The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 639 Stinger and Rogge came to the door

Since it is a centenary celebration, the atmosphere must be heated up.

At Makarov's whim, the entire guild held banquets, performances, singing and dancing for seven days, and this was only the first day.

"Our guild has so much money to hold a banquet for seven days in a row? How much do you secretly withdraw, old man?!"

Kira was very surprised by Makarov's decision. He originally thought that coming here for three days would be an unprecedented event, but he didn't expect that Makarov would be so rich and courageous!

I'm far worse than that!

"Why don't we let the old man continue to be the president? Then if there is a banquet for any big event in the future, won't I have to pay for it? Like now, everything will be paid for by the president, how great!"

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, what a pity!

This time is a grand gathering of 'Fairy Tail', so the guild invited many old people and friends. In addition to Mavis and Ogast, mother and son, who have been settling in Magnolia during this period, there are also Precito, his men Lastiros, the three people from Huayuan, and Volod from the Holy Fourteenth Heavenly King, these are the group of 'guild founders'.

After that, there are some old members who have left the guild, such as former councilman Ajima, 'Blue Pegasus' president Bob, 'Four-Headed Hound' president Goldman, 'Pharmacist' Polyusica, these and Maka Old people of Love's contemporaries were also invited, but Peleucia did not like human beings, so she refused the invitation with disgrace.

Then there are some familiar friends, such as Serena, Timaria and Brandish from the Western Continent, as well as Jellal, Urrutia and others from the "Witch's Sin", and finally Di Speer and his half-disciple Suzaku.

Speaking of Suzaku, since he came to Ishgar, he has been learning the 'Sword Master Dragon's Dragon Slayer Magic' and the underworld swordsmanship from Kornuki, and he has made rapid progress.

But the subsequent trip to the Western Continent did not take him with him, so he was actually kept in a state of free-range during that time. He continued to learn swordsmanship from Disper until Kira and others returned from the Western Continent.

Now, the two masters and apprentices are temporarily living in the single-family two-story house that Kira got at the 'Magic Conference'.

Although Suzaku did not join Fairy Tail, since he was Disper's disciple and half of his own, he was naturally invited.

Some of the people here are old acquaintances, some of them are the same kind of people, and now they are all brought together, creating many epic meetings at once.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the "Devil's Heart" in the past. From the beginning of the trip to the Western Continent, several relevant parties knew that such a day would come;

Then there are the 'former second-generation president and his children', namely Precito, Bob and others. They may know that Precito is Hades, but the current situation obviously does not require them to worry about it anymore;

There was also the meeting with the second-generation Dragon Slayer Mage, but these three grown men, one a middle-aged man, one an arrogant one, and one a coquettish one, couldn't talk about it at all. They just thought they got to know each other here.

Laxus is training with Serena. People in the guild know about this. Both of them have dragon-slayer crystals with thunder attributes in their bodies. It would be easier to teach them with less effort, but Serena has not learned the dragon-slayer crystal with poison attributes. Magic cannot be taught to Eric.

However, Eric had never thought about learning from Serena. Although he was the weakest among the three, he lived the most nourishing life. He listened to gossip, drank wine, ate side dishes, and hugged each other. With her shy and lovely girlfriend Jinana, she is simply not able to enjoy the fun that the other two singles can enjoy!

When Fairy Tail was celebrating its centennial celebration, two short figures stepped onto the central street of Magnolia.

"Stinger, can we really get into Fairy Tail? This is the Kingdom of Fiore, and may even be the number one magic guild in the entire Ishgar. The screening process should be very strict, right?"

"Don't worry, Rogge! I've found out everything! The entrance examination for Fairy Tail is not that difficult, and we are all dragon slayer magicians, the strongest magicians. We will definitely be able to get in with our strength. of!"

The two teenagers are both thirteen or fourteen years old. One has short light blond hair and is wearing a blue jacket. He is sunny and handsome. The other has short black hair and is wearing a gray shirt. He is low-pitched and restrained.

