After thinking about it, she scared away the explorers.

Finally I know the reason for becoming stronger.

It turns out that as long as others are afraid of her, she will become stronger and then she can leave here!

So she waited until someone came to explore again, used the power gained from fear to transform herself, and then intimidated those people and asked them to help spread her existence over a large area.

The flowers in the toilet began to spread.

The range of her activities is also getting wider and wider, but in the end there seems to be a limit, that is, she cannot leave this school.

I don't know if it's because she doesn't have enough strength or for other reasons, but it's better than being stuck in the toilet.

As for the weird title of her other bloody erotic book, she couldn't stand some scumbag boys in the school who were playing tricks on other girls, so she used love letters that symbolized single-mindedness to scare them.

On the one hand, it can warn them, on the other hand, it can also make her stronger.


Hanako could only sigh helplessly.

But she was still very interested in He Feiyu's proposal to let her die. She might not believe what others said, but she trusted what the person in front of her said because she could actually possess him. It was unprecedented, so she was ready to give it a try.

Although the area she can move around is getting bigger and bigger now, she is still a ghost after all. Living like this is boring and boring. She can't even eat delicious food. She might as well be reincarnated.

"I can ask you to help me die"

He Feiyu heard what Hua Zi said, but before he could be happy, he heard her add.

"But you must agree to my two demands."


"Okay, you can say it"

No, if I help you die, you still need me to agree to two of your requests. What the hell, you have taken all the benefits. But thinking that after helping the girl die, the reward will definitely be generous with the system's urination, so He Feiyu still agreed.

"The first one~ You must let me possess you when you eat from now on!"

Hanako thought of the delicious bento she had just eaten, and her saliva almost flowed from the corners of her lips.

"As for the second one, it will be kept secret for now."

Chapter 193: You are the only exception!

"I'm possessed by eating..."

He Feiyu subconsciously touched his neck. He no longer felt uncomfortable and returned to normal.

"Were you possessed just now?"

Then he complained angrily.

"Hehe, don't be so stingy. You are different from others. You have no problem being possessed by me."

Hua Zi stuck out her tongue playfully and hovered around He Feiyu.

"What do you mean? I'm different from others..."

Hua Zi's words made He Feiyu confused and looked at the air in confusion.

"By the way, can you show up? It's a condensed entity that can be seen with the eyes. It's so tiring for us to talk like this."

He really only heard his voice but not his person, which made He Feiyu very embarrassed.

Embarrassing, if it weren't for Minato Amaga who was sitting below who trusted him, I'm afraid someone else would have dialed the number of the mental hospital directly. Besides, it would be silly for him to talk to the air like this, so he suggested.

"Okay, stay away from the podium"

Hua Zi thought that he had secretly possessed He Feiyu just now, which seemed a bit immoral, so she agreed to his proposal.

The next second he closed his eyes and began to concentrate on condensing the unknown power in his body.

Why is it called unknown power? Because Hanako only knows that her power comes from the fear of others, but she doesn't know why she gains power when others fear her.

Hearing this, He Feiyu took a few steps back and stared at the podium.

Then a small humanoid silhouette suddenly appeared on the podium, emitting a dazzling light, and then in an instant, an exquisite girl with short purple hair appeared out of thin air.

The girl is wearing a red and white dress, with a cute bow tied with red thread on her white collar. The most attractive thing is the girl's beautiful little palm-sized feet, which are covered with clean and holy white calf socks, as if just now Freshly baked white flour steamed buns make people want to taste them.

"Okay...does it look good? Pervert! You're looking there! I knew you had no good intentions. You actually have thoughts about this little girl like me. I want to call the police!"

Hanako couldn't remember how long it had been since the last time she showed off her body, and she felt a little shy for some reason. She just wanted to ask He Feiyu if she could still be considered a human being like this. But she found that his eyes were naked and astringent, so she quickly covered her chest and mysterious realm with her hands, blushed and said angrily.

The girl's sharp voice brought He Feiyu back to his senses. Before he could refute, the voice of Tianhehua came from behind to support him.

"Yujun is not a pervert!"

He Feiyu shrugged his nose, feeling slightly relieved that his pain was not in vain.

But the next second.

"Yu Jun...he's just a little astringent, but everything else is fine!"

Although He Feiyu was still very touched, he hoped that Hua Minato would only say the previous sentence in the future.


Hanako snorted softly, her eyes still looking at He Feiyu warily. The hand on her chest was taken away by her, but the mysterious realm was still firmly protected.

"Are you a little girl? Besides, things in the underworld are not under the control of the earth. Besides, you are still a ghost. It is useless even if I have thoughts about you..."

He Feiyu felt that it was time to prove his innocence, so he spoke logically.

Although Huazi thought He Feiyu's words were unpleasant, she had to think they were reasonable, but she felt uncomfortable in her heart just when she was about to say something.

"This is my type"


But he saw He Feiyu walking in front of Tianhe Hua Minato, stretched out his hand, and held the girl's majestic snow peak. He squeezed it gently, and his flesh sank into his fingers through her clothes, causing Hua Minato to murmur shyly. call.

"Actually, I can also... become bigger..."

