The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 231: The destroyed destroyer, the king must know how to sacrifice

In the SHIELD convoy, which was within one kilometer of the Rainbow Bridge landing point, through the sunroof on the roof, Thor and his head and shoulders were discovered. It can be clearly seen that after the Qigong wave hit the destroyer, In the process of returning to the blue sky, the magma-colored tiger stripes covering the body are getting more and more bright. When the tail of Qigong Wave has already submerged into its body, those yellow-red tigers The lines are completely overwhelmed by the dazzling golden color emitted.

The next moment, there was a violent explosion without gunpowder. The sound of "bang" distorted a large swath of air, centered on the destroyer mecha in the sky, and a circle of conspicuous ripples spreading in a spherical shape was rapidly amplified with an amazing sound. After the shock wave touched the ground, it suddenly became a muffled sound, raising the yellow sand and the ring-shaped thick dust, and then the raging sky soared, blocking everyone's sight.

Seeing that after the explosion, the Destroyed Mech was unable to start falling down, Thor could not help but stare, and did not conceal the shock in his heart. As the heir to Asgard's throne, his Strength naturally has a clear understanding, there is no overestimation, it is only possible that he severely underestimated the strength of Instant.

You know, there is no weapon in Insante's hands, completely empty-handed, killing Asgard's strongest weapon, and Thor feels that even if he got his divine power, if there is no Mourny Seoul in hand ...

At that moment, there was a boring Coulson in his bones, and Thor made a stab at the downhole: "Did this damage, can the destroyer repair itself? Or is it` `destroyed ''? ''


Thor defaulted on the "Destroyed Destroyer" statement. The whole man pulled back from the sunroof, sat back in his seat, turned his head and asked Coulson, "Earth ... uh, I mean Li, is he really an earth person? A strong man like him is rare even in the vast universe. "

"of course."

Coulson nodded with Honor, and then, fearing that Thor didn't believe it, he added: "We have tested him on blood, 100% of humans."

Between the two talking, the SHIELD team has slowly started to slow down and stopped at ...

"Uh ah ah ah ah!"

One foot was on the neck of the destroyer, and his head was dragged with both hands, or the Incente of the helmet. At this time, from the arm to the skin of the forehead, the blue muscles were violent, and apparently it had exerted milk. However, it is impossible to twist any piece of metal.



Thor and Coulson, who got off the car, were collectively speechless, but their thoughts were the same-this is because they haven't died yet, so they have to drag their heads down ...


Thor stepped forward: "You have destroyed the core of the Destroyer. It can no longer act."

"I know."

Because Sainte decisively gave up the unrealistic act of dismantling Gundam by hand, stood straight up with both hands, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just want to try it, how big is the gap between me and Ulu Metal."


Thor always thinks there is something wrong with this sentence, but in the case of Asgard's chaos, it is obviously not a time for gossiping, and he said goodbye directly to Incent: "Thank you for your help. Now, I want to go back to Afghanistan Skad has stopped Loki, and we hope we will meet again. "


Because Sainte stopped Thor and pointed to the direction of Thor's Hammer: "Theoretically, this is your business in Asgard. I shouldn't make any comments, but forgive me, I'm taking Before returning to your divine power, I don't think you should go back. As a mortal, you can do nothing. "

"you are right."

Thor smiled helplessly: "Why don't I understand this, but if Heimdall's concerns are true and Rocky is really related to the invasion of the Frost Giants, then the entire Asgard, now I'm in danger and I have to talk to my brother to get him back to his sanity. "

"In this case……"

Yin Sheng thought about his chin, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I actually have a way, maybe I can get you back."

Hearing that Coulson, who had been quietly watching, had almost foreseen what Instant would say next, and immediately stared, was about to speak, and the black widow next to him pulled him quickly. He gave him a "don't say anything" look, which stopped him from moving.

Thor's attention at this time was obviously not on the Colesson, and he only looked at Instant with surprise eyes: "Do you have a way?"

"The answer is yes."

He nodded because of the characteristics of the saint, and then suddenly turned straight, his tone suddenly turned: "However, I must warn you in advance, this is a last resort."

Then, beyond Coleson's expectations, Incente did not elaborate on his theory of "hammer is a resurrection coin", but after a pause, he simply and rudely said: "Once you fail, you will dead."

As soon as Saint said this, Thor hadn't had time to speak, and Huff and Jane Foster both jumped out and shouted in unison: "No!"

Immediately afterwards, after a brief glance at Hive, Jane Foster said, "Thor, there is no need to take this risk. Although you have no power, you still have us. "

"Jane, Shiv, thank you for your concern, but this should be my decision alone."

After Thor's gaze swept over the two women, he turned and asked Incente: "What do you say, what is the success rate?"

I thought about it because of the special decoration ~ ~ He gave a standard coin answer: "Half and half."

"Come on then!"

Thor straightened his waist plate, raised his chest, and showed a horror like a mortal body: "For Asgard!"

Should I say that he believes me too much? Or is this the character? From beginning to end, he didn't even ask, what is the way ...

Because Sainte thought so, he came up with a strange expression, raised one arm, and pointed at Thor's heart in the air: "You think about it? Once I start, there is no way back."

"I'm sure."

Thor didn't make any stern expressions, just like he smiled as usual: "My father once said that as a king, the most important thing is to understand 'sacrifice'. I think, I Now I finally understand. "

His voice didn't fall, and Thor's Hammer in the distance shuddered suddenly.

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