The scene before me seemed familiar.

Two Kiras appeared at the same time. This was not the first time they met.

When Dispel first appeared, they had the same shocked expression now, and then their entire worldview was shocked because they learned of the existence of Edras.

But over time they gradually accepted this setting.

Kira is Kira, and Disper is Disper. Although they look the same, smell the same, have similar personalities, and are both terrifyingly powerful, one is a magician and the other is a swordsman. The former has magic power. , the latter has no magic power, so there are differences in temperament and eyes.

What's more, Dispere later changed his image intentionally or unintentionally, such as his clothing, hairstyle, etc., so that everyone could easily distinguish the two.

But the person who appears in front of everyone now is obviously magical!

Moreover, his temperament, demeanor, and clothing are all exactly the same as Kira's. The teasing look in his eyes, the curling of the corners of his mouth, and his uninhibited posture...

No doubt not Disper!

He is Kira!

"Two Kira?!"

"This is how the same thing?!"

"Could it be that there is another world similar to Edras?"

Everyone looked at Kira in front of them at the same time, waiting for an answer from him.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Kira turned his head slightly and gave everyone a roll of his eyes, then looked at himself opposite: "How about you explain it?"


Kira on the opposite side took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them. Just before Kira wanted to shout, he stopped, "It's a simple explanation, I come from the future!"

The air was silent for several seconds, followed by confused exclamations from everyone.


Natsu and the others were collectively stunned, their brains working rapidly, trying to understand the words of the man who called himself 'Future Kira'.


"Is this some new magic researched?"

Erza nudged Kira with her elbow: "Hey, what kind of joke are you kidding?!"

"Hey... be gentle! The armor is very hard, don't you know? And don't confuse him with me! I feel offended!"

"What's the difference? It's all you anyway, right?"

"He is him and I am me!! Even if he is really me in the future, he is not the same person as me now!"

"It's all Kira anyway..."

"That's right..."

Knowing that the person who suddenly appeared here was not an enemy, but Kira. Although he claimed to be from the future, everyone's alertness instantly dropped a lot, and the usual quarrels began.

Future Kira was very sensible and interrupted everyone's debate on how to call herself: "No need to argue! This is your world. Just call me Huo as you called Disper." Just Plett!”

Hopelite is Kira's surname, which is not commonly used in daily life. It is just right to distinguish the two people's identities.

Kira curled her lips: "Okay, Hopelite, did you use a solar eclipse to travel through?"

"That's right!"

After receiving a positive answer, Kira couldn't help but frown.

No reason!

With you here, as well as the guild's many cheats and so many foreign aids, what big things can happen in the future? He needs to use the solar eclipse to travel through time and return to the present to deal with it?

Did Zeref and Akunololia join forces to destroy the world? Or did Kirtina's dragon and alchemist launch a general attack?

"For what? Something went wrong in the future?"

Hopelite smiled, gave Kira a 'reassuring' look, and said, "None of them! Don't worry, there won't be any big problems in the future! I'm just doing this for an experiment!"


The air was silent again for a few seconds, and then Kira exclaimed as the sound reached 120 decibels.

"What did you say?! Experiment?!"

Kira was really shocked when he heard the other party's answer. In his impression, he was not the kind of person who would travel through time for the sake of research and experiments!

"Does this mean there won't be any big problems in the future? I think you are a big problem!! No, there must be some problems with me in the future!!"

"Come on, tell me! What kind of experiment requires the use of a solar eclipse? Or should I say, it doesn't hesitate to use a solar eclipse..."

Halfway through the words, Kira suddenly thought of something, her face turned ugly, and then she exclaimed with panic, "Am I going to go bankrupt in the future?"

"I feel like this is the only way I can use Solar Eclipse!!"

As expected of you, Kira!

This thought came to everyone's mind, and they looked at Kira who was roaring in the air with dumbfounded eyes. This was the first time they saw Kira showing such a panic expression, even when he was fighting Akunololia. Collapse! !

