The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 169: Gorgeous starry sky, vast galaxy

The Hulk will not be drowned, so what about it? Try it out, his life energy is not infinite ...

Seeing that he didn't even have enough foot soles, Sainte had exhausted his ascending force and began to fall back to the surface of the disgust. He was already planning to use his life as an experiment ...

After opening a protective cover that was able to cover himself, Yin Sheng took the initiative to send him to the door, just like at the beginning, and smashed into the abomination chest. The difference is that before, Yin Sheng It slammed him into the ground, and now, sinking against him.

The first reaction to this is the crazy punches and kicks on the protective cover. Because of the breath in the saint, it began to decrease rapidly, and the consumption of the protective cover to make ends meet was reduced. The reduction rate can be described as It was quite horrible. However, Incente, who obviously couldn't hold it for too long, was completely indifferent, despite the disgust outside the protective cover, rushed straight to the bottom of the Hudson River.

The first thing that breaks this situation is the abomination that can't be held up in one step.

After being pushed to a depth of more than ten meters by Yin Shengte, the breath he held in his chest was disgusting, and a series of air bubbles overflowed from the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. St. Separated at an oblique angle, and then immediately used it with hands and feet, violently started crazy paddling, and went straight to the clear water.

"Give me back!"

Because Shengte was in a waterproof protective cover, before the body was anxious, it was completely worry-free, and he made a "grab and then pull" action in the space, and then, he was discharged by the energy. The river water that produced fine bubbles during the collision brought out the true face of his trick "guessing fist: cloth"-I saw a giant hand drawn by white water flowers with fingers up to Mitch, five fingers The shrinking hand pinched the aversion, and then dragged him down to the bottom.

"Mum ..."

Under the sudden panic of abhorrence, the mouth continued to spit out large bubbles, although he immediately aroused the strength of the whole body and suddenly broke the grip of the invisible giant hand, however, he was The sinking trend will not change.

And the next moment, Incent, who was already above the abomination, then turned the palm again, and made a posture of "pressing the palm down". A giant hand composed of air bubbles was then reproduced, and a slap would disgust. The fan reached the bottom.

Immediately following is the reversal version of the scene in the sky before, with the protective cover of Insante, following the abomination slowly and slaply, slap him into the water and slap him on the bottom. After three or four strokes, there was no more abomination in her mouth, and she also stopped struggling, as if she was unconscious due to drowning.

Seeing this, Yin Sheng didn't care whether the disgust was pretended or not, he stopped using the "guessing fist: cloth" with little effort, just watching the disgust slowly sinking down under the action of the remaining power, and soon arrived It is a dark water area, and the distance from the water surface is at least 200 meters.

At this time, he had been holding a protective shield against Instant of the river, and the Qi in his body was less than 30%. However, in his breath induction, the abomination Qi was still stable and had no meaning to dissipate, in other words It is obviously not the way to die.

Pretend to die? It doesn't seem to be ...

Because Sainte frowned slightly, he hesitated a little, then lifted the protective cover around him, and then followed the huge air bubbles brought to the bottom by the protective cover, and rushed out of the water together.

In an unforced posture, he floated over Incentive over the Hudson River. Through the induction of breath, he found that after he left the bottom of the water, he hated himself without any movement, but only by the bottom of the water. Undercurrent pushed away.

"what is this?"

Because Sainte is a bit confused, if the disgust is pretending to be dead, and it still does n’t make sense to continue pretending, then whether it is a drowning that will not die for a while, or is it like the Hulk, it will not be at all Drown?

At this moment, a noise unique to the helicopter propeller passed into Incent's ears, and when he looked around, I saw a transport helicopter with the US military logo printed on it. He flew over.

Is Rose here?

Because Sainte frowned again, General Perak who was so persistent in recreating the "captain America experiment", if he found an abomination in a state of "fake death", what would he do? I want to know with my butt.

Just as he thought, after the military transport helicopter approached, General Rose's voice was heard through the on-board speaker: "Goldenboy, what about the monster that 'Brownsky' has become?" Eliminate him? Is the body still in the Hudson River? "

At this time, you completely forgot about my abduction of your daughter?

Because Saint skucked his lips, and he had no affection for the downright politician like Rose. He was even unhappy to deal with it and turned to look at the other side.

After he rushed out of the water, there were more than one helicopter. In addition to General Ross ’s military aircraft, a photographic helicopter, apparently belonging to a news media, had also followed.

This opportunity is pretty good ...

In Sainte showed a thoughtful expression ~ ~ Over time, like General Hydra and General Ross, the hostile forces against him could only be getting more and more The more, then, taking advantage of today's justifiable opportunity, to show your fists to the world, it seems ... is a very good choice?

"Don't come over !!! The monster is still alive !!!"

In Sainte, waving his arms at the two helicopters, shouted in his mouth, "If you don't want to die !!! Then leave me away !!!"

By the way, Incentre doesn't care about General Ross and the reporter who took the news. In the end, he just hovered over the Hudson River and made a strange posture like weightlifting. The arms, the five fingers of both hands are all separated to the maximum, as if to use their own strength to prop up the entire night sky.

The next moment, with his hands as the center, half of New York State and half of New Jersey, at the same time, a scene that has never been seen before in the world, countless white spots of light like fireflies in the night, extremely spectacular The ground rises neatly together, and then the countless fluorescent lights of these stars turn into a vast galaxy from a gorgeous star-like posture!


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