Hanako subconsciously looked down at her slightly bulging Xiaolongbao. Compared with Tianhehua Minato's big watermelon, it was like a grain of light. She was stunned immediately and let go of her little hand that was blocking the mysterious field, but then she thought of something. , said in a faint mosquito voice.



"Oh, let's talk about possession."

He Feiyu brought the topic back to normal.

"Aren't you able to touch objects directly with your appearance? Do you still need to possess others to eat?"

He Feiyu looked at Huazi sitting on the podium and asked doubtfully.

"Don't look at me like this. In fact, I'm still in the state of a ghost. I just allow ordinary people to hear and see me."

Hanako held the hem of her skirt and staggered her body so that He Feiyu could clearly see that she was floating on the podium instead of sitting on it. In order to be more convincing, she slowly walked into the podium.

"No matter what state I am in, I can't share my taste if I possess others, but! You are the only exception."

Hanako continued, and when she said the last sentence, she looked at He Feiyu with a slightly complicated look.

"Am I the only exception?"

"Yes, only you"

Hanako nodded.

"Regardless of men, women, and children, all failed without exception, and the people who were possessed by me would get sick, so gradually I gave up. Until today, your arrival disturbed me during my lunch break. I originally just wanted to I wanted to tease you, but I didn’t expect..."

The girl paused for a moment, as if she was brewing something.

“I didn’t expect that your bento looked so delicious, so I couldn’t help but try it again.”


He Feiyu and Tianhe Huamin, who were listening attentively, were speechless. They thought the girl would reveal some shocking secret, but they didn't expect that she turned out to be a foodie.

"Then...will Mr. Yu get sick after being possessed by you?"

Amaga Minato grasped the key point and quickly asked Hanako worriedly.

She was originally a little afraid of Hanako in the ghost story, thinking it was a terrifying creature with a green face and fangs, but seeing the girl's petite and exquisite appearance, she lost her fear. It was about He Feiyu, so she couldn't help but interrupt.

"I have already said that he is an exception, and naturally he will not get sick like ordinary people."

Hanako shook her head.

"Believe in me, your husband"

Tianhe Hanamin wanted to continue to ask Hanako why he was so sure of He Fei.

Yu wouldn't get sick. As He Feiyu's girlfriend, she had to consider the boy's safety. But suddenly there was a delicate touch on her cheek. She looked up and found that He Feiyu was looking at her with a confident smile, so she stopped talking. say.

Hanako looked at the two people who were intimate. For some reason, she felt lonely in her heart and turned away sadly.

"Okay, when you eat from now on, you can attack me at night, with groups six; ⑨ four nine three 'six one' three five to possess me, and I will also find a way to make you die soon."

He Feiyu looked at Hanako's slender back and agreed.


With Hanako's plain response, the girl's figure disappeared from He Feiyu's sight.

"Are you really okay? Mr. Yu..."

"It's okay. Hana Minato-chan doesn't know if I'm strong or not?"

He Feiyu pinched Tianhe Hua Min's tender earlobe with his hand and joked.

His words caused the girl to blush and spat slightly. Now Amagawa Minato felt much better.

"Okay, wake up Yushin-chan. It's time to go to class soon, but it's a pity that I didn't take a nap until noon."

"Sister Jie Xin, wake up quickly~"

Hearing this, Amaga Minato looked at the sleeping girl amusedly, gently pinched her soft cheeks with his hands, and called her.

"Um~Why did I fall asleep?"

Sono Yushin slowly opened her hazy eyes, and looked at He Feiyu in confusion in Tianhe Hana Minato's warm arms.

"I used to have a little pig at home. It would sleep when it was full."

Seeing that the girl had forgotten what had just happened, He Feiyu did not intend to remind her, lest the girl have nightmares when she went home, so he said.

"Little pig? Go to bed after eating? Eh!? What do you mean?"

Canono Yushin, who had just woken up, had not thought that He Feiyu was caring about her.


"Feiyu-kun, you are a big bad guy, you know how to bully me, sister Hua Minu, please deal with him quickly!"

It wasn't until Amaga Minato's cheerful laughter sounded in her ears that Sono Yushin woke up from a dream, pouted unhappily (○`3′○), and complained to Amaga Minato.

"Okay, okay, let's go to class."

In the corner of the abandoned classroom, Hanako was floating there, looking at the backs of the three people who were playing and disappearing, with envy unknowingly showing in her eyes.

Once upon a time, she could be like them...until...


Chapter 194: Well-deserved

In fact, Hanako still had nothing to say.

over the years.

Not only did she learn that fear could make her stronger, but she could also see the "fire" in others.

In her own curious observation, she found that the "fire" of young people was the strongest, followed by teenagers, and the weakest was the elderly.

But no matter who they were, the "fire" on them did not exceed the size of a watermelon.

But today, Hanako found an exception, that is He Feiyu. The "fire" on him could fill the entire classroom. Not only was it as bright as the scorching sun, but it was also as warm as the spring breeze. She was covered in it, and her body was warm and comfortable, so she proposed the condition of possessing her body to eat.

Hanako's big black eyes revealed her expectation for tomorrow's arrival, and then her figure completely disappeared in the classroom.

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