The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 121: The complete heritage of ancient Kunlun

Immortality ...

Because Shengte thought about this concept in his mind, he didn't have much thought. As a Saiyan who fights for the nation, the peak period of his physical fitness has grown amazingly. Sun Wukong has reached the age of being a grandfather. There is not much difference, that is to say, after the Saint is fused with Saiyan genes, it is basically "not old".

As for "longevity", Yin Sheng should also be able to make a wish to Dragon Ball. Compared with the need to continuously add "dragon marrow" to the body in order to maintain the "immortal" way, the effect of wishing is obviously only better, However, he has no such plans at present. Immortality is both a gift and a curse. He feels that when he is about to die, let's see if he feels tired ...

He is more interested in the ruins than the dragon bones in the ruins, or to be more precise, he is very interested in the seal that protects the entire ruins.

With such an idea, In Saint turned his head and asked Danny Land: "Do you know what's in that ruin?"

"I don't even know there is a ruin there."

Danny Rand shook his head, he almost became an iron fist on the front foot, and ran away from the mountain on his own back, and naturally he knew nothing about Kunlun's fullness.

Quine Sainte did not sell the child, decisively spoiler: "In fact, I have heard the legend of the ruins, which is the burial place of" Shou Lao "."


Yan Wenyan, Danny Rand opened his eyes immediately: "Why is Shou Lao's remains buried in New York?"

Who knows? Probably a blessed land in New York. Not only is it popular among aliens, but even the "Immortal Dragon" is not exempt.

Quinn Saint uttered something in his heart and shrugged on the surface: "I don't know."


At this moment, Colleen Wen interjected and looked at Inst. "Listening to what you said last time," Shou Lao "is still alive? How can there be a place for bones?"

"It is indeed alive, but in the form of a soul."

Danny Rand answered Colleen Win's question, explaining instead of Incent: "Shou Lao's Dragon Soul lives in the heart of an immortal dragon, testing the last level of iron fist of all ages is to punch. Only in this huge heart can we really get Shou's approval. "

"What the **** are you talking about?"

Jessica Jones stepped forward and asked with a series of question marks in her head: "Who is Shou Lao? The soul really exists? Why is it called Dragon Soul? What is the immortal Dragon Heart?"

"Shou Lao is a dragon, we Kunlun's immortal dragon."

Hearing what Danny Rand said, Luke Cage also came forward, refuting with disbelief: "Dragon? Serious? Stop kidding!"

"What they say is true."

Matthew Murdoch raised his arm and stopped Jessica Jones, who still wanted to say: "Don't argue, I have heard about Shou Lao from the" sticks ", and even, hands and The five fingers of the meeting, I have already guessed why they want to get the old bones of Shou Lao. They need more 'Dragon Pills' to keep themselves immortal. "

Having said that, the casual Nocturne looked around and said solemnly, "This is why, I try to insist that we must solve the problem by ourselves. If the news spreads, in order to compete for the dragon Controversy will never stop, a precious resource that can last forever. "

"No one can desecrate Shou-Lao's remains!"

Danny Rand clenched his fists, bite his teeth and questioned the Daredevil: "Matthew! Since you know, why not say it earlier? We must stop the action of the hand and meeting immediately!"

As the person who unintentionally opened the ruins in the original plot, don't you feel blushed when you say this sentence?

At the same time that Saint Te was secretly defamatory, he saw the questioned Daredevil silent, so he soothed Danny Rand: "Danny, you don't have to worry about it, you will definitely not find Shou's remains, No one would be able to open that ruin without your 'key'. "

"I'm the key?"

Danny Rand turned his head and asked with a doubt on his face: "What do you mean?"

Quinn Saint pointed to his fist and explained briefly: "That ruin is sealed by Tekken, and only Tekken can unblock it."

"So it is."

The night demon showed a sudden expression, re-inserted the topic: "I actually heard the phrase 'we need iron fist', but I just can't understand it."

Hearing that, Yin Sheng looked at Daredevil and asked, "Where did you overhear? The five fingers of the hand and meeting you just said have been gathered in Manhattan, but I have tried to sense it with breath. Sweeping it did not find any suspicious breath within twenty kilometers. "

Daredevil slapped his lips ~ ~ Apparently, he had no opinion on the word "overhearing", secretly saying, "Do you mean to say me?", I really want to talk about the issue of privacy invasion. Compared with his extraordinary senses, his special sense of breath is not small ...

"It's nearby."

Daredevil pointed in one direction and said, "Five or six kilometers away, there is a newly-built building. With the cover of construction work, Handi will dig a large hole several hundred meters deep under the building. That's why I discovered their conspiracy. "

"What are we waiting for?"

Hearing that, Danny Rand immediately asked a question, although Yin Sheng said that without his iron fist, his hands would not be able to open the ruins, but he was inevitably a little anxious, and he asked: "In Saint You will help us, right? "

"of course."

Because Sainte took a look at Colleen Wen, it was only because of the complaint between her and her fellow that she could not stay out of the matter. Moreover, he also agreed with Daredevil's opinion that the secret about "immortality" is still quiet. He was buried well. The most important thing is that he was really interested in the seal of the ruins. You must know that the iron fist of the seal remains was the last iron fist of Kunlun before the calamity, and Kunlun was intact. His inheritance of refining gas is also incomplete with his passing.

等等 "Wait, Danny, we can't act lightly yet."

The Night Stalker called out the anxious Danny Rand, pointing out a key question: "Five fingers must be removed at one time, or the hand peace will come back sooner or later."

After all, Daredevil turned to In Saint: "Actually, the reason why we came to you is because of your sense of breath, you can easily find them. You just said, they are not in Manhattan? "

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