingdom that she was a capable princess and qualified for the future kingdom. The Queen, not a straw bag who sat on that chair relying on her life experience!

But what to do?

How can you prove your ability?

Only enough merit or fame!

But the Kingdom of Fiore is a permanently neutral country. It cannot rely on war to prove itself. Not to mention that she is not willing, nor are its citizens!

If you can't prove yourself internationally, you can only turn to China!

Finance and economy, military management, cultural spread, magic development... there are many choices she can make.

But King Toma did it all very well!

After Princess Jade's long-term observation, she found that her father's abilities were far superior to hers in every aspect. There was almost nothing to fault in the way the kingdom's government affairs were handled. Even if there were, these flaws had disappeared one after another in recent years. , by the time he abdicates, they will probably no longer exist.

Princess Jade knows that this is her father paving the way for her, hoping that it will be easier for her to manage the kingdom in the future.

But...this is not what she wants!

Princess Emerald is an enterprising woman who wants to prove her ability, but King Thomas has done everything he can, leaving her with only a smooth road.

"Then I'm no longer useless?"

"I am the princess of this kingdom, the future queen. I must not be a loser who can only lie down!"

"If I can't make this country a better place, why am I sitting here?"

Since government affairs are not enough, we can only start from the magic world!

The Emerald Princess quickly found her target.

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