The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 248: The price of the Nova Empire, Kerry Empire, Odin

Meanwhile, Earth, New Mexico, Old Bridge Town, Jane Foster's laboratory.

"... That's it, son of Cole."

In the face of SHIELD, represented by Phil Coulson, Thor directly (no brain) told the fact that the Asgard Rainbow Bridge was destroyed. For himself, he needed to Only to the current situation of the earth, and of course there is no concealment.

That **** bastard! Tell us not to provoke Asgard, but we didn't say a word and went to the vast universe to stir the wind and rain?

Coulson was particularly concerned: "You said, because of Saint Tetra, ask Asgard to take him to" Shandar Star "? If you don't mind, could you please tell me, where is it?"

"The capital of the Nova Empire."

Hearing the concerns and complaints in Coleson's words, Thor immediately stood beside Incente and said, "You don't have to worry. Lee has a sense of mind, not like the belligerent Kerry Empire." "The Empire of the Rising Stars advocates peace and cannot pose any kind of threat to the earth. Moreover, as one of the nine kingdoms, the earth is protected by us, and no one dares to easily violate the majesty of Asgard."


Coulson, who has been silent for a long time, is obviously not able to accept this huge amount of information. The star empire of a whole planet as the capital is enough to subvert the concept, not to mention, the name "Kerry" is for God The Shield is no stranger to it, and the association that it triggered ...

"Are there a group of blue-skinned races in the Kerry Empire you are talking about?"

After hearing Coulson's question, Thor, who had just claimed to be the "protector of the earth", suddenly looked a little unsightly. There were quite a few blue-skinned races in the universe, but with the feature of texture, the scope can be Suddenly narrowed down: "You are describing the Cree, have they been to Earth?"

It ’s more than just coming here, they have been experimented by them ...

Coulson confirmed that the Cree who created the “superhuman” superpower group was the “Cree Empire” from Thor's mouth, and did not share this information, but simply said: "Although it is only small The advent of scale is also low-key, but there is no doubt that they have come to Earth. "

"No wonder we didn't notice it."

After the battle of Jordonheim, I understood a little bit. "The wise king will never initiate a war, but he must be prepared at any time." The reasoning given by Thor is very decent: "Son of Cole, you don't need Fearing that as long as Asgard still exists, the Kerry Empire will never dare to invade the Earth on a large scale, and that will attract our full counterattack. "

That is to say, unless something big happens, you will come forward.

Coulson did not expect such unrealistic things as "God's blessing", so there was no disappointment at all, and he returned to the topic in one stroke: "I see, then, return from Sandar in Instant Will you stay on Earth before? "

"No, Li is still in Asgard. This time I came to Earth and only stayed briefly."

Thor shook his head, and at Coulson's reminder, he finally reacted. He seemed to be a bit lingering: "Actually, I should go now."

After all, Thor left Coulson in front of him, turned around and couldn't walk back to Jane Foster, and asked directly: "Jane, you want to see Asgard ?"

As an astrophysicist, of course, Jan Foster is desperate to visit an alien civilization. However, as Thor's new girlfriend, she has to consider: "Go to your house? Then I won't Are you going to meet your parents? This is too hasty, too abrupt ... "

"will not."

Thor stretched out his arm and pulled Jane into his arms. "They already knew you."


Jane opened her eyes for a long while, and raised her head in surprise and joy: "Have you ever talked to your parents about me?"

"of course."

Thor lowered his head, resting his forehead on Jane's forehead: "Jane Foster, would you like to go home with me?"

As soon as this remark was made, Jane's reaction was conceivable. Coulson and others around them were suddenly caught with dog food ...

Then, I got Thor who was accompanied by a panic "YES", and Yangtian said: "Heimdal! Notify Li, I'm ready to go back."

So, a moment later, just from Warnerheim, opened the door and returned to Ingent in Asgard. The front foot only stepped on the lookout of the Golden Palace Hall. Only one soldier came forward on the back foot and bowed. He said to him, "Heimdall asked me to tell you, please go to Earth to pick Thor back. He has been waiting for you for a long time."

Because Saint made an "Oh" sound, looked back at the huge portal with the blue light circle as the door frame, and looked around a large number of heavily-armed soldiers, missing the hall of the **** Odin's 10,000 people, and spoke Asked: "Why don't you see the Father of the Gods?"

"The King of God is resting. If you have anything, please let me tell you later."

With this answer, because Sainte narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and connected a portal between Warnerheim and Asgard. The importance is unnecessary to repeat, and Odin, who should have witnessed here, would now The absence may only be due to the act of sending him to Warnerheim, which has caused him to pay a certain heavy price ~ ~ and, even, it has become so severe that it cannot be held up.

Because Sainte also understood that the consequences of using "dark magic" may be more serious than he thought, and it would become a taboo for Asgard, obviously not without reason.

"No, it's not particularly important."

Hearing this, the soldier in front of him immediately offered a gift to him, then bowed and retreated, returning to his original post.

Then, he raised his index finger and **** and reached Incent, who was in the middle of his eyebrows. He was about to teleport directly to Earth to meet Thor. Suddenly he felt a few shadows on his head. Seeing the overwhelming fleet of "flying boats", they were hovering high above the Golden Palace, and then they landed neatly and orderly, one by one through the portals he opened out, and went to the other side Warnerheim.

Asgard's flying boat can be regarded as a ship-type fighter. Of course, from flying engines to weapons and ammunition, all these flying boats are supported by the energy of rainbow crystals. The fighting power is not the level of the earth fighter. The scale that I see, there is no country on the planet that can have a war, even Wakanda with Jinhei technology.

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