He Feiyu exclaimed in confusion.


Hearing the familiar yet unfamiliar shouts, Yoshida Saki wiped away the tears in her eyes again, but her slender eyelashes were already connected by tears, and everything in front of her eyes became hazy and unreal, and the girl could not see clearly who was coming. , could only respond subconsciously.

In response, He Feiyu frowned slightly, and an angry suspicion emerged in his mind.

Lower your head.

He looked unhappily at Hayato, who was quietly pretending to be dead at his feet.

'boom! ’

Kicked out hard, Hayato was like a ball, rising and falling, and finally stopped perfectly in front of Yoshida Saki.

"Ah! It hurts so much. I was really wrong. Please let me go this time. I really won't dare to do it again in the future, ugh—"

Hayato curled up like shrimps being cooked on a hot pot, hugging the ribs kicked by He Feiyu with a face full of pain, and begged in a miserable tone.

He Feiyu also slowly walked up to Yoshida Saki. He just gave the begging Hayato a cold look and then withdrew his gaze. Under his dark eyes, there was no trace of compassion.

But when he looked at the weak girl in front of him, the chilling look in his eyes was completely replaced by tenderness and pity.

"Yoshida Saki-kun, don't cry, it's okay."

He Feiyu said softly, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

"You...are you Feiyu's...classmate?"

He Feiyu's soft voice reminded Yoshida Saki of the boy who was the first to greet her after entering school.



The young man's affirmation seemed to help a small sapling, which was enduring the torment of wind and rain, find support. The girl's originally dry tears began to become moist again, but this time it was not because of fear.

"Okay, look, all the people who bullied you have been punished as they deserve."

I felt pity for the girl as she cried. He Feiyu subconsciously raised his hand, gently wiped away the tears on her fair and pretty face, and comforted her patiently.

Yoshida Saki's body rose and fell slightly, and he felt warmth caressing his cheeks and eyes. Coupled with He Feiyu's sonorous words, the girl's cries slowly subsided.

Seeing that Yoshida Saki stopped crying, He Feiyu stretched out his other hand and wiped away the girl's tears again.


Thanks to He Feiyu's efforts, Yoshida Saki's blurred vision finally returned to normal. Looking at He Feiyu's face in front of him, for some reason, the girl was so excited that she threw herself into his arms.

He Feiyu's body only stiffened for a moment. Maybe he didn't know how to deal with it before, but after some things happened, he also knew how to respond. He stroked Yoshida Saki's black hair like he was stroking a cat. Greatly brings girls a sense of security.


"Will Feiyu-kun be okay?"

Auno Yuzhen listened to the buzzing discussions around her and couldn't help but worriedly shook Amagawa Minato's hand in her arms.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yu will be fine. This is considered self-defense. There is no reason even if the police come."

Amaga Minato calmly patted Sono Yushin's hand to reassure her, and then calmly analyzed it.


Seeing how determined Amaga Minato was, Sono Yui felt relieved a lot from her nervousness.

"Sister Hua Minato, wouldn't you be jealous if Feiyu-kun is so close to other girls?"

She looked at the two figures again, and saw a girl whose appearance was not inferior to hers, behaving affectionately in He Feiyu's arms. She couldn't help but shake Tianhe Huamin's hand again, which was a bit unpleasant. said.

"It used to happen, but not anymore."

Hearing this, Tianhe Huamin withdrew his eyes from He Feiyu, looked at Aangano and said in his heart.


Sono Yui was confused and said, logically speaking, as long as a normal girl sees her boyfriend hooking up with other girls, she will be the least angry. Why is Amaga Minato acting like nothing is wrong.

"Why... maybe Mr. Yu is not destined to belong to me alone. He is like a gift given to me by God. No, it is a gift given to us..."

Amagawa Hana Minato looked at the young man who was comforting Yoshida Saki again, with a deep affection in her eyes that could not be overcome. She seemed to be explaining to Sono Yushin, but also seemed to be mumbling to herself.

