The Master of Elves

Chapter 391 Traveling through time and space? The opportunity for Flying Mantis?

"It's the strange Kirulian from the gorgeous obviously didn't look like this that night!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuah, my wife beats me up!"

When fighting elves in the wild, you will always encounter some strange trainers.

Yang Kaibai directly called down the Gyarados in the sky, and quickly headed to the depths of the Evergreen Forest Secret Realm with Zhang Hailin.

There are still many people in the area on the edge of the secret realm, and the heat of the gorgeous competition has not yet completely passed.

Although many trainers don't know Yang Kaibai, they do know Qilulian, who is of different colors!


Just go to the depths of the secret forest and make plans.

Gyarados accelerated its flight for a while, then slowed down under Yang Kaibai's command.

Overlooking the beautiful and lush forest from the air, Yang Kaibai deeply felt the different beauty of the secret world of elves.

Take a deep breath...

Let this comfortable wind blow away the boredom in your mind.

Fly slowly.

Yang Kaibai felt like he had returned to the original Jiangbin Reservoir.

It was the place where there was a cruise ship treading water. Yang Kaibai clearly remembered that the cruise ship had a model of King Carp and a model of Dancing Swan.

Now, Yang Kaibai is sitting on the head of the Gyarados, swimming slowly on the sea in the sky. The forest below is like an endless green ocean.

"Another day of envy for having a flying elf."

Zhang Hailin stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the clouds in the sky, but unfortunately they were still a bit far away and couldn't be touched.

Although Zhang Hailin could get a flying elf from her family's tree fruit group, they were not her elf partners after all.


Feeling the embrace of the sky, the natural bird also woke up from its dizziness and lethargy at this time, and couldn't wait to get out from behind the collar of the monarch snake again.

Monarch snakes grow a leaf that serves as a natural "landing pad" for finches.


Natural Bird heard what Zhang Hailin said about being envious of having a flying elf, so she held her head high and signaled to her trainer to watch her performance!

Unfortunately, the natural bird was trying hard to move its small wings on the tarmac, but it was a pity that it couldn't fly no matter how hard it jumped.

Natural bird wants to take Zhang Hailin to fly into the sky, but...

The mind is full but the strength is not enough.

Soon, the natural tit panted heavily, tilted its head, and became a puddle of matcha-flavored ice cream, and it also melted.

"Natural bird, wait until you grow up and then take me to fly!" Zhang Hailin looked at the clumsy little bird working hard with some humor, and reached out to caress the natural bird's head.

The idiom "little bird clings to people" refers to the current natural bird.

The natural bird that sticks to the palm of Zhang Hailin's hand, the coquettish bird is the best.

Natural finches are still too young now and can only see a glimpse of the future. They still need to be nurtured and grown up well.

The future is promising!


The Kodak Duck stands slightly in front of the dragon horns, just like the captain of the "Flying Gyarados", with deep eyes and serious expression, he is an elf captain with great wisdom.


Behind Kodakya, Gengar's ghost hand gave Yaya a tug.

Kodak fell asleep directly on the head of Gyarados. He just shook forward and almost didn't fall.

Of course, it is impossible to fall. Gengar is now taking care of all the people and elf companions on the Gyarados dragon head.

"Husband's teeth! Husband's teeth!"

Behind the first macro-shaped deck behind Gyarados, there is also a flightless Axiodon tied to it.

The Monarch Snake tied it with a vine whip safety belt to ensure that the Axetooth Dragon would not fall from the sky.

Speaking of which...

When she was young, Yaya could still ride on the head of Gyarados with Zhang Hailin.

Now after evolving, it has become larger and can only be tied behind Gyarados.

If this evolves again...

Gyarados may not be able to bring a dual-axe battle dragon behind him.

Maybe this is the price of growth.

However, you can use the vine whip to lift the double-axe battle dragon and fly it.

Just like a helicopter lifting its cargo with twine.


The Lightning Chicken stood beside Yang Kaibai, looking left and right at the dense forest below, with a bit of unconcealable envy in his eyes.


Kirulian looked at the Lightning Chicken in confusion.

The lightning chicken gave Chilulian a strange feeling.

There's nothing wrong with telepathy, but it's not that simple.

Teacher Gardevoir didn't notice any problems with the Lightning Chicken. The Lightning Chicken seemed to be just like a real fire chicken, but with a different color.

