The Master of Elves

Chapter 678 Gui Gui: Blame me, blame me, otherwise Xiaoshasha would be able to wear six!

Huaxia region, Yulong Villa.

"When the battle between elves is over, send the entire scene of the Super Biting Land Shark's super evolution and the Super Biting Land Shark battle to the Dragon Valley... Let the old Dragon King Lie Biting Land Shark take a look at the new generation of Super Biting Land Shark. …”

"Yang Kaibai's biting land shark is a miracle that cannot be copied. The biting land shark super evolutionary stone can be handed into his hands. Perhaps, this is the destiny of biting land shark super evolutionary stone..."

"The Liebiting Land Sharks are roaring when they see it. The adult Liebiting Land Shark's life level has been basically finalized. It is difficult for anyone to break through the life level like Yang Kaibai's Liebiting Land Shark by relying on Dragon Dance moves. The shackles of...Dragon Dance must be grasped from the time of the Round Land Shark."

"Being able to see the Super Biting Land Shark soaring into the sky is satisfying, so satisfying... It's a pity that the one who completed this scene was not a trainer from our dragon lineage..."

"Is this important? We in China have been the descendants of dragons since ancient times. If you really feel that it is a pity... go and see if you have any granddaughters or daughters of the right age at home. If you have the chance, wouldn't it be better to get married?"

"Yes, yes, hahahaha..."

Yulong Villa was soon filled with a happy atmosphere.

The birth of the Super Biting Land Shark in the World Elite Competition, especially the scene of the evolution from the Fanged Land Shark to the Biting Land Shark, and then the super evolution into the Super Biting Land Shark, has already been seen in major commercial districts in China. Playing in a loop on the screen.

Pedestrians coming and going on the road couldn't help but stop and watch.

This is the pride of China!

"What kind of game is this?"

"The knockout round of the World Elite Competition... holding the grass, Yang Kaibai has another elf that can super evolve?!"

"Yang Kaibai? Oh... I know this name. He is the first person in the world to super evolve in our real elf world! Does he have a new super evolved elf? Or is he a super biting land shark?!"

"Gyarados, Gengar, Biting Land Shark... He is really, too strong! Invincible, absolutely invincible!"

"It turns out that the World Elite Competition has reached the knockout stage..."

Yang Kaibai and Xiao Shasha didn't know how much waves they had caused in the country, and the rippling of the waves did not stop.

The legend continues!

People in the Bangzi area are always good at creating monsters. It is said that there is a "Han River Monster" in the Han River.

If Park Jung-yeon had used the EVO reagent directly as soon as Biting Land Shark appeared, maybe he wouldn't have seen the monster-like Super Biting Land Shark in front of him.

I regret that my intestines are blue.

Who would have thought that his fierce bite of the land shark had clearly defeated Yang Kaibai's fang land shark, and the fang land shark had obviously fallen to the ground as if it had lost its fighting power...

This is an incredible miracle for Yang Kaibai.

But for Park Jung-yeon...

It is undoubtedly a nightmare!

And it was a nightmare created by Park Zhengyan himself! !


The Little Shark returned to the messy Elf Battle Ground. The Super Biting Land Shark, which was darker than navy blue, looked like the "Satan's Dragon" coming out of the dark underground hell world in the surrounding dust. At this moment, he was waiting indifferently for Park Zhengyan to replace the next elf.


Park Zhengyan was under tremendous pressure and blow, just like his elf named "Strike Ghost", who was "struck into a ghost" by Yang Kaibai and Super Biting Land Shark.

"Cool sand! Cool sand! Cool sand!"

Shakira finally got out of the hole she dug and looked in the direction of Sister Super Shark. The eyes under the hard shell seemed like little stars full of envy and expectation.

Twinkle, twinkle.

Shakira has even begun to imagine that after she evolves into Bangira, she will then undergo super evolution to grow a pair of wings and fly in the sky like Super Shark Sister...

"Jie Jie, Nasi."

Gengar stretched out his hand from the shadow space and touched Shakira's head.

Shakira's dream...

It seems a little weird!