"Pfft~ If I get jealous, will Sister Yuxin still have a chance?"

Amaga Minato's voice sounded again, leaving Sono Yui speechless who was about to ask again.

She looked at the young man's figure in the distance with complex eyes.


"Thank...Thank you, Feiyu...classmate"

Yoshida Saki, whose emotions were vented, suddenly realized that her own move was too bold, and quickly left He Feiyu's arms, took a step back, lowered her head, and stammered.

"Yoshida Saki-kun, just be okay. You don't have to be so polite. Aren't we classmates?"

"Tell me why you appear here."

He Feiyu said with a smile.

"Ugh...I was wrong...forgive me...I know I was wrong..."

Hayato, who had been whining non-stop, began to apologize again when He Feiyu asked Yoshida Saki. His voice sounded extremely miserable, like a mourning heir.

Hayato didn't know that he was being carried so hard today.

This evil star is actually a classmate of the girl he threatened before. If the evil star finds out about his threat to the girl, Hayato can't even imagine the consequences. He only hopes that Yoshida Saki will get angry when he sees him pretending to be so pitiful. Mercifully spare him.


He Feiyu was not used to Hayato at all. The foot that was originally stepping on his back was directly placed on his head. Hayato, who was facing down, was speechless at this time.

After listening to Yoshida Saki's words, He Feiyu knew the whole story. Unexpectedly, the girl turned out to be because of

His matter just happened to be affected, and the worst result did not occur. However, because Yoshida Saki had experienced bad things himself, it is even possible that what happened today would leave a lot of trauma in the girl's heart, which made He Feiyu Feeling very guilty.

"Damn it!"

Especially after hearing Yoshida Saki say that Hayato wanted to feed her medicine, He Feiyu became even more angry.

Chapter 172 Who?

He Feiyu subconsciously recalled the miserable looks of those who were infected with drugs on TV in his previous life.

The face is withered.

Especially when that miserable appearance is projected on the delicate girl in front of you, you can't help but feel regret and heartache from the bottom of your heart.

Not to mention that it all started because of him.

Bend down.

He fumbled around in the pockets of Hayato's clothes and pants.

When He Feiyu stood up straight again, several colorful pills appeared in his hand.

"Is this it?"

He Feiyu spread his hands and asked Yoshida Saki coldly.


Yoshida Saki nodded slightly when he saw the pills in He Feiyu's hand.

"Yoshida Saki-kun, what do you want to do with him?"

After a moment of silence, He Feiyu asked the girl slowly, and all the medicine disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's okay, I have the final say in everything, even if I make him disappear now."

Seeing Saki Yoshida hesitantly lowering her head and unable to make a decision, He Feiyu thought she was scared, so he gently lifted the girl's delicate chin and stared at her blue pupils with great seriousness, his tone full of confidence.

It's not difficult to kill Hayato in public. The trouble is afterwards. After all, there are so many pairs of eyes watching. Although he is a brainless person in the second dimension, killing someone in public is not to the point of being directly ignored unless supernatural power is used. He Feiyu has it, but hypnotizing so many people will inevitably slip through the net, which makes it a headache to deal with.

However, it is not impossible. As long as Yoshida Saki wants Hayato to die, then today next year will be Hayato's death anniversary.

Yoshida Saki and He Feiyu only looked at each other for a second or two. For some reason, she felt her heart speed up suddenly and her cheeks became extremely hot, like boiling water.

"No... no, because... because of Fei Yu... classmate's appearance, I was actually not harmed... so..."

The girl's blue eyes shyly opened her eyes, not daring to look at He Feiyu anymore. Her moist pink lips opened and closed, and she finished her words stammeringly.


After listening to what Yoshida Saki said, He Feiyu shook his head in disappointment and sighed. Sure enough, the girl in the second dimension did not surprise him. He didn't know whether to praise her kindness or call her stupid.

"No, I think since I have nothing to do, there is no need for Feiyu to get into trouble because of me..."

