The Master of Elves

Chapter 682 Is it really okay to do something so big? !

The local Elf Alliance is so rude!

Doing things half-way has made Yang Kaibai need to change his plan to train Qilulian!

Originally, Yang Kaibai didn't need to use his brain and relied solely on the plans of the "experts" of the Elf Alliance in the United States. This would instead provide Chirulian with a better fighting atmosphere.

It is not impossible to replicate the evolution of Sharky Shark.

It's just that now the American Elf Alliance does not seem to intend to increase the difficulty for Yang Kaibai in the knockout round, but is preparing to accumulate strength and give the most critical blow in the subsequent Island Owner Competition.

The weakness of the EVO reagent is that it cannot be used repeatedly like the Elf Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone, and it will cause the Elf to be weak for at least a month.

Although using EVO reagents can help contestants improve their strength in this elf battle,...

What about the next one?

Every time the EVO reagent is used, it means that one of the main elves in the lineup loses the ability to fight in the subsequent battles. Even if the World Elite Competition can send out a substitute elves, that will not happen until the island competition stage.

The EVO reagent made its debut at the World Elite Competition for the first time, and it was a huge blow to Yang Kaibai. At least in the knockout stage, no opponent would consider using the EVO reagent to target Yang Kaibai.

With the lessons learned from the evolution of the sharp-toothed land shark...

The American Elf League now focuses on the creed of "As long as I don't do anything, I won't make mistakes."

If we continue to target Yang Kaibai...

What if Kirulian is targeted for evolution again?

Private island.

Xiaoshasha is training against Gengar.

From the fang land shark to the biting land shark, from the mid-level strength of the one-star elite level to the peak of the two-star elite level, what this evolution of life has brought to the little shark is undoubtedly a surge in strength.

In the super biting land shark form, there is a biting land shark super evolutionary stone for "newbie guidance". In the normal biting land shark form, the little shark needs to do more training on its body and strength. Adapt and take control.

Gengar is the best teacher in this period.

Gyarados is only suitable for being beaten in training, but as Sharky's "Uncle Gyarados", being beaten up by a younger Shark, that designation cannot be justified.

Before Shark Shark doesn't fully grasp its soaring strength, it is not suitable for training to fight against Gyarados.

Kuailong Little Pomegranate can train against Little Shark, but in terms of the ability to control the overall situation, Geng Gui is better. Geng Gui can flexibly control his own strength and can fight effectively against Little Shark in training. Come and go.

When Xiao Sharsha's strength breaks through to the three-star elite level after some training and accumulation, then Yang Kaibai can arrange battle training with her sister Kuailong Xiao Pomegranate or uncle Gyarados.

"Ka! Hoo!"

"Jiejiejiejie, 叏叀!"

Shark Shark kept using his dragon claws to fight against Gengar's Shadow Claws. Every time the claws collided head-on, a large number of sparks would be splashed out. There was a harsh friction sound between the claw tips, making the battle training scene gradually become anxious. .


"Qilu, Qilu..."

Kodakya and Chirulian stood together and watched the battle training between Sharkshark and Gengar.

Chirulian was happy for Little Shark's evolution, but also full of envy in her heart.

The evolution of the elf companions has brought about a substantial improvement in the life level, and at the same time the surge in strength has given Chirulian a firmer belief - I, Chirulian, also want to work hard to evolve!

Imagining herself evolving into a more noble and elegant Gardevoir, Kirulian was already very excited just thinking about it.


Chilulian still needs a chance!

"The American Elf League started to mess up during the knockout rounds and refused to give opportunities... Then we must carefully consider how to create opportunities!"

Yang Kaibai sensed Chirulian's desire for evolution from Chirulian's telepathy, reached out and gently stroked Chirulian's sky-blue hair, thinking while smiling and encouraging.

"Qilu Qilu!"

Kirulian is not an impatient elf, and her life in the sewer world has given her enough patience.