Yang Kaibai and Chilulian had said that the Lightning Chicken was not a simple elf, but she would keep this secret in her heart.

When other people are around, the conversation between Lightning Chicken and Yang Kaibai will be communicated through Chiluli's telepathic ability.

The lightning chicken first communicated with Chilulian in his mind, and then passed it to Yang Kaibai.

The same goes for Yang Kaibai.

(Telepathy encrypted call communication in progress)

Lightning Chicken: "I'm a little envious of this place, Gugu."

Yang Kaibai: "Lightning Chicken, why do you say that?"

Lightning Chicken: "Compared with the Thunder Magnetic Mountain Secret Realm, this secret realm here is really too comfortable!"

Yang Kaibai: "Understood."

Lightning Chicken: "By the way, I felt the breath of the legendary elf in this secret realm, but it should not be in this secret realm now, and has disappeared for a long time. Human, let me test you, what elf can you guess?"

The Lightning Chicken raised its comb, always ready with an expression of "Praise me quickly, praise me and I will tell you".

Unfortunately, Yang Kaibai had already predicted the operation of Lightning Chicken.

(The encrypted call continues...)

Yang Kaibai smiled: "Celebi, Celebi, the God of the Forest."

Lightning Chicken:......

Yang Kaibai, what are you doing... Ouch!

Can people communicate happily?

You answered so quickly, you didn’t give it Lightning Chicken face at all, right?

Even if it’s just a performance, it’ll be fine!

Lightning Chicken eats this.

Lightning Chicken tried to argue: "Why not other legendary elves, such as Biligion?"

Yang Kaibai was a little surprised: "You actually know Biligion?"

Lightning Chicken's golden face suddenly turned orange-red: "Zhou Cao! You spilled the beans! Zhou Cao! You cunning human being, I won't tell you anymore!"

Yang Kaibai smiled and looked at the Lightning Chicken who turned his head and puffed up with anger. He looked at the weak electricity and fire coming out of the Orange comb of the Lightning Chicken and quickly held his mouth shut.

Do not laugh!

If this excites the Lightning Chicken in the sky...

Gyarados is four times as weak as electricity!

When Yang Kaibai heard the Lightning Chicken talking about "Bilizion", he became more curious about the Lightning Chicken.

The legendary elf Biligion is a grass-type elf, a four-legged elf similar to an antelope and a deer.

The Lightning Chicken is guarding the secret realm of Thunder Magnetic Mountain, but in addition to the secret realm of Thunder Magnetic Mountain, it must know more secrets of the legendary elves.

Yang Kaibai didn't ask further questions. The Lightning Chicken would tell himself when the time comes.

Senbu is worried.

The Lightning Chicken was also shocked when it heard Yang Kaibai directly say the names of the two legendary elves "Celebi" and "Bilizion".

Especially the sentence that Yang Kaibai asked it in return.

You actually know Biligion?

this means……

Yang Kaibai also knew the news about the legendary elf Biligion.

Yang Kaibai, the human trainer, is like a mystery.

Sometimes, he can always "scare" the Lightning Chicken.

Everyone has their own secrets, which is pretty good.

The small flames and weak electric current that appeared on the lightning chicken's orange comb quickly disappeared.

Lightning Chicken initiated a telepathic encrypted call with you. Do you accept it?

Of course that means rejection... No, of course that means choosing to accept it!

Lightning Chicken calmed down: "Do you know this legend? Legend has it that if Celebi appears in a certain forest, when it disappears, it will leave some secret traces in the forest."

Yang Kaibai nodded slightly: "I know a little bit, in my impression, it should be like an egg, right?"

The Lightning Chicken nodded and shook his head: "It's not accurate. It depends on whether Celebi's time and space is the past time and space or the future time and space. The eggs you mentioned should be left behind in the future time and space. By the way, you have seen them. What does it look like? Where have you seen it?"

Lightning Chicken was slightly excited.

Yang Kaibai's mouth twitched, but his mind was calm: "I saw it in an encyclopedia when I was very young, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I have a little impression."

Lightning Chicken was a little anxious: "Where is the encyclopedia?"

Yang Kaibai regretted: "I may have lost it when I moved. It's a very old book, but I can't find it now."

