The Mercenary World of Online Games

Chapter 273: Conceal the consequences of a failed task

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone users enter the address: can not find the book, please leave a message!

When the big men of the China Association of Associations were busy with Dawei’s words, Dawei was also busy with the words of Tuhao’s sister.

"The question is coming. What did Dr. Lenni do, causing her to fight with the Titan Golem?"

He was puzzled.

Standing in the center of the obelisk, eyes gliding back and forth on the four magic statues, looking up at the top of the stars at the top of the head. If there is a connection between the two, what would it be?

"If the Golem needs activation, what about the activated powerplant?" He suddenly realized that he had forgotten the most basic common sense.

After a walk around, the corresponding powerplant was found behind the Golem.

"There is a powerplant that shows that the Titan Golem can indeed be activated."

In the previous experience, the power unit was left to the player, and he did not understand how the 蓓伦尼 fell. Activating the Golem will be attacked. It is completely unnecessary to set up four power units. It is easier to set the attack command for the Golem and clear all the creatures entering the Obelisk.

"Still, the meaning of the Golem is to know all outsiders, but need power to provide energy?"

He immediately denied this idea. It is really like this. The existence of the magic image is superfluous and has no meaning. Let the player activate the device, and then the activated golem will be destroyed. This is what to do, and the task can still be done.

"All in all, what is going on, you will know when you activate the Golem, and you will not be able to send a blood!"

I don't know the order in which the Golems are properly activated. He randomly chooses one and suddenly feels big.

"64 faces!"

Using the number of faces of the Rubik's power device to measure the corresponding skill level, 6 faces are primary, 8 faces are intermediate, 12 to 16 are advanced, 22 to 30 are masters, and he has contacted the most complicated 30-face power unit. Promoted to the master.

With the difficulty span of the skill, the more difficult it is to advance to the rear, the bigger the span of the Rubik's cube, the 64-faced Rubik's cube power device properly corresponds to the **** level, or even higher, after all, is the product of the Titan.

Dawei was speechless and silent. From the beginning, he envisioned that he had to rush to the **** level before the final task. It turned out that his precautions were correct. What is embarrassing is that he is far from the god-level occupation, even a master. The skills are not realized.

"Brother with an artifact wrench, the master is +2 level, but also barely reached the **** level, the skill has no **** level effect, I don't know if I can do it!"

After comprehending more than one **** level, he knows that after the skill reaches the level of God, there will be a huge change. The skill is no longer limited to the effect of the data, but will be transformed into the attribute effect. It is no exaggeration to say that the effect of the **** level can crush the master, not to mention his skill is only the effect of the master.

“The bigger problem is that only one of the comprehensible professional skills reaches the master, and the others are advanced.”

The troubles placed in front of him, summed up a sentence in a word, screaming, it is difficult to go to the sky.

In desperation, he had to go to Nixon again.

The same Roberta said: "Although I don't know what the goddess is because of the fall, I think the analysis by the adults is very reasonable."

Nixon’s trailing leg attribute triggered, and he was unwilling to touch the taboo of the fall of Lunini. Dawei lobbied: “Hello, we are only the last step. The most serious consequences are nothing but failure. You are looking for a good name. The underworld of Nirvana and the unfinished mission of the mother **** are in sight."

"Yeah, the gods at the twilight battle, the mother **** opened up the hope for us to survive. The only thing we can do is to retrieve her godhead. Now we are retreating. What we have done before is meaningless." Robert is serious.

Nixon was unmoved, Dawei looked at the egg in his eyes, relying on him and Ronaldinho to get the 64-faced God-level Rubik's power device impossible, although the help of the Monte Dwarf was missing, Nixon joined. At least half of the chance to complete the task.

In desperation, he broke the jar and said: "Hello, since you have chosen to retire, if you find the sacred squat of 蓓 冕 冕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗

"No!" Nickson yelled. "The Frost Dwarf is a dwarf, but only our great Gert short is the direct descendant of the Mother God. Godhead must be handed over to us for safekeeping!"

Nixon started from participating in the mission, in order to be the face of the singer, Nixon's dismatch should be due to some kind of setting, probably because the hidden task failed. Dawei was deeply weak, and the consequences of impulsiveness brought endless egg pain, but he believed that he had the interests of npc and had great confidence in convincing Nixon.

However, the consequences of the failure of the hidden mission are more serious than he imagined. With the godhead, Nixon still disapproves.

"It seems that the hidden task is an important part of the activation of the obelisk did not run, the progress of the failed task will be stuck in the last step, expecting npc is hopeless."

It has always been a bad test, and the npc has failed.

Again, in desperation, he and Robert returned to the obelisk. When the strategy and skills are useless, there is often no choice, only time consumption, but also the price of the player's strength is not close to the high-end task, the force is to wait for the turn of the machine, the actual is dragged by the task.

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