The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 142: Unlimited breath, question mark BOSS

After the Queen's fighter was filled with fuel, Incente watched the SHIELD agents leave, and asked Colleen Wen, "Should we play in Manila or go home?"

"Go home and have no energy to play ..."

"Hey ..."

"Smile! Blame you!"

"Okay, don't laugh."

Yin Sheng put away a hippie smiley: "Seriously, after taking you home, I have to go to Brazil alone, and it is estimated that I will stay longer."


Colleen Win frowned slightly: "The last time you ran around the world, you flew over to Rio? Didn't find anything?"

"Well, it's flying by."

Ingent first nodded, then shook his head: "But it should be said that things are not done."

"what's up?"

"Fight the monster."

"In Saint Lee!"

"I'm not kidding."

"Then you don't take me, do you ... because it's dangerous?"

"Well ... it's not dangerous to me."

"... asshole!"

"This is the most euphemism I can think of ..."


Colleen Wen gritted her teeth silently, and said abruptly, "My breath is already skilled enough. On the way back, teach me scissors."

"it is good."

Yin Sheng promised, and at the same time he looked up: "Coleen, don't worry, I'm already thinking of a way."

"I'm not in a hurry, I just ... want to keep up with you."

"I know."

"You must think I'm overwhelmed, right?"

"On the contrary, I am pretty sure that you will soon be as strong as I am now."

"... I almost believed it."

"can believe."

"This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible, don't forget, in the beginning, you were better than me."

"... I still can't believe it ..."


A day later, South America, Brazil.

Instantly before the dark, he rode in a Kun-style fighter aircraft alone and arrived in the "Rio de Janeiro" southern area, over the "Rosinia" slum.

"Friday, drive the Kunes back to the Defender's Building. Don't wait for me."

In Saint, carrying a shoulder bag, flew out from the open cabin door, picked a few personal places, landed on the ground, and maintained the shape of a golden boy, walked in a big swing ... Well, where he is currently The slums are actually surrounded by alleys and there is no street ...

... In this largest slum in South America, almost no one knows that Golden Boy, a superhero who has gained fame in the United States, but has not completely rushed out of the world, because Saint is not worried about being watched on the road. Turning around, just because of his blasting hairstyle ...

"Still a question mark ..."

On the last trip to find Dragon Ball, after flying to Rio in Santo by civil aviation, he also passed near the slum of Rosnia. Then, he was frightened by a terror that could not detect the upper limit. escape……

"So, it wasn't that I was too weak at the time ... but the grandson's anger, there really was no upper limit ..."

Combining the current point in time and the geographical location, Yin Shengte did not dare to meet the owner of the breath, but in fact, he had already guessed who he is!

Bruce Banner! Hulk Hulk!

Because Sainte's purpose to find here is very obvious, he is purely looking for abuse ... Ah, he is "prepared" to die ...

"Dr. Banner."

At dusk, outside a factory building of a beverage processing factory, I heard this long-lost Bruce Banner was frightened. He was struggling to control the heartbeat that started to accelerate. Man, immediately froze again: "?"

This time it was Instant's turn that surprised him: "Do you know me?"

"I follow domestic news."

Bruce Banner ignored her disguise, and her heartbeat returned to normal. She was very curious and asked, "Why did you come here?"

"This is not the place to speak."

Incente looked around and waved to Bruce Banner: "Follow me."

After turning into a small alley, Instant beckoned again: "Dr. Banner, stand closer."

Bruce Banner felt hesitant. In the end, she read Golden Boy's reputation as a good superhero and chose to believe Incent once.

Instant opened a spherical shield covering the two men, and said to the wide-eyed Bruce Banner, "We are about to take off. Please control your emotions."

"Why ... uh!"

Bruce Banner felt a sudden weightlessness suddenly struck. At the moment when Sante was vacated with a protective cover, he was involuntarily affixed to the protective cover. From the outside, it looked like he was being stiff Pressed on a curved glass ...

Five minutes later, Bruce Banner's heart rate monitoring bracelet worn on her wrist had begun to report the alarm, and she heard the sound. Due to the sudden change of Saint's face, she immediately changed the direction of the flight and darted her head The rainforest underneath, Brus Banner, attached to the protective cover, followed the arc of the protective cover silently, and slid suddenly ...

After landing, Instant lifted the protective cover for the first time, and regardless of the loss of support, Bruce Banner, who fell to the ground, pulled out the cosmic cube wrapped in insulation directly from the backpack and stuck to it. Dragon Ball.

After unraveling the circle of insulating material and plugging it back into the backpack, Sainte held the cosmic cube and dragon ball in his hand, and pressed them together under the ground. Then, he used the cube as the core to construct An oversized protective cover with a unit of 20 meters in size and 202020 was hidden in the ground. If you ignore the unevenness of the ground, it will be 202010.

After doing all of this ~ ~ Insant took off his jacket again, along with his mobile phone and other personal belongings, all packed into a shoulder bag on his back, then he vigorously waved his arms and threw the backpack To the corner of the protective cover.

The next moment, Instant, who was ready for all battles, suddenly found that, just after landing, he just got up from the ground and began to take a deep breath, Bruce Banner, actually controlled himself, did not turn green ...

My clothes are all off. Would you like me to come out like this?

Because Sainte felt the deception deeply, and rushed forward, "Dr. Banner, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

Bruce Banner waved his hand: "Give me a minute."

After a moment, Bruce Banner, who was standing straight up, stared at Incente and asked, "You reminded me to control my emotions early on, is it because ... you know his existence?"

Instant certainly understood who "he" was, and nodded concealedly: "I'm here for the Hulk."

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