Yang Kaibai moved from the original time and space to the real elf world, and the knowledge in the encyclopedia was deep in the memory of Yang Kaibai's mind.

What Yang Kaibai said is actually very reasonable.

Lightning Chicken sighed.

It is also regretful.

If only that encyclopedia were still around.

Yang Kaibai asked: "Then traveling through time and space from the past to the present...or traveling back from the present to the past, what will Celebi leave behind?"

The Lightning Chicken replied: "It leaves traces of its past. Because of the past and the future... If it came to the present forest from the future, that mysterious egg would bring hope and vitality to the forest... But the forest from the past to the present, generally speaking..."

"It wants to find a solution to the past disasters from the present, which is our time and space. It has been here and left traces, indicating that it has not found the right way yet, and it will come here again."

Yang Kaibai thought of some time and space paradoxes about "time travel" in "Avengers 4: Endgame".

And... lines spoken by the Hulk.

Yang Kaibai murmured: "If you travel to the past, the past becomes your future. Then your previous present becomes the past, and this past will not be changed by your new future."

After hearing this, Lightning Chicken couldn't help but be stunned.

This, these words are so high-end! So high-end!

If Celebi leaves a mysterious egg in the forest, it means that a bright future is already waiting for us.

Yang Kaibai fell into deep thought.

According to what Lightning Chicken said...

If there are traces left in the evergreen forest here, it would be like a "time and space positioning". Celebi inserted a "teleportation eye position".

That means...Celebi will still come back.

His thoughts were a bit confusing, and Yang Kaibai changed his mind to a better understanding.

Suppose Celebi travels through time and space is a game.

When the game ends with a bright and beautiful "Happy-Ending", a mysterious egg will be left as a reward for completing the game.

When the game has not yet come to an end, the traces left by Celebi are the "archive records" of the game.

If Celebi reads the "archive records" left in the secret realm of the Evergreen Forest in the real elf world, Celebi may appear here.

This makes it easier to understand.


Lightning Chicken continued the encrypted call: "We can't find Celebi if we actively look for it. The legendary Celebi will only appear at the right time where it leaves traces."

"In the real elf world, the traces left by Celebi should not only appear in the Evergreen Forest, but also in the entire world."

Yang Kaibai thought for a while, and the Lightning Chicken said the same thing.

This is just like the gods of lakes, Uxie, Emrido, and Aknom. Their abilities can appear in any lake in the world.

Celebi, as the god of the forest, can also leave his traces in any forest or secret forest in the world.

However, if Celebi really appears in the Evergreen Forest and can really travel through time and space...

Is it possible to gain more hope for the future evolution of the one-armed flying mantis?

Go to a time and space where Meltan exists and look for Meltan.

Or travel back in time...

No, if you travel back in time and change the past timeline, there will be some problems in the current time and space.

Never underestimate the power of the butterfly effect.

Yang Kai shook his head in vain.


If one day in the future...Celebi appeared in the Evergreen Forest.

Then the possibility of Yang Kaibai finding Melutan will be greatly improved.

Even if hope is still slim, at least there is one more option than now.

"One in fourteen million chances."

"What? What's a one in fourteen million possibility?" Zhang Hailin looked back at Yang Kaibai with a confused expression.

This soliloquy I suddenly uttered...

What has a 1 in 14 million chance?

Yang Kaibai... what is he thinking about now?

Zhang Hailin said cautiously to the side: "Well, Yang Kaibai, in our real elf world, miracles will always happen!"

Yang Kaibai was stunned.

He didn't expect that Zhang Hailin would actually add a sentence at this time.

Even the reception was pretty good!

Although not on the same chat channel...


"Zhang Hailin, you are right!"

In the real world of elves, miracles happen every day.

Yang Kaibai looked at the elf companions beside him...

Kodak, Gyarados, Gengar, Round Shark, Kirulian...

Let me ask, who is not the embodiment of miracles?

People who believe in miracles are as great as the miracles themselves.

"Gyarados, I want to test your speed after the Dragon Dance."

Yang Kaibai closed his eyes.

Zhang Hailin:?

There is a one in fourteen million chance that it fell from the sky?

"Help, help!"

This time it was Yang Kaibai's turn to look confused.

"Zhang Hailin, why are you shouting so loudly? Haven't you ever flown so fast on the back of a flying elf?"

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