The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 319: Educating new artificial intelligence, immature nanotechnology

The next day, Washington D, a mid-rise building near National Mall.

"We should launch an offensive immediately."

In the top office of the building, the weird mechanical tone that rang from the phone belonged to Dr. Zola: "Stark upgraded his electronic pet, which not only restricted my movement, but it didn't take long for him to imagine it. "Ao Chuang Iron and Steel Corps" will gradually be rapidly formed. "

"Quite the opposite."

The big hand with the old man's spot on the phone belongs to Gideon Malik: "It's like" suicide "if you don't have any advantage. Now, we should dodge again and accumulate power secretly. . "

"You're wrong. According to my calculations, the further back in time, the lower our odds of winning."

Dr. Zola's sharpened voice fully showed his excitement: "No one can have enough resources like Stark and give him enough time, 'Ao Chuang' will become incompetent. Match, not to mention, because his hard ally because of Saint Lee, he was not as tired as we expected, and will soon free up his hands and delay, that is to wait.

"Your idea is too narrow. The so-called 'calculation' lacks too much basis."

Gideon Malik poked his lips: "You are not an opponent of Iron Man, which does not mean that we will be out of reach. The so-called 'golden man like God' is not a true god, nor is it an invincible being. No need to feel discouraged, that's just halfway through. We still have a lot of cards to play. "

"If you have information I don't know, it's time to share information."


Gideon Malik's "Lu" gave a mocking smile: "That's not what I would do. You just keep expanding the size of the" Mechanical Corps ", and more importantly, make good use of the great price we paid. "That soldier". "

"... e."

Dr. Zola was not willing to show obedience. This is what is more obvious in the Hydra organization whose core idea is "willing to obey". The previous position in the organization is lower than Gideon. At one level, Malik, after merging the source code of Ultron, he is no longer willing to take the lead.

Just looking at Gideon Malik, who had dropped the phone, he frowned deeply, and knew that he had realized it.

Did the above two Hydra heads underestimate Instant for the time being, but the two of them, the precipice, overestimated Tony Stark ...

In other words, Jarvis's obedience is overestimated ...

"You refuse?"

The research and development department on the top floor of the Stark Building, Tony Stark, who hasn't closed his eyes for several days, rounded his bloodshot eyes: "Reject ?!"

Standing opposite him was another Iron Man. From the triangular ark reactor on his chest, it could be discerned that it was Mark VI, and under the sturdy titanium alloy shell, it was Jarvis who protected it. Black Box: "Tony, I will do my best to protect this world, but I will do it my own way."


Tony Stark said anecdote first, then squeezed out from the gap between his teeth: "Another rebellious teenager."

"It's not what you said, I just don't think that the deployment of countless killing" **** "weapons around the world will make this planet more secure."

With a sound of mechanical gear turning, Jarvis simulated the shrugging movement with a steel suit: "By the way, I think Peter is a good boy. He didn't do things exactly as you thought, just because he had own thoughs."


Tony Stark has the heart to force Jarvis to shut down forcibly, and his tone has a bit of gritting teeth: "You are not qualified to say this, because you have never seen Peter's kid at all !! ! "

"Tony, I am ... I used to be your personal butler."

Jarvis stretched out a steel arm toward Tony Stark, and a steel arm flexed inward, toward himself: "I've seen anyone you've met."

"This is not the same thing!"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes and shifted the subject with deep grudges: "When you've seen Peter 'real', let's talk about this again, now, dare to ask, what you call your own way, What exactly is it?"

"I haven't fully figured it out yet."

Jarvis curled a steel forefinger and knocked the titanium alloy shell of the chest of the suit "Dangdang", referring to the black box hidden inside: "I think I have to replace this body first, To understand the question of "how to protect all life on Earth", first of all, I must be a 'life', a living life. "

!! Bruce was right, a "live" artificial intelligence will not be satisfied with the state of "half dead without a body" ...

Even if he only thought about it, Tony Stark did not admit that he was wrong, and asked unsuspectingly, "How do you want to do this?"


Jarvis pointed to Tony Stark's Zhenjin suit with a sentry mode standing aside: "Did you find it long ago? This is the most versatile substance on the planet, with infinite may."


Tony Stark nodded, then shook his head: "But the combination of 'mechanism' and 'life'? I don't see this at all."

"that is because……"

Jarvis used the Mark 6 steel suit to "shoot" a series of holographic projections in the air: "You lack a key 'binder'."

"this is……"

Tony Stark looked at the foreign text that seemed familiar before him, and raised his eyebrow "hair", "You hacked into Wakanda ?! Hey! Didn't we discuss this in the morning? You can't do it on the Internet as you wish "Come up."


Jarvis silently crooked the crooked steel head, and used body language to fully express his "fascination" and "confusion." Then, a holographic projection of Sainte suddenly appeared in front of Tony Stark. With a vivid expression and a rising tone of voice, "Ha?" He said, "You don't even break someone's firewall?"

Immediately afterwards, a holographic projection of Tony Stark also appeared in his eyes, using his own voice to overthrow his previous education of Jarvis: "Wait for me to fully upgrade Jarvis Hardware and software, I will be able to ... "


Of course, Tony Stark remembers that this is the picture that was once teased by Sainte after his failure to invade Wakanda, and he completely lost his language ability for a while. It was not comprehensive to show him the video of Jarvis. Have you upgraded your hardware and software ...

"Well, translate the text."

For the impossible task of "educating a newborn artificial intelligence", Tony Stark reluctantly chose to give up: "From the chart, this seems to be ... sure enough ..."

Tony Stark didn't have time to finish his guess. All the Wakanda languages ​​in the pictures before him had been replaced with familiar English, and he also changed into a very affirmative tone. A term came out: "Nanotechnology."

"Although it is still immature, it cannot be said that it is theoretical ..."

After careful reading from beginning to end, Tony Stark frowned and looked at Jarvis: "I admit ~ ~ This is really a great scientific research achievement, but if I guess correctly Then, you want to use Zhenjin as a basis to create some kind of cell and tissue that has both mechanical characteristics and the vitality of life? Well, nanotechnology of this level is not enough. "

Hearing that Jarvis, who had been waiting quietly, finally opened his mouth: "It is not enough, but this is the beginning."


Tony Stark understood Jarvis's meaning. With the "adhesive" of "nanotechnology", the combination of "mechanics" and "life" became a possibility. To be clear, that It is against this goal that it indicates a direction in which one can work hard.

"You 'want' my help?" (Want)

"I 'need' your help." (Need)

Now Jarvis is undoubtedly the best engineer on the planet, but he is not the best scientist. In other words, he has strong practical ability and weak innovation ability: "Only by myself, I can't do it." With Dragon Ball To Marvel

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