If she had not followed Yang Kaibai and been in the world of sewers, she would have been like a "venomous snake" hiding in the dark world of sewers, waiting for opportunities to evolve.

The metaphor of "venomous snake" is not appropriate if it is used to describe an elf like Kirulian.

But if it is used on Yang Kaibai, a Chirulian who has lived in the sewer world, and because of such an experience, he has awakened the ability of "Awakening Power of Evil", this metaphor, from a neutral perspective , there are some explanations.

If such an opportunity for evolution were presented to Chirulian, Chirulian would not hesitate to do everything in her power to fight for such an opportunity for herself.


It seems that some conditions are still missing.

"Kah, kah, kah, kah."

Kodakya raised his two little arms, facing the thinking of Yang Kaibai and Qilulian, Yaya seemed to have a good idea.

Looking at Kodak Duck's expression of "Today's Ducky is a smart duck", Yang Kaibai couldn't help but feel a little funny, so he asked with a smile: "Keda Duck, do you have any good ideas?"

Usually, Kodak looks dull most of the time, and he may get a headache when he thinks about it. However, at certain times, under the "divine finger" of Kodak, he will "God's thoughts" will appear in your mind.

While Yang Kaibai was still thinking about how to help Qilulian, Kodakya had even thought of a plan ahead of time!


Kodakya patted his chest, with a look like "It's all wrapped up in Ducky's body", "Ducky Duck is super reliable", "You can rest assured Ducky", and even his eyes became a little sharp.


Kirulian couldn't help but feel excited.


The duck skillfully condenses a spoon of water.

Yaya hasn't painted for a long time, but this does not affect Kodakya's "amazing painting skills".

Kodak first drew a circle on the beach to show that it was a huge stage, and then drew a simple Kirulian on the stage, and everyone under the stage looked like Magikarp's "fish heads moving". It looks like they are crowded together to watch Chirulian's gorgeous performance...

If we say that Little Shark's life evolves in the battle, the stage is on the Elf Battle Arena.

So Chirulian's evolution, her real stage, should be on the venue for gorgeous performances!

Yang Kaibai smiled and reached out to touch the three stupid hairs on the head of the duck, and said in surprise: "Okay, the duck is almost what I thought! Our ideas are basically the same!"

"Keda? Keda!"

Kodak duck showed a silly smile.

After staying with Yang Kaibai for a long time, Yaya will also learn some thinking skills.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, do you plan to use this island as a venue for Chirulian's gorgeous performance...or use the sea as a venue for Chirulian's gorgeous performance?" The Lightning Chicken cooed lazily while basking in the sun. muttered.

"Brother Ji, it's okay. I didn't expect you to think of it too!"

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, I have to learn something when I come out to hang out with you."

"Oh ho!!"

"Hoar? Roar? Roar?"

Kuailong Little Pomegranate, who was watching Kodak Duck's painting, also completely understood what Kodak Duck and Yang Kaibai meant. She was also very excited.

If it can really be done...

The sea will become the stage for Chirulian's evolution and the witness of Chirulian's evolution!

Gyarados is indeed a Gyarados. Its eyes fell on the painting painted by Kodak on the beach. Its left eye widened and raised its eyebrows, and then it was the turn of its right eye...

Later, Gyarados used his beard to add something that looked like Gyarados to the painted stage of Kodak. However, in fact, what Gyarados added with its beard was A long bar like "~"...

"Ho ho ho!"

After Gyarados finished painting this long strip, he proudly showed off his painting skills to Kuailong Xiaoguoliang, and roared: "Isn't the painting good?"

Kuailong Little Pomegranate glanced at the thin strip with disdain, and replied with the same "oh ho": "Haha, thin dragon!"

Gyarados, like Yang Kaibai, belongs to the abstract school, but this thin line like "~" expresses that Gyarados also wants to put on some gorgeous shows...

Yang Kaibai lowered his head slightly, touched his nose, and concealed the twitching smile at the corner of his mouth.

This guy Gyarados...

