The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 670 A sneak attack? The people of ‘Crow’s Tail’ are so mean!

"Erza!! Erza!! Erza..."

The contrast between the elegant and coquettish girl's figure and the thick and thick rock fist in shape and color, as well as the strong impact of the weak defeating the strong, attracted enthusiastic cheers and screams from the audience.

"'s going to spin!!"

"Well done, Erza!"

"Erza is so awesome!!"

“It’s so handsome!!”

"After all, it's Erza, so it's not surprising that she can do such a thing."

Granny Oba of 'Snake Scales' was surprised by Jura's defeat and couldn't help but spin on the spot; Jellal looked at the crimson figure in the sky, a gentle and gratified smile appeared at the corner of his mouth; Makarov Cheering and dancing with excitement.

Lucy, Wendy and others looked at Erza's figure, their eyes full of yearning and admiration; Natsu and Gray hugged each other's shoulders, singing and dancing with Makao and others behind them; Kira, Mira, Laxa Si and the others were all smiling, amazed by Erza's stunning swordsmanship.

"Unbelievable!! Unbelievable!!"

Announcer Chapati shouted excitedly, "Elsa-san used such beautiful, elegant, and powerful swordsmanship to break up Jura-san's rock fist combo. It's really amazing!!"

"Is this the true strength of the 'Fairy Queen'?!!"

Just as the entire venue came alive with Erza's swordsmanship, the only bad guy in the venue, the Crow's Tail, suddenly made a move!

A wretched figure took advantage of the fact that Erza had just punched the rock into pieces and had run out of air and air, and suddenly jumped up and attacked Erza in mid-air!

"Rolling needle blast!!"

The huge fang fist grew in the wind. Narubudinku stared at Erza's beautiful face in mid-air, which was cheered by the entire venue, and a ferocious smile appeared on the ugly face.

"It's so stupid to be careless in this kind of battle!"

"This competition is not limited to just the two of you!"

In his opinion, Erza was in mid-air at the moment, with no place to dodge, and because the previous slashing had consumed a lot of energy and magic power, even if she could react, she would not be able to block his sneak attack!

Now tens of thousands of spectators are cheering for this woman. As long as he eliminates her at this time, he will immediately become famous in one battle. By the way, he can also suppress this 'Fairy Tail' who has always been regarded as a thorn in the president's side. !

By then, not only himself, but even the guild will be able to become a blockbuster. This will make ‘Crow’s Tail’ the most popular magic guild in the Kingdom of Fiore!

I feel so excited just thinking about it!

Looking at Erza with malicious eyes, making sure that she had no strength to fight back, Narubudinku's eyes showed undisguised sternness.


Seeing Nalubudinku doing such a despicable behavior, the entire venue suddenly screamed and cursed.

"How despicable!! Trash!!"

"That guy doesn't care about magic and conducts sneak attacks. It's really disgusting!!"

"Ugly people do mischief! Get down quickly, bastard!!"

"Take your dirty hands away! Don't touch Erza!!"

Not only were the audience cheering, but even the announcer, who was supposed to explain the game fairly and objectively, became excited.

"Oh do-!"

"Narubudinku actually attacked Elsa-san at this time!!"

"However, the rules of the game do not say that sneak attacks are not allowed. Although this kind of behavior is very bad, the opponent did not violate the rules..."

The meaning of this is obvious: although you did not violate the rules of the game, we all despise this method!

"...So, Erza-san is going to lose right now?!"

"How can it be?!"

Unexpectedly, none of the wizards of Fairy Tail expressed concern for Erza's situation. Instead, they stared at Erza in the distance, obviously having full confidence in her strength.

"Believe Erza! This kind of sneak attack is not a problem at all for her."

On the field, in mid-air, Erza's body slowly descended, and her huge fang fist soared into the sky. Seeing that the two were about to collide, a dangerous scene was about to take place.

At this critical moment...

"Change up!!"

Erza suddenly let out a deep drink. The outburst was calm and confident, as if she had infinite power. Then the majestic magic burst out from her body again, covering her whole body and emitting a bright red light.

When the light faded, Erza had already put on new armor.

"Armor of Black Feathers!!"

