At the foot of the mountain, Kira let go of her magic perception, followed the magic particles in the wind, and led Natsu and the others to the place with the strongest magic power nearby.

"Really...why doesn't Natsu know what artificial respiration is?! His reaction is so slow! He will suffer a big loss in the future!"

In the end, Natsu didn't have time to use the 'Fire Dragon's Artificial Respiration' on Lucy, causing Kira to keep complaining, "I still want to record this beautiful scene!"

Losing such good photographic material is a huge loss, both for Kira herself and the rest of the guild.

"It would be strange that he would know!"

Gray glanced at Natsu and Lucy who were following him, and complained, "How much do you want to see the two of them having an affair?! This behavior is just like a pervert..."

"You actually said that my artistic behavior is perverted?! You are so embarrassed to run around naked in the guild without clothes all day long!"

Kira looked at Gray with disdain and curled her lips, "Also, I just accepted someone's long-term commission to record their love process. In the end, it's just work!!"

"Eh?! Not right?! Work?!"

Gray was shocked and couldn't wait to ask, "Someone actually issued such a commission?! Isn't his character too bad?! Who is he?!"

It's me……

"It's Mira!"

Kira didn't hesitate to find someone to take the blame. Anyway, Gray wouldn't really ask about this kind of thing. Even if he asked... With Mira's character, she might admit it directly, and then pull Gray to share the blame.

"Sorry! I didn't think I said that just now!"

Gray did not doubt Kira's words, because after he thought about it carefully, he discovered that Mira always eats Natsu and Lucy's melons in the guild, intentionally or unintentionally, and is simply a great promoter of love.

Looking at it this way, it makes sense for Mira to send out such a request.

"Mira...Isn't it surprising?"

Behind him, Natsu and Lucy's voices came.

"I said, what did you want to do just now? Are you really planning to use artificial respiration on me?!"

Lucy's face was still a little red. She wasn't really in a coma just now, so when she heard Kira asking Natsu to use artificial respiration and Natsu actually lowered his head, she couldn't lie down instantly.


Natsu blinked and looked blankly at Lucy, who was puffed up and blushing. He felt that her reaction was simply inexplicable, "I didn't want to kiss Lucy!"

"Then don't kiss me!!"

For some reason, after hearing Natsu's words, Lucy became even angrier and turned around to ignore him.

Natsu was confused again: "Ah! Lucy is angry again!! Why on earth?!"

He cast a look of help at the person next to him, but Erza was equally puzzled and shook her head like a rattle: "I don't know! Maybe my legs are sore after walking for so long?"

"Oooh?! Then I'll carry you, Lucy!!"


Looking at this scene, Kira, Gray, Habi, Wendy, and Xia Lulu were all stunned: "..."

"What the hell is this guy Natsu doing?!"

"Can't you just shut up if you don't know how to speak? Silence is also a beautiful quality!!"

"Well...this is Natsu!"

"By the way, is Erza-san's emotional intelligence so low?"

"Ah, it does happen sometimes!"

After half a day, they finally found a mysterious cave.

"We're here! Judging from the magic concentration and environment, the place we are looking for should be here!"

Kira was the first to walk into the cave and waved for everyone to follow, "Let's go! Although I have seen dragons more than once, you have never seen the dragon's cemetery like me, right?"

The long years have carved this cave beneath the ground beyond recognition.

There is wind and lightless air in the cave, and the air is dry. As far as you can see, it is full of broken stones. The wind exudes a strong smell of decay. Countless dragon ghosts linger here, and the remaining magic and pressure form a depressing,... A spooky atmosphere.

Erza looked around at the stalactites that could be seen everywhere in the cave, and then looked up at the stone wall above her head that had several protrusions and was dripping with water. After pondering for a moment, she said: "Judging from the location, this should be in the middle of the arena. down there, and has been for a long time.”

After continuing deeper for a while, the vision of several people suddenly broadened, and they were finally able to get a full view of the depths of the cave.

"Here we are!"

"This...this is..."

"What a huge corpse..."

"Is it really the dragon's graveyard?!"

"Why are there so many dragon corpses here?"

In the field of vision, corpses paved the road, and gray-white powder and skeletons piled up into countless hills. The smell of death was everywhere.

According to the few bones that have not been eroded by time and are still well preserved, it can be seen that they were some kind of huge animals during their lifetime. These animals have ferocious and ugly claws and wings. They are capable of soaring in the sky, galloping across the continent, and leading an era. The supreme overlord!


However, at this moment, they have lost their lives and no longer have the power to rule the world. The corpses are consumed by decomposers that are invisible to the naked eye. Even the bones have lost their original hardness and become extremely fragile. They will break into pieces at any time. Or weathered into those gray powder on the ground.

"Dragon King Festival!"


Kira explained unhurriedly: "Four hundred years ago, in response to the proposal of 'whether people and dragons should coexist peacefully', the dragons were divided into the peace faction and the war faction. The two sides continued the war for a long time. Those who The war was called the 'Dragon King Festival' by later generations!"

"As for the final winner of the Dragon King Festival... you all know it!"


"That's right! The cemetery in front of you should be left by the dragons who died in a certain war."

Erza frowned and asked: "Then why is the dragon's graveyard near the royal capital? Or is it under this arena? It's so close, it's impossible that the Fiore royal family doesn't know about this place, right?"

"Huh?? Well..."

The sudden question caught Kira off guard.

Erza was right. Since the arena was built on a dragon cemetery, the Fiore royal family should have discovered such a cemetery underground a long time ago!

But the question is, why is this dragon cemetery and the ancient battlefield of the Dragon King Festival near Kurokas? Is there any connection between the death of these dragons in front of me and the Fiore royal family?

Kira had no clue and could only speculate: "Perhaps there were opposition dragons attacking the Fiore royal family. After a tragic war, the royal family buried all the dragon corpses here? Or maybe Is it that the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore was built on an ancient battlefield littered with dragon corpses?”

There is not much explanation for this in the original work. The only function of Dragon Cemetery is to tell the truth about Akunololia through the Emerald Dragon.

But now everyone has fought against Akunololia, and even met Selene, Kornuki and other dragons who escaped from Ishgar to Kirtina, and learned some things about four hundred years ago. , naturally it is not needed to provide intelligence.

"If you want to know, you can try to see if you can summon the dragon undead here, but I think it's useless even if you know..."

Erza didn't listen to the second part of the sentence at all. She hit her left palm with her right hand, as if she suddenly thought of something: "Yes! There is also a trick to summon the undead!!"

“I can help with this!!”

Wendy volunteered to stand up, straightening her figure and looking quite confident, "As long as the undead here have not completely dissipated, I should be able to wake them up from their slumber. Then I can find out by asking them about the relevant things." That war has something to do with the Fiore royal family.”

"Well... isn't our purpose to dig the dragon's bones for Natsu?"

However, no one paid attention to Kira's words. Everyone in the group was immersed in the expectation of summoning the dragon ghost.

"Oh oh oh!! You are so awesome, Wendy!!"

"Then it's up to you!"

“I can’t wait to know that history!”

"You can dig up dragon bones at any time! Fairy Tail is a magic guild full of adventurous spirit, and we must have this adventurous spirit!"

"The ghost of the dragon? I haven't seen it yet!"

"The dragon slain in battle and the ancient kingdom... this theme feels like it could become a new chapter in the novel."

Kira looked at everyone with excited faces and fell completely silent.

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