"Player Park Jung-yeon, it's time to send out the next elf. You don't think that you can kill the time of super evolution by stalling for time like this, do you? No?"

Yang Kaibai is no longer a super evolved novice trainer.

The duration of the Elf's Mega Evolution is related to both the trainer and the Elf.

One of the benefits of evolving in the battle between elves is that you can rely on the vigorous emergence of life energy during evolution to heal the little shark who is about to lose its combat effectiveness.

It's just that situations like this only happen very rarely in the life of an elf. Every time it occurs, it is a miracle of the evolution of life worth remembering and recording.

Now Little Shark is in extremely good condition, coupled with the dog-licking trusteeship and guidance of Biting Land Shark's super evolution stone, Little Shark is in the novice protection period...

Very capable!

Pu Zhengyan's face turned red and blue.

The "orthodox super evolution" using Elf Super Evolution Stones and Keystones is indeed not as "impossible" as the EVO reagent.

Perhaps at the temporary critical moment, the EVO reagent is more useful than the Elf Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone, but in the long run...

Elf Super Evolution Stones and Key Stones can be used repeatedly, and as long as the trainer's physical fitness and mental strength can withstand the overload, they can be used continuously!

This is where EVO reagents can never compare with orthodox super evolution!

Yang Kaibai, as the first person in the field of super evolution, his physical fitness and mental strength...

It’s something Park Jung-yeon can’t imagine!

Therefore, no matter how much Park Zhengyan delays time, it will not affect the duration of Yang Kaibai and Xiaoshasha's super evolution!

This is Yang Kaibai's absolute confidence as a trainer!


There is also a time limit when changing sprites in the World Elite Competition!

Park Zhengyan could only follow the rules and send the next elf in the last few seconds of the countdown!

Drag it, just drag it hard!

"Emperor Nabo!!"

Park Jung-yum finally sent out his third elf.

Among the remaining elves...

Strike ghosts, self-destructing magnets, crystal lantern spirits...

Only the self-destructing Magnemite's triple attack and the Crystal Lantern's "Same Fate" can have a chance to defeat the Super Biting Land Shark, but...

Sword Dance twice, Dragon Dance once, Super Biting Land Shark in "unparalleled" state...

The sickle that bites the land shark super hard...

Just like the scythe of death.

Park Zhengyan's scalp went numb after watching it!


The emperor Nabo's hard and sharp steel wings were criss-crossed, standing face to face with the Super Biting Land Shark. The emperor's eyes under the trident crown looked at the Super Biting Land Shark extremely sharply.

Emperor Nabob is indeed worthy of the name "Emperor".

Even though Xiao Sharsha's current momentum and state are at their terrifying peak, Emperor Nabo still remains unyielding and absolutely calm.

"Emperor Nabo, freezing ray!!"

Park Zhengyan knew that his chance with Emperor Nabo lay in whether he could use the freezing light to instantly kill the Super Biting Land Shark that was four times weaker than ice.

Even if Little Shark is super evolved, the situation of Earth Dragon attribute being four times weaker than Ice will not change!

"Xiaoshasha, Yanhui!!"

The icy blue beam of light ejected from Emperor Nabo's mouth made the surrounding environment a bit colder, but for Xiaoshasha, who had experienced the secret world of glaciers and catastrophic blizzards...

Emperor Nabo's freezing light is not scary!

Little Shark's arms were splayed backwards, like a swordsman charging with a sword, and his figure kept shuttling back and forth on the battlefield between elves.

Rock, come to me! !

The rock blockade move is originally an excellent move for defending against freezing rays. It uses the stone wall formed by rock blockade to block the freezing rays. The thick rock wall is enough to block the freezing rays of Emperor Nabo, but Little Shark Shark…

Not satisfied with such defense!

Pieces of rocks were formed on the road where the Super Biting Land Shark charged towards the Emperor Nabo. The Super Biting Land Shark was extremely fast, using the inclined rock section as its foothold, and used the Yanhui move to continuously toss and turn, avoiding While attacking with the freezing light beam, it gets close to Emperor Nabo at extremely high speed!

"Emperor Nabob, sword dance, facing the enemy!!"

