The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 148: Protective cover for semi-suspender, irreplaceable gas

"This is the first experimental semi-finished product we have developed based on the protective cover you provided."

Coulson took a step forward and explained to Instant: "However, although we have fully analyzed the structure of the protective cover, so far, no scientific method has been developed to replace the human body. Qi, to build a connection to the energy of the cube, so only people who can use Qi can use this device to activate the protective cover. "


Instant came to the dome-shaped protective cover, stretched out his hand and stroked it at the edge where the protective cover began to dissipate, and then hesitantly said, "However, the efficiency is too low. The semi-suspender you made can not only absorb energy from outside To supplement itself, but the internal energy is still leaking continuously, can't it last for a long time? "

"It's really nothing."

Coulson shook his head helplessly, pointed to the metal ring on Melinda May's wrist, and explained, "The energy structure of the protective cover was not artificially constructed, but was recorded by a chip, and according to This blueprint automatically combines the energy of the human body and the energy of the device. In fact, the blueprint we first tried was a complete cycle, but for some unknown reason, the protective cover always collapsed in the blink of an eye. , Only take part of the cycle, but can maintain relative stability. "


Yin Sheng expressed an expression of sudden realization: "Yes, that's right. Your agents, they all learn Kunlun's refining technique. The characteristics of qi are different from our turtle fairy stream. Of course, it is impossible to build perfection. It ’s pretty good to be able to create a defective product. "

"This is not a defective product ..."

Coulson shook his head and argued, "Before the energy is completely exhausted, this shield can withstand almost the firepower of any conventional thermal weapon. Even if a high explosive bomb explodes in front of it, just hide behind the shield. It doesn't even have a feeling of anti-seismic. The only drawback is that as you said before, the energy loss is too great, so it can only be triggered at critical moments and cannot be used for conventional maintenance. "

"It seems that you are very affectionate about this half-hanger protective cover, isn't your eyes tight?"

"Uh, I don't ... well, I really want one."

"Coulson, you are also my old friend. If you need help, you can speak directly."

"I took it with good intentions, but like Agent Button, I also want to comprehend qi on my own. I have already experienced qi, and I don't need to trouble you again."


Because Shengte shook his head silently, it was a bit unintelligible. Eagle Eyes and Coulson were only half-knowledge of Chinese culture. How dare he be so blinding and confident? He is not optimistic about these foreigners anyway ...

It is not unreasonable that more than 90% of the people who can develop their own "qi" in Marvel World are Asian, even if the remaining 10% are mostly with a "yellow-skinned heart", For example, Danny Rand's iron fist has been living in China for fifteen years since he was a child.


In the evening of the same day, Incente, who had finished her lesson at SHIELD, came to the slum of Rosinia in Rio's southern district as usual, and met Bruce Banner in a dilapidated roof of a low-rise building.

Compared with usual times, Bruce Banner is very excited today. After seeing Incent, he didn't say a single greeting and said, "I did it!"

Because Sainte was a little frightened, and then he came over. Three days ago, he gave all the research resources obtained through the SHIELD to Bruce Banner. It seems that the so-called "Hulk Antidote ", Has now been developed, and directly on human experiments ...

"Looking" at his own sense of breath, there is still the torrential weather without limits, because Sainte shook his head flatly: "No, you don't."

"What did I not have?"

Upon hearing that, Bruce Banner frowned: "Did you not understand? Objectively speaking, my blood is completely free of gamma radiation, and the state of red blood cells is completely the same as that of normal people. From Subjectively speaking, I can't feel Hulk's existence at all, and the anger that has troubled me all the time is now completely gone. "


Because Sainte didn't listen to Bruce Banner's long story at all, he beckoned: "Let's go, Bruce, I'm sorry to have to poke your dream bubble, but it's almost dark, and it's time for us to make an appointment. Now. "

"Are you listening to me ?!"

Bruce Banner waved his arms in desperation: "Hulk is no longer there! No one will fight with you ... uh!"

After being forced to wear a protective cover by Instant, Bruce Banner turned his body expertly and replaced it with four limbs. With his back against the protective cover, he shouted loudly, "Listen to people. Ah **** !!! I can no longer be a Hulk! "

"you can."

Instant returned the two English words in a simple and clear way, then ignored his mouth and began to spit out various technical terms, Bruce Banner, and flew straight to the original tropical rain forest.

After landing in the leafy, but long-term battlefield of two monsters ~ ~ Now it has been destroyed to the depths of the dense forest, and as a result of the special, the Cosmic Cube was taken out of the backpack and stuck to it. The Dragon Balls above pressed into the ground together, and an oversized protective cover appeared on the periphery of the battlefield.

"I'm very sorry."

Hearing Instant's words, he was brought here forcibly, and Bruce Banner, now full of indignation, had a slightly relaxed expression: "Of course you should be sorry, you **** **** ... o, o , O, there is something to say, there is ... "

Bruce Banner, who was groaning violently, had his arms draped against his chest, with a horrified gaze, staring at him, all over him was an Incente who had a golden flame, fierce to himself Severely punched ...

Is this **** **** actually sorry to punch me?

Bruce Banner, who was hit hard by a golden light fist, hit her chest sturdyly, and flew back backwards. As soon as the thought came to mind, she found with sorrow in her eyes that she did not feel any pain. With a precise ominous premonition, he bowed his head with a sorrowful look, and sure enough, he saw a large swath of green, which was running along his skin from the position of his chest to his neck ...

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