For a time, only Kira's pain-filled screams were left in the entire cave, and the mourning lasted for a long time.

"No! You absolutely don't want that kind of thing!!!"

"Ah, by the way! Now that you are here, the future can be changed!"

"Thank you for coming all the way to tell me! I will never let that happen!!"

In the end, Hopelet seemed to finally be able to stand it no longer, or maybe he had finally admired it enough, and then he stopped Kira's behavior: "Okay, stop howling, you can't go bankrupt if you go bankrupt!"

The wailing stopped suddenly.

"Then you didn't tell me earlier! I've been howling for so long that my voice is almost hoarse... I'm even cheating myself! What a joke... what an orphan operation!"

Erza and the others were instantly in awe of Kira: You really deserve to be Kira! If you become cruel, you will even scold yourself...

After calming down, Kira was finally able to take a good breath, but looking at Hopelite in front of her, her face was quickly filled with doubts: "Since you're not bankrupt, why are you using Solar Eclipse? What kind of experiment are you doing?"

"Wait! Kira! What is an eclipse?"

Erza and the others were extremely curious when they heard a new term being mentioned in the conversation between the two.

"Zerf's props!"

"A door that can travel through time and space!"

Kira and Hopelite responded almost at the same time, and the content was concise and concise enough that even people with IQs like Natsu and Habi could understand them.

"Hiss!!" Everyone gasped in unison.

A door through time and space? ! Zeref actually created such a prop? ! So scary! !

After briefly explaining the functions and mechanisms of the solar eclipse to a few people, and taking away a wave of dragon bones during the process, Kira took Erza and others out of the Dragon Cemetery and returned to the hotel where they were staying, Hopelet. Walk together naturally.

After staying in the lifeless cemetery for most of the night, several people were covered in a faint corpse aura, as well as a strange residual magic power. Ordinary people could not smell or feel it, but Natsu and Wendy, who had a sensitive sense of smell, , For Kira and others who have extraordinary magic perception, these smells and magic powers are as bright as lights in the dark.

Although most of it has been dissipated by the wind on the way back, it will be removed faster if you rinse it well.

So as soon as they returned to the hotel, Kira and others went back to their rooms without any explanation, and then followed a series of actions: eating late night snacks, gargling, rinsing, taking a bath, turning off the lights, covering up with quilts, and sleeping...

Snapped! !

The lights that had just been extinguished were turned on again, followed by a deafening roar!

"Give me a moment!!"

"Have you guys forgotten that I exist!!!"

"I've been sitting in the room for almost an hour!!!"

Kira, who had just closed her eyes, felt that the quilt on her body was lifted open, her body felt cold for a moment, and then her whole body was pulled up.

"It's so noisy! Spring hasn't arrived yet, why are you so excited!"

"Stop talking nonsense! How can you sleep at this age and this time?! Young people should get up and have fun!!"

"Would you like to see what time it is?! I've been busy all night and I can't enjoy myself anymore?"

"Enjoy it! It's only 2:30 in the morning, and the author is still working hard on typing. How dare you sleep?!"

"Asshole! Have you forgotten Teacher Wu Tian's teachings? How can you grow taller if you don't take a good rest?!"

"You are 21 and still want to grow taller?!"

"Hey, I have such a bad temper..."

One was dragged out of the comfortable bed, and the other was left on the bench for nearly an hour. Kira and Hopelet were both very angry now, and there was a strong tendency for the quarrel to turn into a fight.

"You guys wanna fight?"

"I'll fight if I'm afraid of you?!"

Just when the two of them rolled up their sleeves and planned to have a shocking fight...

Bang! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the door was kicked from the outside.

Erza rushed in wearing pajamas and carrying a two-meter-long heavy sword with murderous intent.

The long blood-colored hair shot up to the sky, swinging in the air like octopus tentacles. His face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and his whole body exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

"Sleep quietly for me!!!"



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