The Mechanic

Chapter 64

Zhang Xun listened disconcertedly to Adam's comments on his design, put his hands on his chest, and said sarcastically, "Thank you for your compliment."

Adam was completely unaware of Zhang Xun's displeasure, so he gave him a bright smile, and continued, "The mechanical police's recognition of male humans is not only based on vision, but also 'smell'. The pheromones emitted by men, such as androdienone The concentration of molecules is an indicator that accounts for a greater proportion than vision. So if your soldiers can spray a sufficient concentration of female pheromones on their bodies, they can cover up the smell of male pheromones and disrupt the judgment of the mechanical police. If you wear the stealth camouflage uniform you designed, the chances of being discovered will be greatly reduced."

"Smell?" Zhang Xun was stunned, "Can your mechanical policeman smell the smell?"

"The so-called smell is the molecules floating in the air. As long as you can recognize those molecules, you can smell the smell. However, this kind of recognition is still very different from the human's 'sense of smell'." Adam put down the cloth, and suddenly approached Zhang Xun, frightened Zhang Xun wanted to retreat, but there was a table behind him, blocking his way. Zhang Xun was about to reprimand, but Adam poked his head like a big dog and sniffed around his neck.

"What are you doing!"

"I still remember when I first became a human being, the first time I smelled you, I thought it would be great for people to be able to smell."

Zhang Xun's heart started beating wildly again.

He hates this feeling.

"How many times have I said, don't enter my private space without permission." Zhang Xun pretended to be cold and said, but it seemed that his voice was not majestic enough, and his confidence was a little lacking.

Adam stepped back obediently and smiled, "I'm sorry."

Zhang Xun coughed lightly, turned his head and continued to look at the materials on the table, "Female pheromones... I have to go to the fifth district and ask if there is anyone in the chemistry department who can synthesize them."

"You don't need to ask others, we can do it, and I know what type of pheromone robot police is the most sensitive. It just needs some materials and utensils." Adam sat down at the table, picked up a pen, and began to quickly write In the notebook Xun used to record his inspiration, he wrote down a series of names of chemical reagents and required utensils.

Zhang Xun looked at what he wrote, and said with a wry smile, "Even for these medicines, you have to apply to the Chemistry Department. The Lab doesn't have these things. I'll take you there tomorrow."

Adam raised his head and said in amazement, "Can I go out now?"

"I will apply for two guards with the guards. Keeping you here is not an option." After Zhang Xun finished speaking, he picked up the list written by Adam and looked at it, and murmured, "I hope those hunters can accept such things... ..."

"Are you afraid that in the atmosphere of Paradise's worship of masculinity and rejection of women and AI, they will refuse to spray female pheromones on their bodies?"

Zhang Xun nodded, he could almost imagine how their suggestion would be distorted by those narrow minds when it reached the ears of those guards like Michael...


Before going out the next day, Zhang Xun found a bulletproof vest from the warehouse and put it on Adam. Just in case a mechano-terrorist with a weapon in his hand and an abnormal brain rushes out of nowhere. He also carried a stun gun with him. The two were fully armed, and the two guards sent by the guard army also arrived at the door.

These two people were selected by James. One of them, Jabari, knew Zhang Xun. When he went out to hunt bears that winter, this tall, strong, handsome and dark-skinned soldier was also a member. He is the friendliest to Zhang Xun among James' friends.

"Hey! Zhang Xun!" Jabari grinned, his teeth were extraordinarily white and bright, "Long time no see, why don't you still have muscles?"

"Shut up, Jabari..." Zhang Xun gave him a half-uncomfortable, half-amused look.

The other soldier was younger, probably a fresh fish who had just joined the guard. He stared at Adam, his eyes wide open.

Adam gave him a charming smile, "Hello."

The young soldier seemed to be blushing a little, and quickly turned his eyes away.

Seeing this, Zhang Xun frowned and gave Adam a warning look. Adam was overwhelmed, like he wasn't sure what he'd done wrong.

"Let's go! Don't worry, with us here, that group of robots that don't look pleasing to the eye and know that croaking toads can't hurt you." Jabari said, holding the rifle in his arms on his shoulders, striding towards the Lab A jeep outside, "Get in."

This is the first time that Adam has sat in a human-driven vehicle as a human.

The car bumped on the uneven dirt road, and soon left the research and development area and entered the civilian area. The narrow and narrow streets were winding and deep, and it took only a general to allow the car to pass, and pedestrians dodged to both sides. The somewhat crooked buildings were built with relics of a long-gone era, wrapped in intricate plumbing connections. Pipes carrying filtered water and drains rumbled as if a gigantic train was approaching. Adam curiously looked at the scene behind some undrawn windows. He saw the old coal stove glowing bright red, the huge clock ticking constantly, and the man lying on the side of the road with metal bullets. Boys playing marbles, farmers buying oil from lamp oil dealers, and cooks sweating profusely using blowers to cool a bread oven.

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