The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 296: Pull 1 long your hair, Dr. Zola's plan

"Get it."

Sent slapped and slapped Tony Stark, holding the only black and white energy block left: "Next, I leave it to you and Bruce."

"Where did you throw those energy blocks?"

Obsessive-compulsive iron man, how can it be so easily dismissed: "Sure no one will find it? Need me remind you, what are the consequences of improper handling of these dangerous goods with mass destruction?"

"Do not worry."

Because Sainte did not elaborate, those energy blocks entered his ring of ice, but simply explained: "Already placed in my mana pool, those energies will be gradually assimilated by my mana. Eventually no longer exists. "

"Mana Pool ..."

Tony Stark rolled his eyes and ironically said, "Oh! This is really reassuring."

"What you don't understand doesn't mean it's unreliable."

Because Saint shrugged his shoulders and returned the iron man's question: "Need me to remind you, am I an expert in this regard?"


Tony Stark pouted: "If I remember correctly, you haven't learned magic for a month, have you?"


Seeing that the two had a tendency to set aside their business affairs, Coulson coughed hard, reminding In Sainte: "Romanov and May are already waiting for you in New York."


In Saint raised his eyebrows in amazement: "Coulson, aren't you going to be with me to rescue your idol?"

"I think ..."

Coulson shook his head with a bitter smile: "No way, I received a direct order from the director to stay here to stabilize the situation in Socovia. Barack Strak's deputy 'Dr. Liszt', but has not yet Arrested ... "

"It seems that Nick Fury has been broken by you ..."

With a weird expression that couldn't be said, Sint patted Coulson's shoulder: "Good job, keep it up, don't be fired, I must support you."


The corner of Coulson's mouth jerked violently, and he didn't answer the question decisively: "For Brother and Sister Maximov, we will make proper arrangements according to their own wishes. In addition, you also need us to do What is it? "

"……wait for me a while."

Because Saint actually had something to ask the SHIELD Bureau, turned around and strode up to Lorna, raised her arms by herself, and reached out to her ear.

"Why? Hey!"

Lorna was feeling inexplicable, but felt that her scalp was numb with a needle, and then her eyes were widened: "What!"

"You'll know later."

Because Sainte smiled mysteriously, and raised a strand of hair at her fingertips towards Lorna, and then turned straight again, and came to the front of Wanda Maximov: "Give me a Is your hair? "


Wanda is not sure how to respond to this peculiar request, she just feels a scalp, and her thick long hair is missing one ...


Obtaining permission from Sainte ’s mouth was obviously only symbolic. After apologizing politely, holding two long and short hairs of different colors, returned to Coulson: "Use as soon as possible For these two hairs, make a DNA identification to the nearest decimal point. "


Coulson froze for a moment, holding back the question "What is the relationship between DNA identification and the decimal point?", Silently took out a bag of evidence from his pocket, solemnly pretending to be a special agent The two hairs that came over also made a decision in my heart, to be more friendly to Brother and Sister Maximov ...

No matter how Incentive came to this speculation, he thinks that Lorna and Wanda have a blood relationship, which is the most obvious. As for buying one free one, Pietro is naturally incidental ...

"Well, it's time to return to New York."

At the same time that Incente uttered this sentence, he had opened a portal resolutely. On the opposite side, it was the SHIELD secret base near Times Square.


Lorna urged her cheeks to come forward. Obviously, she was quite concerned about Instant's behavior just now: "Aren't you going to explain it?"

"What's more to say now? When the result of the appraisal comes out, you will naturally know whether you should thank me or blame me."

In fact, it ’s the unexplainable Insanity. It exposed the stubbornly, pointed at the portal and urged: "All are in a hurry, but I have a Captain America to rescue."


Meanwhile, the United States, Washington, DC.

Compared to New York, where high-rise buildings are towering into the clouds, Washington DC has exactly the opposite characteristics. This city without any high-rise buildings is like a large garden with a wide view. You can see two iconic buildings at a glance. , The 200-meter-high Washington Monument, and the 88-meter-high Capitol.

It is worth mentioning that, excluding the Washington Monument, the Capitol is the tallest building in DC.

It is only here that it is located on a building that is only sixty to seventy meters high, which is enough to have a panoramic view of most of the city.

"Dr. Zola."

In the large, luxuriously furnished top-floor office near the National Mall, a silver-haired white elderly man sat at a mahogany desk and spoke through a secure encrypted line over the phone and said, "I need An explanation. "

An extremely weird mechatronic sound sounded in the black landline microphone: "Malik, you should trust my judgment, or rather, my calculation."

Under these circumstances, if Nick Fury was present ~ ~ I would definitely burst out a "MOTHERFUCKER" from my mouth ...

The mere fact that "Dr. Zola is alive" is not enough to make Nick Fury so morbid. More importantly, he is having a conversation with Dr. Zola, a white old man who is a member of Hydra. Gideon Malik is a member of the World Security Council that oversees SHIELD.

In other words, one of Nick Fury's top bosses is actually one of the heads of Hydra. There was Zhu Yu, the former boss of "Alexandr Pierce", and after coming back for such a time, he didn't scold his mother. Now ...

Closer to home.

"I believe you?"

Gideon Malik expresses his dissatisfaction with a unique voice full of strength: "In the case that Strak has been exposed, you uncover our only trump card, just Just to capture the 'Big Soldier' ​​whose spiritual symbol is greater than practical significance? No matter from which perspective, this is a serious damage to the interests of the organization. "

"I assure you that in the long run, we are now suffering some losses, and it is totally worth it."

"It's just a fluffy 'guarantee', that's not enough!"

"Well, after losing" Pierce ", we never received any confidential information exceeding level 8 from SHIELD, which put us into extreme passiveness. The" Big Soldier "in your mouth will Change that for us. "

"You want to brainwash him and put it back to SHIELD? This is not feasible, and Nick Fury will see it at a glance."

"He won't. The best thing is that, just like the Asians before, no one can find out before I choose to launch. There is already a 'switch' in my mind that belongs to the soldier. . "

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