The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 796: One hour of idle time, one minute of majesty

Laxus was not Natsu, so the damage caused by slamming down the Thunder Halberd was as significant as it was majestic.

Two golden thunder square halberds hit the head like thorns. The power that looked like the sanction of gods finally made Akunololia, the arrogant head who had not been hurt at all, lower his head. Even his body shook slightly, and he was dizzy. It sank several meters!

Seeing this scene, all the magicians were dumbfounded and could not believe their eyes at all.

"It's fake...Akunololia was beaten to the point of bowing his head?"

"This is how the force at high altitude is...don't make a fuss!"

Just when everyone saw that Laxus had hit Akunololia, and their morale was greatly boosted, Akunololia seemed to be angered by this blow, and flicked the huge dragon head and shouted A roar that shook the sky and the earth.


The high-frequency sound wave spread rapidly in the air. Wherever it hit the eye, the entire space was trembling under the sound wave. The unbearable roar was like a diamond hammer wielded by a two-hundred-pound Hercules. He beat everyone's eardrums so hard that some even suffered bleeding from both ears and temporarily lost their hearing.

Not only that, this roar also carries a terrifying dragon power. It is like an overlord's domineering force. The oppressive feeling directly hits everyone's body and mind. The weaker ones are directly crushed to the ground and lose all ability to move. and language skills.

The magicians who reacted immediately covered their ears with their hands, but the effect was minimal.

"Word Magic·Silence!!"

Lebby endured the sound waves, took out her magic pen and wrote words in the air, trying to make the people around her feel better. However, less than a second after the words were formed, they were shattered by the dragon's roar, and even suffered a backlash from the magic power. He fell backwards as if his magic power had been drained.


The girl did not fall to the ground, but fell on a piece of iron sheet. When she looked up, her face suddenly turned red.

I don't know when, Gajeel was already standing behind Lebby. As if he had been waiting for this moment, he blocked his ears with steel, and then had his hands free. When Lebby fell, , stretched out his hands to cover her ears.

Then, instead of looking at Lebby, he raised his head at a 45-degree angle, his eyes fixed on Akunololia in the sky, his expression serious and serious, leaving Lebby with a proud and arrogant look. There is a slightly blushing side face.

"Damn it, others are fighting and this guy is picking up girls??!"

Kira looked at this scene in shock, and immediately couldn't bear it any longer, and the Word Spirit Magic activated in response: "Silence!!!"

The same type of magic would cause Lebby to be shattered instantly when it was released, but when it was released by Kira, the effect was very obvious. Only Kira could see it. Invisible magic energy rippled in the space, and the magic power was Wherever he passed, Akunololia's roar immediately dissipated, and as he breathed, there was no more sound at the scene.

The movement on the ground did not affect Akunololia. He immediately took action after a long roar. He spread his wings to stir up the wind and clouds, raised his body to the nine-level sky again, and then dived quickly, aiming directly at the target he had just hammered. Laxus himself.

"No! Get away!!"

The Thunder Gods who were raiding the formation for Laxus were the first to notice the crisis and immediately shouted a warning. However, Laxus had to go on the offensive despite being seriously injured, and the move just now also consumed most of his magic power. There was no time to react at all.

Whoosh! ! !

Under the influence of gravity, Acunololia's falling speed skyrocketed, and the potential energy of gravity was converted into kinetic energy. Coupled with the increase in magic power and body muscles, this powerful kinetic energy formed an almost unstoppable attack.

At this moment, the power carried by Akunololia was far inferior to even the meteorite brought down from space by Irene using the extreme additional technique 'God's Starfall'!

Laxus's face looked horrified, and his whole body was suppressed by this force falling from the sky, unable to move: "It's over..."

boom! ! !

The black afterimage flashed away, slamming into the ground like a burning meteorite, and penetrated dozens of feet into the ground!

The earth suddenly shattered into countless pieces, destructive power raged, and the air flow formed a terrifying storm, tearing the surrounding gravel into powder, stirring up huge smoke and dust, and engulfing the entire battlefield.

The magician who was close was directly lifted away and flew backwards uncontrollably towards the battlefield further away. If not protected, there would definitely be huge casualties.

"Not good!!" Jiula's eyes suddenly widened and he immediately took action, "Rock and Iron Pillar!!"

Rock pillars rose up from the ground, but the energy spread too fast and the area was too wide. He could not protect such a large place by himself.

At this moment, two huge forces of magic instantly enveloped the battlefield.

Everyone felt their eyes blurred as the ruins composed of endless gravel and bones beneath their feet turned into an endless sea of ​​sand. The sand shot up into the sky to form a sand wall a hundred feet high, trapping all the gravel, hurricanes, and dust. in it.

"What a powerful sand magic!!"

Jiula couldn't help but exclaimed that his rock and iron pillars were nothing compared to this sand wall. He couldn't help but look in the direction of the 'Emperor's Shield'.

There are only a handful of magicians who can use such exquisite sand magic and have such abundant magic power, and there is only one who specializes in sand magic, and that is Agil!

However, the changes on the scene have not stopped yet. After trapping the gravel, wind and dust, the sand wall froze into ice in the blink of an eye and surrounded the entire area within a hundred meters of where Akunololia fell. Now even the energy blast was trapped.

There were several people using ice magic at the scene, but based on the nature of the magic, the time and method of the attack, there was no doubt that the one who cooperated with the sand wall to save everyone was Imber from the same guild.

However, before the magicians could react, they heard a crackling sound of ice.

When everyone was looking for someone to leave, they discovered that it was Akunololia who broke through the ice and flew high into the sky, hovering in the night sky. It seemed that to it, what it had just done was just a random act!


The eyes of all the magicians of Fairy Tail were shattered, especially Makarov. The old man could not bear the blow of losing his grandson, so he vomited a mouthful of old blood, and his body could no longer maintain the giant magic. Quickly shrinking back to his original short stature.

The Thunder Gods did not hesitate, and immediately rushed to the depths of the pit to find someone, but were stopped by someone who raised his hand.

"What do you do..."

Philide was about to curse, but he saw the bald man in a suit in front of him grinning, then waved his hand, and released a confused Laxus from another space.

"Laxus?! Are you okay?! Great!!"

Seeing that Laxus was not dead, the magicians of Fairy Tail were relieved, and the Thunder Gods hugged the thigh of their savior with tears of gratitude.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!!"

This savior was Jacob of Twelve Shields. He took action to banish Laxus to his little dark room at the critical moment, thus saving his life.

Looking at Akunololia in the sky, Kira had only one question in his mind: Why is it that at such a time, Iguniru's dragons still haven't come out?

But then I thought: Once they come out, can they really beat Akunololia?

Needless to say, Akunololia's talent was that he was able to perfect the dragon-slaying magic in a human body and slay all the dragons in Ishgar, ending the age of dragons. This kind of achievement is far less than that of Irene, the creator of dragon-slaying magic, and Zeref, the black mage who has been famous for four hundred years!

It can be said that his talent is the well-deserved number one in the original work.

More than four hundred years have passed since Akunololia learned dragon-slaying magic, and she has survived from an era of insufficient magic power to an era of abundant magic power.

So here comes the question: How far can a unique genius improve his strength with enough time?

Sometimes, Kira has been wondering why people like Igneel, Zeref, and Anna think that by sending Natsu and others four hundred years later when they are full of magic, they will have the power to defeat Akunololia. What about opportunities?

You must know that four hundred years ago, they were completely powerful and couldn't defeat Akunololia, who had learned dragon-slaying magic for decades. Why would they be able to defeat them four hundred years later when they had become remnant souls? This battle?

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