With a clear voice, Erza's body turned in the air, and the black wings that could fly without flapping drew a dark arc in the mid-air, like a strange black moon, breaking the originally helpless atmosphere. deadlock.

"Black Feather·Moon Flash!!"

Erza held a silver-white long sword engraved with alluring red texture in both hands, fluttering her wings and swooping down quickly, using all her strength to stab straight towards the jumping opponent without any reservation.

Swish! !

Two moves in one move, and a slash that is difficult to detect with the naked eye.

At the moment when his body was dislocated, a cross-shaped slash was fired from the Black Feather Sword, and two bright red blood marks were cut on Narubudinku's body.

Phew——! !

Pillars of blood sprayed out, and the scene was extremely tragic.


Amid the screams, Narubudinku's mouth turned red, his eyes turned white, and his fang-shaped fists returned to their original appearance. He lost all strength and could no longer maintain his original attack, falling straight into the lake. .


The ripples on the lake surface tell the story of the despicable man who sneaked up from behind, the short and fat ugly man, the wretched man with a dark soul, and the last traces in this game.

Before the audience could react, affected by the battle between Inbell and Urrutia not far away, the gradually decreasing cold air on the lake froze the top layer of the lake.

The frozen lake water was no longer clear, but turned white that was difficult to see through, completely swallowing Narubudinku's figure under the lake water.

"Oh do-!"

"Nice counterattack!!"

"Erza-san was able to fight back in that situation. It's really amazing whether it's appearance, popularity or strength!!"

"Her swordsmanship is still so fast, so beautiful, and so elegant! It's simply unimaginable that a magician can use it!...Ah! I don't mean any professional discrimination here!"


Listening to the announcer's interesting explanation, the venue was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Hahaha...'Crow's Tail' is so lame!"

"Still carrying out sneak attacks? You are just a clown!"

"Well done, Erza!!"

Seeing the person in the 'Crow's Tail' being chopped down by Erza with a sword, Makarov was as happy as an 8-year-old child, and even played the trumpet happily.

"Yoshi! I have decided. With this move, Erza can get an extra tenth of the bonuses that will be distributed to you later!"

Nani? !

Kira was shocked: "I don't agree! President, you are being partial. We haven't even played yet."

"That's right...don't you mean it depends on the difficulty and contribution of participating in the competition?"

Natsu also yelled angrily: "I fought so hard yesterday with the one who used sand, and we directly eliminated the advancing teams to 8!"

"You have the nerve to say that? If you had not fought with that guy yesterday, but instead grabbed the crystal ball from other people's hands, the competition in the past few days would have been reduced by at least half!"

Isn't this old man's capital skills learned too quickly? Just open your mouth and come!

"Mira, you should say a few words!"

Mira just turned around, but before she spoke, Makarov's expression immediately changed, and he smiled... no, he looked at her lewdly, rubbed his calloused hands and said, "Mira-chan was also there yesterday. It’s been a hard fight, but of course I have to get one-tenth more.”

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Mira nodded gently and sweetly, and gave Kira a 'you asked for it' look.

Kira could only turn around and look for someone else: "Kana..."


"...Forget it, this woman is already useless."

Kira avoided Cana's wine burp in disgust and looked at the last person, "What did you say, Laxus?"

"I don't care, anyway, the old man's money will be mine from now on!"

You guys are really good, you deserve to be a family...

"Have your sweet dream! The prize money from this competition belongs to the guild!"

Kira sneered: "And based on what I know about the president, he will definitely spend all his money before he dies and won't leave half of it for you!"

"That's okay, I'm not short of money!"

Laxus deliberately pretended to regard money as dirt. It was rare for him to anger Kira once in his life, so naturally he would not miss this opportunity.

The effect was very effective, and Kira's face suddenly turned ugly.

"Bah! Damn it now!"

After the audience cheered for Erza's heroic appearance, the announcer suddenly remembered the Narubudinku that was sealed at the bottom of the lake, and quickly asked the mysterious pumpkin man next to him to notify the competition staff and send people to salvage it.

The staff looked embarrassed: "But their game is not over yet, this ice..."


Pumpkin Man suddenly realized: "Then you can wait until the game is over. Anyway, the physical fitness of magicians is generally very strong. Even if they are frozen, they will not die for a while."


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