The Super Biting Land Shark has arrived!

Emperor Nabo's freezing light can only attack the afterimage produced by the Super Bite Land Shark. After its attack is dodged, the only thing that greets Emperor Nabo is a close-quarters battle!


With Emperor Nabo currently performing the Sword Dance, how could he withstand the all-out attack of the Super Biting Land Shark with two Sword Dances and one Dragon Dance? !

It is true that Emperor Nabo resists dragon-type dragon claw moves, but Super Bite Land Shark's stormy attacks...

Emperor Nabo can block it once, twice, or three times, but it can't block every dragon claw attack of Super Biting Land Shark!

"Baby Shark, stomp, trample!!"

Every time Little Shark swung the bloody sickle, Emperor Nabo had to raise his steel wings to resist. Emperor Nabo retreated step by step, and his wings were completely numb by the powerful dragon claws.

Emperor Nabo could only defend passively, but under the crazy offensive of Super Biting Land Shark, a flaw in the defense appeared!


The khaki ground attribute energy condensed on Little Shark's strong and thick right foot, raised it high, and stepped hard on the ground under Emperor Nabo!


A crisp sound sounded from the ground, and the next second, in the eyes of Emperor Nabo with great astonishment, a large amount of soil clods instantly splashed out under its feet!

boom! ! ! !

A huge crater instantly appeared under Emperor Nabo.

Little Shark's stomping move was like creating a tomb on the ground, instantly burying Emperor Nabo who was unable to react!

Outstanding effect!

Emperor Nabo has lost his fighting power! !

Super strong bite land shark's mouth slightly grinned.

Emperor Nabo...

This reminded Xiaoshasha of her good friend Prince Bo.

Wait until I get back and meet Prince Bo...

Instead of biting Prince Bo's head, it would be more fun to bury Prince Bo like this!

Wu Yuhan's Prince Bo, who was far away in China, was holding a tablet computer and watching the scene in front of him. Especially when he saw the super strong bite of the land shark on the corner of his mouth, a smile that only Prince Bo could understand, Prince Bo suddenly suddenly I feel a chill all over my body...



Prince Bo is here thinking about calling "666" to Super Biting Land Shark, but the hateful and treacherous Super Biting Land Shark actually wants to bury it!


Next time we meet, we must not let Little Shark succeed in his plot!

Prince Bo needs to find a chance...

Freeze Baby Shark!

You bury me, I freeze you...

This is how friends should help each other!


Emperor Nabob fell.

Pu Zhengyan vaguely saw the super strong biting land shark "burying" Emperor Nabo. The pair of fierce and sinister eyes in the raised head looked in his direction. Pu Zhengyan seemed to have the guts to kill it. To be "buried" means that Park Jung-yum is now...

Completely confused.

Such is life.

Ups and downs, downs and downs...

It’s not that there are no troughs, but there is still a lot of room for decline.

At this point...

The second EVO reagent...

Is it still necessary to use it?


That's a monster that danced with swords twice and danced with dragons once! !

more importantly……

Such a monster was "released" by his own hands, Pu Zhengyan!

If I had known today, why bother in the beginning!

Park Zhengyan originally thought that today's clown would be Yang Kaibai, but in the end, the clown turned out to be myself!

"Crystal Lamp Spirit!"

Xiaoshasha unceremoniously opened Pu Zhengyan's eyes, what is a just instant kill?

Same fate?

Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit, are you qualified?

Sandstorm field, rock blockade.

A crystal lantern with dual attributes of ghost and fire that is locked in its direction and unable to escape...

Rock blockade, outstanding effect, instant kill!

The current Elf Battle Arena has become the absolute home of Little Shark!


"Self-destruction magnet..."

Park Zhengyan's voice has become delirious from the arrogant and noisy tone at the beginning.

Come on, a "steel and electric" spirit like Magnemite is simply Shark's favorite thing!

When Yang Kaibai first chose an elf egg in Dragon Valley in order to deal with a "lifelong enemy" like the self-destructing magnet monster, he specifically chose Baby Shark!

There is no lifelong enemy like the Magnemite...

There would be no Little Shark today!


