The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 155: Iron Man and Hulk, Tony and Bruce


In the face of Tony Stark's invisible and intangible costume, St. Skutter slapped his lips, and bowed his cell phone and said, "Friday, calculate my current position, and the lightbulb villa villa. The straight line distance between them gives me an angle accurate to the decimal point. "

Although he has become an Iron Man long ago, Tony Stark's own anger is still the one that can't be found after being thrown into the pile of people, because Sainte wants to scan his words with the instant movement. The general direction is not enough. You must have a very specific positioning for reference before you can barely do it.

And even so, Incentive who took the index finger and **** against the eyebrows wasted the boss' strength, and successfully focused on Tony Stark's weak and scumming atmosphere. This is because of that sea cliff The area around the villa is surrounded by a large area of ​​private territory. There is no other human breath at all. If it is changed into a downtown, even if there are very accurate coordinate points, don't want to give Iron Man's anger to Sainte. Distinguish it.

"Bruce, stand closer with your shoulders against my shoulders."

Instant gave Bruce Banner a sentence, and then told his mobile phone: "Bulbman, from now on, stand still, otherwise, if you are unfortunately hit and fly, don't blame me."

On the other side of the phone, Tony Stark didn't fully understand the sentence. A distinctive cube protective cover suddenly appeared in the air in front of him, and in this large living room, There was a fierce wind, and the next moment, two figures shrouded in a nebula appeared in the center of the shield.

"Jarvis, report the data you have collected."

"Sorry, SIR. Of the spatial anomalies that just happened in front of you, there are too many elements that I can't quantify, and complete data cannot be collected."

Hearing the conversation between the master and the servant, he lifted Insante from the protective cover, and supported the ragged Bruce Banner, and fell to the floor together: "Even though I don't want to say this, I did already I told you, it has nothing to do with science. "

Tony Stark noticed at first glance that because of the cosmic cube and stone dragon ball held by Sainte, he was about to ask. After seeing Bruce Banner around him, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and came forward. One step stretched out his right arm: "Dr. Banner, fortunately, your research on negative electron collisions is unparalleled."

"Thank you."

Bruce Banner shook hands with Tony Stark and said with a mockery: "If I knew it earlier, I would actually meet with the great Tony Stark, and I would definitely dress more formally."

"In fact, compared to your academics, I think that when you become a violent green giant monster, it will make me more eye-opening."

Tony Stark shrugged. "What? The hairspray boy didn't tell you, is he actually taking you to my house?"

Bruce Banner realized that "Hairspray Boy" meant Incentive, so he turned to look at him, silently giving up the topic.

"I actually mentioned 'Bulbman', but he didn't guess it."

Because Sainte took a step forward, seamlessly connected into the conversation between the two: "It's nice to see you two at first sight, bulb man, don't you mind going to Dr. Benner as a tenant in the future?"

"Don't mind at all."

Tony Stark shook his head. Throughout the Marvel world, IQs and scholars can compare with him in just two hands. Bruce Banner, who has seven PhDs, happened to be one of them. First, not to mention, he just said that he was very interested in the Hulk, but he wasn't talking rhetorically ...

After answering Incent's question, Tony Stark then turned to Bruce Banner: "Dr. Banner, welcome to the Hans, my house is your house, my table is your table , My wardrobe is yours. "

Hearing that, at this time Bruce Banner, who was not dressed as a beggar, smiled awkwardly: "Thank you, I won't disturb you for too long, uh ... although you probably already know, But I still have to mention that I'm actually a wanted criminal, so if ... "

"Don't worry, this is not a problem at all, you can stay as long as you want."

Tony Stark waved his hands indifferently, then commanded his smart housekeeper: "Jarvis, arrange a room for Dr. Banner, um ... prepare twelve suits for him."

Bruce Banner's expression became more embarrassing: "... Thank you, actually a set is enough ..."

"and many more!"

Instant suddenly stepped forward and interjected: "Bruce, we haven't hit the rack today. You should take a shower and change clothes first."

"... To fight today? I just changed back from Hulk ..."

"Of course, I promised Hulk yesterday. If you want me to keep my word ~ ​​ ~, that won't work."


"Bulbman, is that beach under the cliff your own?"

"What do you think?"

Tony Stark replied dismissively, then asked with interest: "Listen to what you mean, are you going to fight the Hulk? Don't mind an additional audience?"

"Even if I say mind, can it stop you?"

Because Sainte poked his lips and walked towards the balcony: "If you want to see you, look at me."

Bruce Banner, who followed him, stood on this sea cliff villa nearly 100 meters above the ground, looking over the fence of the balcony and looking at the distant beach below: "Let's fly down?"

"it is good."

In Saint nodded briskly, and then ... brought Bruce Banner to the balcony ...

"Uh ah ah!"

Bruce Banner's dancing "flying" was in the air, and when he approached the ground infinitely, his prolonged exclaiming sound turned into a screaming roar: "Roar !!!"

I only heard the sound of "Boom!" A huge green figure slammed into the not-soft beach and splashed with yellow sand.

On the balcony, Tony Stark, who had picked up a pair of high-tech glasses and put on his face, took a step back, and subconsciously walked away from the balcony guardrail. He is not wearing a steel suit now ... ...

Incente squinted at Tony Stark, opened the protective cube and dragon ball in his hand, and opened a protective cover, then tipped his feet and jumped off the balcony. It was a "fair" useless dance With the golden flame rising from his body, under the acceleration of gravitation, Kongshu went straight to the Hulk underneath. He squeezed his right hand with his fist and lit up a golden dazzling lighter than the flame.

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