She's quite good at finding opportunities to show off her presence!

But this really requires some effort from Gyarados, because the audience that Yang Kaibai expected for this gorgeous performance, the Magikarp in the sea, can definitely be satisfied in terms of numbers!


"Mah na mana!"

While Yang Kaibai, Kodakya and others were thinking, telepathic fluctuations came from the bottom of the sea.

Manafei looked excited, as if she was very interested in hosting such a "gorgeous show with the sea as the stage."

It's grown so big, it seems like it hasn't had any show yet...


It was obviously only a few days old, so of course it couldn't have been exposed to gorgeous performances!

"Well, well!"

If you want a stage...

Mana Fei can even summon the Sea Temple to perform a gorgeous show in the Sea Temple, and let all the sea elves in the sea watch such a gorgeous show...

Isn’t it beautiful? !

Yang Kaibai looked at Manafei, who looked hopeful and innocent, and couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead that was illuminated by the hot sun.


Yang Kaibai never thought of making a gorgeous performance so big...

A private island is enough for gorgeous performances.

Mana Fei still wants to put the stage in its sea temple? !


It seems that there is no news about "finding the Temple of the Sea" from the Global Elf Alliance yet...

"Mah? Mah!"

Manafei sensed Yang Kaibai's thoughts, and then simply smiled "Well".

No one can imagine where the Sea Temple is located.

Because the Temple of the Sea is right there...

Manafei quickly stopped thinking about the Sea Temple.

It hasn't started yet. The day it fully masters "air explosion" will be the day when the Temple of the Sea is born!

But Mana Fei had the final say...

That day should not be far away.

Who allowed Manafei to have such a responsible and talented teacher like Mr. Kodak!

When Manafei comes out, it will first go to Lugia, the patron saint of the sea, to show off the move it learned from Teacher Kodak, air explosion, which is definitely the last ace move it will show!

Yang Kaibai didn't know what Manafei was thinking about now, and he couldn't guess it at all.

Show off Lugia's exclusive move "Air Explosion" in front of Lugia?

If Yang Kaibai knew what Manafei was thinking right now, he would damn sure be looking forward to seeing that day appear!

Who taught Manafee the air explosion?

Up to duck?

Oh, that's okay.


When did Kodak learn the air explosion? Which Wolongfengxiao taught you?


Oh, is everything okay?

Wait, hold the grass, when did Kodakya get involved with Lugia? !

The duck can be reached, and it will always be awesome! !

Of course, these weird things haven't happened yet, and Yang Kaibai is still deeply shocked by Manafei's "open mind".

As big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is.

Mana Fe...

The prince of the sea can indeed use the global ocean of the real elf world as a stage for gorgeous performances.

Let the ocean be the stage, the sky be the witness, and the dream be the future...

Yang Kaibai always felt that this plan had something to do with the liquor seller.

The blue of the sea, the blue of the sky, the blue of dreams...

Make money! !

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, Yang Kaibai, if you really do this...will things really get serious?" The Lightning Chicken, who was lazily basking in the sun, suddenly felt his heart pounding!

As the patron saint of the secret realm of Thunder Cishan, the Lightning Chicken has the experience of rebirth and the memory of the previous life...

What big thing haven't you seen?

But what happened today...

F*ck, I’ve never seen it before!

"I don't know!"

Yang Kaibai's heartbeat is also constantly accelerating.

Beating, beating like crazy!

Mana Fe...

It is also an elf with telepathic abilities!

If Kirulian could really show her gorgeous performance to the sea elves in the sea around the world on a stage like the Sea Temple, or even on a stage at sea level...

Such an opportunity...

Is she willing to take advantage? !

She was once a Lalulas with no future on a rainy night, but with her daddy, she had a direction for the future, but the direction was still full of unknown confusion.

When she met Yang Kaibai, met Kodak, met Gyarados, met Gengar...

Her future has a clear direction!


Kirulian's eyes were firm and she clenched her little fists.

I do! !

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