The Master of Elves

Chapter 789 Confrontation! Coming from the air!

"Strange, this time I asked for rain... why does the rain seem to come faster than usual?"

Although the underground city transport plane was protected by a metal shell, its line of sight was greatly obstructed. The dark clouds and rain in the distance prevented Constantine, the underground city rescue commander, from seeing the most realistic scene above the Black Rock Mountains.

However, these thoughts will not delay him from issuing rescue orders at all.

The rainfall over the Black Rock Mountains meant that their underground city mecha rescue team could land for rescue operations.

The most threatening magma eruption in the Black Rock Mountains to rescuers will be very effectively contained during rainfall.

"Quick, quick, quick! Everyone, drive your mecha, check the mecha's energy reserves, enter the emergency rescue communication channel, listen to my command, and prepare to airborne!"

"This is our perfect landing opportunity. It's time to show the people in Sky City how powerful our underground city rescue team is! Everyone, follow me!"

Constantine put on his pilot's helmet, got into his strange mecha, drove the mecha, and jumped off the transport plane.

The transport plane and the unclear sight in mid-air. After the strange force mecha landed on the ground, he immediately raised his head and saw a scene he would never forget from the cab of the mecha -

He stood on the ground of the flame world, and the blue timely rain falling from the sky separated the world.

"That's... Kuailong?! Kuailong... it... it's not extinct in our world... yet?! This rain... isn't from Sky City... Wait, Kuailong, A dragon spirit who can control the weather... No wonder this rain fell so promptly!"

Constantine's deep eyes were suddenly startled.

In the historical records of dungeons, Kuailong is a powerful dragon elf who can control the weather.

However, with the destruction of the world's environment and bad weather, the list of elves that have been extinct in history includes Kuailong, a group of elves.

If you want to change the current world's weather by asking for rain, you must gather a large number of elves who master the rain-seeking moves and use them together.

The flying elves in the Sky City Flying Rescue Team are not only a team of air rescuers, but also a team that prays for rain to change the weather - rainfall must be used to prevent the black rock mountain magma from continuing to erupt, thereby preventing Sidorane from destroying the city. The outside world is being destroyed again!

"Gyarados, Kuailosaurus... Who could that trainer be? This can't be someone from our underground city... But it's also impossible from Sky City... If the trainer of Sky City has Kuailosaurus... They have already announced it to the whole world..."

Constantine took a deep breath.

Now is not the time to think too much about these things. Arranging the affected people and elves in Black Rock Dungeon is the top priority right now!

"Every team should pay attention to the cracks in the ground. If there is rain, the magma fire in the Black Rock Mountains will be extinguished quickly, but they should also pay attention to the anti-slip underfoot and pay attention to safety!"

Constantine warned all the underground city rescue personnel in the mecha cab, and immediately launched into the critical rescue operation.

"Xi Yi——"

Seeing the heavy downpour falling from the sky, Chief Xiduolan's face suddenly became very ugly.

If it was just a light rain, Leader Xiduolan wouldn't take it seriously at all, but the pouring rain completely suppressed the "fire breathing" move like a volcanic eruption caused by it falling from the sky!

Controlled weather...

Leader Xiduolan was a little confused as to why the rain came so suddenly, or even...

It also saved the very annoying Gyarados that only roared loudly!

At least in the eyes of leader Sidorane, as long as the fire-breathing beam it just launched hits the Gyarados, even if the Gyarados is resistant to fire attributes, it will be damage that the Gyarados cannot withstand.

This heavy rain...

Let the leader of Xiduolan's mood become even worse!

The lightning chicken and the fast dragon pomegranate jointly perform the rain prayer, which removes the "lightning and thunder" in great detail. This rain prayer does not thunder, only rain.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

At this time, with the support of Brother Chicken and Little Pomegranate Qiuyu, Gyarados is really awesome now.

[Xi Duo Lan En, can you do it? 】

Gyarados watched as the blue light curtain in the sky engulfed the fire-breathing beam bit by bit. The power of the fire attribute became much weaker under the heavy rain.

This is also the reason why Gyarados dares to scream at the legendary strength of Xi Dolan——

Lightning Chicken, it is also legendary now!

The moist water vapor limited the strength of leader Xiduo Lanen to a certain extent.

Leader Xiduolan has already felt the comprehensive weakening of the fire attribute power in the rainy weather. The anger in his heart has been rising because of the roar of Gyarados, but...

I just can’t let it out!

Can't fly.

Can't compete with the weather.

If the leader of Sidorane wants to "break the fish to the death" and let all the magma under the Black Rock Mountains erupt...

Then the Xiduoran ethnic group will also lose their homeland.

The rain calmed down Chief Sidoran.

Of course, this is also the most commonly used and practical way for the rescue team to deal with the anger crisis of Sidorane.

"Great, Sidoran and the others seem to have calmed down in the rain!"

"This... the rescue came too timely, really too timely!"

"Huh huh... look! What kind of elf is that? What caused this heavy rain... what kind of elf is that?"

"Evacuate quickly, evacuate quickly! If Sidorane causes another earthquake... that would be bad!"

The people escaping from the Black Rock Dungeon felt the beating of the rain and the wet ground. Their eyes invariably turned towards the Gyarados and Kuailosaurus behind the blue water curtain in the sky.

If it hadn't come in time...

Maybe they are very likely to explain it here.

"If you have the chance... you must thank that Gyarados trainer!"

Yang Kaibai, who was currently on the head of Gyarados, had no intention of relaxing.

Current situation……

Some were deadlocked.

On the Black Rock Mountains, in addition to the five Xidulan En that first appeared and the leader of Xiduolan that appeared later, Yang Kaibai has seen at least ten Xiduo Lanen figures one after another...

Pairs of eyes of the Xiduo Lan En tribe were all staring in the direction of Yang Kaibai.


They seem to see the head of Gyarados...

Is there a little yellow tail wagging and wagging?

"Kah da kah da!"

The Kodak Duck has his back facing the direction of the Xidulan En group.

The duck uses a wagging tail!

Successfully completed attracting all Sidorane!


If Gyarados hadn't been there, the attraction effect would have been very good, but Gyarados itself was already a "conspicuous package" that provoked Sidorane, and coupled with the "wagging tail" of Kodak... …

Although this is a rescue, there is no need to inflame the hatred of the Xidulanen tribe so much, right? !

Leader Sidorane leaned against the cave beside the mountain to minimize the impact of rain on his location, and at the same time...

Confront Yang Kaibai, Kodakya, and Gyarados in the air! !

Leader Sidoran's eyes were as bright as fire.

It wants to gather the fire power of all the Xidulan En in the group and make the Black Rock Mountains a real place of purgatory!

The flames on the ground...

There seems to be signs of a resurgence.

"not good!"

Just when Yang Kaibai thought that Gyarados and Kodak had completely attracted the attention of leader Xi Doran and the group elves, Yang Kaibai was in the air... and suddenly saw the ground shaking violently in the Black Rock Mountains!

This is……

Are you going to break the jar and start preparing to wreak havoc on the surrounding environment?


An extremely cold voice came from the sky not far away. When the voice came...

A purple-red super power, like a "head hammer", hit the head of leader Xiduo Lanen directly from the direction of the sound source!

Leader Xiduolan's pupils condensed, and all the strength in his body was instantly concentrated in front of him, resisting this "ideational hammer" from the sky!

At this moment, Xiduolan saw the familiar figure with the appearance of a mecha in the sky, and gritted his teeth and said its name——


Yang Kaibai's heartbeat skipped half a beat in an instant.

When did it appear?

Coming from the air——

Steel Mewtwo! !

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