Reward the Magnemite with a gravity kick, and then...

Trample the self-destructing magnet monster under your feet! !

Biting the land shark's super evolution stone, he was so excited that he flew up!

"If Master can step on me with such force...that would be really cool, okay!!"

Fortunately, Yang Kaibai and Gyarados wouldn't hear YY biting the land shark's super evolution stone...

Otherwise, perverts like Yang Kaibai and Gyarados would think that biting the land shark super evolution stone is the real pervert!

The final...fight against the ghost?

There is no chance of strengthening the Striker. Even though it has very good physical attack ability, in front of Shark Shark, who is almost full of physical attack ability enhancement...

Crisp as a piece of paper.

There are no surprises. Once worn... five! !

"Kaho, kaho!!"

Xiaoshasha, who was already in high spirits, continued to call for formation directly at Pu Zhengyan. Xiaoshasha counted clearly. She had defeated five elves, and with one more left, she would be able to complete her first feat of one-passing six. !


"It's too much, it's really too much... All six of my elves have lost their fighting power. We can't send the circle bears who have lost their fighting power to fight again, right?!"

Park Zhengyan has never suffered such grievances!

The smile on the corner of Xiaoshasha's mouth...



Blame me, blame me!

Damn it, I really didn’t expect such an ending!

Blame it on me!

Blame it on me!

Just when Gengar was feeling deep self-reproach, the audience cheered and booed crazily on the Elf Battleground!

"One wears six!"

"One wears six!!"

"Let the Circle Bear come on! The Circle Bear is just asleep. What if Gengar's absorption punch is not completely absorbed and there is still a little bit of physical strength left?!"

"That's right!"

"The absorption fist was not completely absorbed. The circle bear did not lose its combat effectiveness. It was just hypnotized and slept relatively hard!"

"One wears six! One wears six!!"

"Let's send the circle bear out again, and make sure that the circle bear has not lost its combat effectiveness. After being hypnotized, it is indeed easy to make some misjudgments."

The referee of this knockout round of the World Elite Competition seems to also want to achieve "one-pass-six" for all the little sharks.

"The referee is awesome!"

"OMG! Referee, you are my god!!"

"The World Elite Competition needs such humane referees!!"

Not only the audience at the scene was completely excited, but the global audience will remember this dazzling "referee moment"!

The famous scene of the World Elite Competition - the C-position referee! !

"Gu...Gu what are you doing?"

"Gu... I'm hungry, Gulu Gu..."

Circle Bear was summoned again from the Poké Ball with a confused look on his face.

The reason why Circle Bear is still awake...

It's because it feels like it's starving to death!

"Circle bear, awesome!!!"

"The Circle Bear is still awake! The Circle Bear is invincible!!"

The confused Circle Bear didn't know what was going on outside, but when he heard so many people around him applauding and cheering, it seemed like he had done something particularly awesome...

Circle Bear subconsciously waved his hand in the direction around him.

low profile.

However, the next second, the figure of Super Biting Land Shark appeared in front of the circle bear.

Little Shark raised the bloody sickle, but did not attack...

Where has Circle Bear seen such a scene?

Damn you must be dreaming!

When it wakes up, it must have a delicious meal, otherwise it will really starve and hallucinate!

The circle bear fell down.

My stomach is "gurgling", and my mouth is "gurgling" and talking in my sleep...

"Click, click!"

Thanks to Quanquanxiong for the friendly gift of "one wears six"!

The audience at the scene and the global audience laughed out loud in unison, and gave the warmest applause to the best referee, the best assistant Circle Bear, and the most shining king on the Elf Battleground today - Super Biting Land Shark! !

Thanks to Mr. Circle Bear for the six kills!

This knockout round of the World Elite Competition has caused huge waves around the world.

It is destined to be recorded in the history of the World Elite Competition!

Yang Kaibai's fang land shark never admits defeat, evolves miraculously, carries out super evolution one after another, finally turns defeat into victory, and even completes the miraculous feat of "one wears six"!

Never underestimate the bond between trainers and elves!

The first battle of super biting land shark, a perfect ending! !

Asking for votes every day~

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