The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 159: Lorna Lanchel's Magic Hand

"No problem."

On the second floor of Li's Chinese Restaurant, Incent, known as "Go back and go", is still cheering up Lorna Lansell: "Don't you have confidence before, what's the matter?"

"Not all blame you!"

Lorna pouted her lips. "It was so sudden that I didn't have any mental preparation."

Tell me about mental preparation now? Why did you go there two months ago?

Because Sainte slandered such a sentence, on the surface, an old **** looks like: "For you, what's the mental preparation for something as simple as eating and drinking?"

"We're talking about Iron Man, just in case my hand shakes ..."

"That's fine."

Because Sainte interrupted Lorna's self-doubt: "I'm here, even if you get a big heart artery bleeding from the bulb man, I can't guarantee he will die."


Lorna gave a silent look at Incente, and showed extreme contempt for his ability to encourage people ...

Having said that, since even the worst situation has occurred, because Sainte also guarantees that this is not a problem, Lona's tension in her mind has suddenly eased a lot.

"Okay, no problem, I can do it."

On hearing that, Saint nodded without hesitation: "Of course you can."

Lorna took a deep breath, and then exhaled with force: "Boss, I'm ready."

"Okay, let's go."

In Saint Tropin held the cosmic cube and beckoned Lorna: "Stand closer, we will teleport directly."

Although Lorna had seen Instant's instant movement for a long time, this was the first time she had experienced it personally, and she could not help showing an interesting expression. Because she had seen Collin in the previous time, Wen teleported together, so he learned to get close to Instant, and the whole person retracted into his arms.

Because of this unexpected action, Sainte was a little stunned by her unexpected movement. Although she didn't understand a little in her heart, but this was the end, he had nothing to do with twists and turns. The thin waist, relying on the positioning of Bruce Banner, instantly moved to Tony Stark's villa.

Tony Stark was unaware that he had not been notified in advance. As for Bruce Banner, who was next to him, he had long been regarded as a positioning coordinate, and he had long been used to being haunted by the spirit of Saint ...

"Hairspray boy, do you know this is an illegal invasion?"

Because Sainte ignored the nonsense of Tony Stark, he lifted the protective cover that he brought over, and fell into the floor holding Lorna from the air. He simply said, "This is Lorna Lancher. Here, Lorna, this is Dr. Bruce Banner, as for the national playboy, there should be no need to introduce it. "

Lona, who was very nervous before, was not frightened at this time, and said generously, "Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, I am honored to meet you."

"You're welcome, Lorna, you can call me Tony."

After Tony Stark greeted Lorna, he immediately glared at Incente. Although he was busy presenting Pepper Potts who was managing the company, he was still not present. He said seriously that he was now good. Li: "Hairspray boy, everyone is familiar, I will sue you for slander, and I have not been a **** for many years."

many years?

Because Sainte poked his lips and didn't plan to say anything more. After watching nod to Lorna, Bruce Banner, who was still busy in front of a centrifuge, asked, "Bruce, but Don't tell me what you think of the 'antidote'. "

After hearing that, Bruce Banner returned the sentence without raising his head: "The word antidote is correct, but it was prepared for Tony. Lee, I know that you have a good relationship with Hulk, but can you occasionally Stand on my side once? "

"You and Hulk are one. How can there be a so-called 'your side' for me to stand?"

Incente shrugged his shoulders: "What? You have a way to cure the bulb man's palladium poisoning?"

"It can alleviate the symptoms quickly, but the effect is too fierce and cannot be used many times. Tony's complete cure is still up to you."

"It's not me."

Yin Sheng pinched Lorna's shoulders and pushed her to the front desk: "It's Lorna's" magic hands "." (Magichand)

Lona smiled a little embarrassedly. In front of outsiders, she did not embarrass Instant, only scolded him with a **** dog ​​in her heart.

It's about his own life. Of course, Tony Stark is more active than anyone else. He first walked to a black leather lounge chair: "So what are we waiting for?"

Yin Shengte leaned his head forward and whispered in Lorna's ear: "Follow the steps we have simulated, believe in yourself, for you, this is just a piece of cake."

By the way, Incentive should first step forward and say to Tony Stark, who is already taking off his shirt, "Bulbman, can you make your own real-time holographic projection? The kind that shows human blood vessels . "

Tony Stark commanded, instead of answering: "Jarvis, do as the hairspray boy said."

"Yes, sir."

As Jarvis's voice sounded in the studio, a 3d perspective view of the human blood vessel belonging to Tony Stark appeared next to him in the form of a holographic projection.

Seeing this, Lorna, who came after Instant, was relieved immediately. With such an extremely intuitive assistance, she made Tony Stark more difficult to “operate”, which reduced her by half.

Tony Stark lying on the black lounge chair ~ ~ After taking a deep breath, he turned his eyes to Lorna who walked in front of him: "Go ahead, I'm ready."

"Mr. Stark, please try not to take any action."

While saying this sentence, between the five fingers of Lorna, there was a colorful aurora rippling. Tony Stark, attracted by this wonderful scene, did not notice the human blood vessels around him. In the holographic projection, the star-shaped blacks that represent the shrapnel in his body, all instantly changed the form, and became a drop of bright liquid metal like mercury.

Then, these mercury-like liquid metals began to flow spontaneously, all along the different blood vessels, all gathered together, and then gradually joined together into a thin liquid metal wire, This line runs along the vein of the human body, from the position of the heart, retrograde all the way to the left wrist, and then instantly changes from liquid to solid. Under the control of Lorna, it stabbed Tony Stark's skin, She was pumped out of the air like a wire.

Tony Stark narrowed his eyes, looked at the blood-stained metal wire flying in the air, and looked at Lorna's rippling Aurora hands. He had to admit that because of the "magic power" "Hand", without any exaggeration ...


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