The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 47: Tony Stark's Ark Reactor

This is a Chevrolet Camero, yes, it is the Camaro of the Hornet. Of course, this is the first generation Camero that started in 1967, which is the original used car of the Hornet. The shape, remove the racing pattern on the front of the car, and replace the bright yellow paint with faded black paint. This is the car in front of Yin Shengte.

What is interesting is that the Comaro in front of Incent was also bought by his predecessor, "Xiao Li", in the second-hand car store. When crossing, I even doubted whether this car was a Transformer ...

Because of this, since Comrade Li was killed in the air crash, "Xiao Li" has never driven the Camaro again, and has been locked in the garage. Today, this car is in the Sant's hand saw him again. He went into the garage, pulled the car door and sat in the driver's seat. He tried to insert the key and turned it. He was pleasantly surprised by the roar of the engine. He thought it was all in the garage. For many months, this classic car may not catch fire.

He drove the black Comaro, rushing northwest because of Saint, followed the close connection between the dragon balls, constantly adjusted the direction, and came to the vicinity of the dragon ball before dawn.


Yin Yin stepped on the brake slowly, looked through the windshield, and looked at the big, striking trademark not far away. He muttered to himself: "I know where this dragon ball is ..."

字母 The simple trademark of this letter with a silver hook is exactly the famous "Stark Industries" and the world's number one king of arms!

如果 And if Sainte had guessed correctly, the specific location of this dragon ball is exactly that of Stark Industries, the giant "ark cold nuclear fusion reactor"!

For this speculation, because Sainte has 99% certainty, he frowned slightly while relieved.

The reason why Xu was relieved was that since he had figured it out, it was actually the Ark reactor that recharged Dragon Ball, so he no longer had to worry about the problem of the cosmic cube.

As for frowning, not only because this Stark Industrial factory area is a place where the idlers are free from arms, more importantly, the owner of the Ark reactor, that is "Tony Stark"! Moreover, after he became "Iron Man", the Ark reactor was even his inverse scale. If you don't want to provoke him, it is best not to touch this stuff ...

Although Tony Stark is still just a super dude and has not been promoted to a superhero, even if he does not take into account his post-autumn accounting, because Saint does not think that he is a mess It's up!

That is a full of "Qian Kun Yi Throw" skills, and there is a pervert in the pocket of silver! With or without a steel suit, he smashed people with money. The only difference was efficiency ...

"Stark ..."

Quinn Sainte thought more and frowned deeper. At the end of the thought, he turned the car head very straight and started to go straight back along the way. Obviously he didn't plan to take this dragon ball for the time being.

When the sky was already bright, Yin Sheng drove back to the Hell's Kitchen and left the black Comaro in a repair shop near the restaurant. After all, this car has been left for a long time and needs maintenance.

On the way back to the Chinese restaurant, Incente bought a map of the United States and a map of the world, both spread out on the floor of the living room. Then, he began to follow the Dragon Ball of Stark Industries. Derive the approximate location of the other five Dragon Balls.

"I'm sixty-nine kilometers away from Stark Industries ..."

"This dragon ball is the second closest, the direction is 17 degrees south-southeast, the distance is about '6.5' times that of Stark Dragon Ball, that is about 450 kilometers ... Nima In the sea ... Fortunately, it's okay, and it's still on the continental shelf. In theory, it won't be more than two hundred meters deep.

"The third closest, 35 degrees south-southwest, is about '3.3' times the distance of the previous one, which is about 1,500 kilometers. In the central and southern plains of China, this should not be difficult. . "

第四 "Fourth, it is eleven degrees west-north-north, and the distance is two and three times that of the previous one. It looks like 3,500 kilometers. Canada, the problem is not big."

"Fifth, three degrees north-east, lying down! It's the Atlantic Ocean over there ... the distance is one and a seven times that of the previous one, less than 6,000 kilometers ... Well? Cross the sea! In the UK! ? Easy to handle. "

"The farthest one, twenty-south-southwest, is" 1.33 "times the previous one, 7,800 kilometers, Brazil? A little trouble ... there are not only large tropical rainforests, but also everywhere It's all cliffs, and the terrain is very daddy ... "

清楚 After figuring out the approximate locations of the other five Dragon Balls, Yin Sheng took out his mobile phone and began to check air tickets and tourist visas: "Britain and Canada are exempt from visas, and Brazil will be within seven working days ..."

"Then fly to‘ London ~ ~ ’and then to‘ Toronto ’, then return to China to find two in the country, and then take a visa to fly to‘ Rio ’, Stark ’s last ...

After Yin Yin had planned, she kept going out again and went straight to Colleen Wen ’s Armory, and banged the door.

A few moments later, Colleen Wen, with scattered hair, appeared behind the open door. It was seen that Saint-Peter was standing in the doorway, and suddenly called out his full name: "In Saint Lee! You know What time is it now? "

"Quarter past seven."

After Sainte casually reported the exact time, he entered the door unceremoniously and said straightforwardly: "Collin, I'm going to go a long way now. The time is estimated to be longer. Would you like to join me? "

After hearing that, Colleen Wen was sober for a long time, she tilted her head and thought for a moment, and she stomped her feet and said, "How can you be like this! It was so sudden, how can I answer you? My teeth They haven't been brushed yet ... "

"Then you wash your face and brush your teeth first."

Quinn nodded in understanding and turned to the direction of the kitchen: "I'll get us something to eat."

"it is good."

In Colleen Win's kitchen, the ingredients are very limited. Because Sainte did n’t have many choices, she could only continue to make pasta. After kneading and rolling the noodles, they were served with eggs and green onions, and two bowls of green onion eggs were made. surface.

After a short while, the two sat opposite each other at the dining table in the kitchen, with long hair Colleen Wen tied up, and asked, "Where do you mean when you say the far door?"

"UK, Canada, Brazil."

Quine Sainte simply reported the names of three countries, and then added: "There are two places in the country to run in the middle."

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