They are none other than Stinger Eucliffe and Roger Cheney, two of the first generation dragon slayers who traveled through time four hundred years ago together with Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy.

"Stinger is right! You are the strongest magicians in the world in the future. Even if the opponent is the strongest magic guild, they will definitely be shocked by your strength! Don't worry, Mr. Rogge!"

"Flo thinks so too~"

Beside Stinger and Rogge, there was a Transcendent each.

The cat following Stinger wears a white vest, has fiery red hair, looks like a fox, speaks with an arrogant tone and has arrogant eyes, and is named Lecter; the cat following Roger wears pink with black spots. He has a frog coat, green hair, and a cute expression, and his name is Frosch.

Like Habib and Xia Lulu, they were Transcendents who were sent from Edras to Aslant because of the precognitive dream of Transcendent Queen Charlotte. They had been following the two of them for several years at this time.

If you want to ask why Stinger and Rogge are here, you have to start from the beginning.

Although they were both the first-generation dragon slayers who were sent to X784, the two of them were only five years old at the time, had little experience in the world, and were illiterate and other difficulties, so their experiences were actually a little more miserable than the other three.

Unlike Natsu and Gajeel who immediately joined Fairy Tail and the 'Ghost Ruler', nor like Wendy who joined the 'Nation of the Cats' under the leadership of Mist Gang, Sting Ge and Rogge had a very rough childhood, but fortunately they both knew magic and could not starve to death.

The experiences of the two of them were actually similar. They both joined a small magic guild and made a living by relying on their dragon-slaying magic. However, they were squeezed out and suppressed for various reasons, so they kept changing jobs.

What happened to Stinger was okay, except that others did not believe his ridiculous stories of being raised by a dragon and killing a dragon, which led to ridicule and ridicule; but what happened to Rogge was miserable. It was naked bullying, humiliation, as well as indifference and malicious suppression caused by jealousy. It was not until he joined the 'Ghost Ruler' that the situation improved.

Fortunately, when they were maliciously treated by fate, they still had their transcendent companions by their side. It was this warmth that prevented the two of them from falling into darkness under the torture of life.

This situation lasted until two years ago, when the 'Ghost Ruler' was destroyed.

At that time, Rogge was still called Leos, and he was a little-known younger brother of Gajeel, who admired Gajeel very much. But after the destruction of the Ghost, he lost his job. At this time of confusion, the news that Gajeel joined Fairy Tail, which destroyed the Ghost, reached his ears.

Rogge felt angry about this. He thought it was a kind of betrayal and even more cowardly. He was unwilling to follow Gajeel's footsteps and continued to wander around small guilds. However, his life after that was not ideal. .

So he resolutely left those weak guilds and started his wandering life again.

Until six months ago, he met Stinger.

The two hit it off, and after getting along for a short time, their bond was immediately strengthened and they became inseparable friends. After that, they became wandering wizards together, living on the meager income they earned from working for others.

Until some time ago...

One day, Stinger grabbed a newspaper and came to Rogge excitedly: "Rogg, look! Natsu-san has become an S-class mage of 'Fairy Tail'! It's so awesome!!"


"Hey, Rogge! Let's go to Fairy Tail too!! Haven't you always admired that Gajeel-san?"

"This...let me think about it again..."

"What are you still thinking about? Let's go, let's go! You can't make much money from your current job, and that's the number one magic guild in the Kingdom of Fiore!!"

"Stinger-kun is right. Roger-kun doesn't want to keep doing these jobs and bury his magical talents, right? A guild like 'Fairy Tail' is the best place for you!"

"Flo thinks so too~"

So now...

The entrance to Fairy Tail.

"Is this...'Fairy Tail'?"

Through the open door, Stinger and Rogge could see the carnival in the guild, hear the noise in the guild, smell the aroma of wine in the guild, and feel the enthusiasm and freedom in the guild.

It was a warm scene that the two of them had never seen before.

"I said, Roger..."


"I think we're in the right place!"

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