As if hearing the disappointment in He Feiyu's tone, Yoshida Saki's heart suddenly tightened and he hurriedly explained. For a moment, the girl had an idea in her mind, that is, if she didn't explain, the relationship between the two might stop. That’s it.

"Oh, but you can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty."

Yoshida Saki's explanation finally made He Feiyu feel a lot better. Feeling Hayato's body trembling with joy at his feet because he heard that he could escape the disaster, He Feiyu sneered.

Then, like turning over a stir-fried vegetable, he exerted force on his feet and turned Hayato's body face up. Under his horrified gaze, He Feiyu kicked him in the base.


A miserable scream came from Hayato's mouth, and as a man's instinct, he wanted to touch his brother, but He Feiyu didn't give Hayato this chance, and kicked him in the neck again.

The sound like killing a pig stopped abruptly.

Regarding He Feiyu's move, Yoshida Saki's eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, his eyes filled with disbelief.


"Oh, um"

He Feiyu's words made Yoshida Saki recover from the shock. He quickly wiped away the tears on his face with his hands, and then trotted behind He Feiyu before slowing down.

"Hey, hey, why is the reward this time a recipe? It's not very useful!"

Looking at the reward given by the system after just killing Hayato in his mind, He Feiyu felt slightly speechless.

Sure enough, only by helping the girl will you get rewards. He Feiyu thought that what he got this time would be better than the last time's pupil technique, but he didn't expect that he was only given a recipe.

The name is Eight Great Recipes.

He Feiyu didn't have much interest in this. What was the use of a reward like a recipe? Can it be used to kill the tauren? The catalog lists the eight most famous cuisines in his previous life, including Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine... Hunan cuisine, a total of eight kinds.

He Feiyu only took a brief look. After all, the most important thing now is to hypnotize all the students watching the excitement, so as not to spread word of mouth and make this matter bigger. If the school wants to invite parents like in the previous life, it will be troublesome. No, he didn't want Aunt Manzi to be angry.

But when He Feiyu turned his attention to the crowd, what he imagined didn't seem to happen.

No matter whether it was the students or other people who had stopped to watch, they all disappeared. Only students from far away entered the school one after another. They seemed not to care about the gangsters lying in disorder not far from the school gate.

"What's happening here??"

He Feiyu couldn't help but feel suspicious

Confused, hasn’t he not been hypnotized yet? Are people in the second dimension really stupid? Are you only smart when it comes to astringency?

"Yu Xin-chan, Hana Minato-chan, where have all the people who were here to watch the excitement gone?"

He Feiyu saw the two girls still waiting for him at the school gate. His heart warmed, and he quickly walked up to them and asked.

"We were also very surprised. Soon there were many people discussing there, but suddenly they acted like nothing happened and almost all entered the school."

Sono Yushin told He Feiyu what she and Tianhe Hanamin had just seen and heard.


He Feiyu felt a headache after hearing this.

"What's wrong, Mr. Yu? Isn't it just right for them to do this? This way, no one will care about what just happened."

Tianhe Huamin saw He Feiyu frowning and couldn't help but hold one of his hands and expressed concern.

"Huh, um"

Feeling the warmth and softness on his hands, He Feiyu sighed thoughtfully before exhaling, smiling and nodding.

This is really unreasonable. He Feiyu absolutely does not believe that people in this world would be so indifferent. Then there is only another possibility, that is, someone with the same extraordinary power takes action. As for who it is, He Feiyu has no idea at all. Not to mention whether He is good or bad. Although the person who took action seems to be beneficial to He Feiyu in this matter, but... who knows the purpose...

However, in order not to worry the girls, He Feiyu was still not prepared to tell them. Anyway, as long as he was around, no one could harm them.

"Let's go to school. Class will begin soon."

There is no point in thinking here. A fox can't hide its tail after all. If that person is by his side, he will be exposed one day. He Feiyu took Tianhe Hua Minato's hand and prepared to enter the school.

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