Chapter 204 Bathing

Hearing He Feiyu's affirmative answer, Qianjian Manzi had a faint smile on his lips.

Turning around, blinking her long eyelashes, her beautiful eyes like clear springs turned cloudy and crazy.

She tried hard to endure it for several days for her two daughters~

It was obvious that he could eat meat yesterday, but he was delayed. His body has long been like a room full of gas, and only a small spark will detonate it.

Her beautiful feet had just been attacked, and it was no longer possible for her to restrain herself.

But she didn't want to use this smelly body to welcome the moment she had been waiting for.

He Feiyu didn't know what Gunma Manko was thinking. Of course, if he knew, maybe he wouldn't mind~

"Ha-chan, why are you still standing still? Take off your clothes quickly."

Gunjian Manzi entered the bathroom, walked towards the bathtub, and turned on the water storage button with ease. When he came back, he saw He Feiyu still standing still, and he couldn't help but said in confusion.

"Why weren't you shy when you did bad things? Now you're pretending to be serious. Besides, what else can't we see?"

Seeing the shy expression and blush on He Feiyu's face, Mitsuru Gunma couldn't help but feel funny in her heart. At the same time, she felt that her Yu-chan was extremely cute. The two of them were in that kind of relationship, and they were coy after taking a bath together. So he chuckled and joked.

Gunjian Manzi's words made He Feiyu's face color even more. Indeed, he felt a little embarrassed about sharing a bath with his Aunt Manzi, but he was more excited.

It's just that he didn't want to show it so strongly, it didn't feel very good.

Seeing that He Feiyu didn't answer, Gunjian Manzi stopped talking and started to take off his clothes in front of him.

The narrow, slender, yet plump and white jade hands intertwined with each other, each holding the end of the short-sleeved tights, and the delicate body leaned back slightly.

The delicate skin was slowly revealed from her belly without a trace of fat. As she raised her hands, the black lace Bra was also visible.

"Ha-chan! Come and help auntie, her head is stuck!"


He Feiyu's eyes were involuntarily attracted by the seductive scenery. He didn't come back to his senses until Gunjian Manzi let out a sweet cry. He looked at his head being wrapped in a tight suit, and his delicate body was like a headless fly. Aunt Manzi, who was shaking wildly, laughed out loud.

"Huh! You're still laughing, why don't you come and help auntie!"

His laughter made Gunjian Manzi dissatisfied and angry.

"Here, Aunt Manzi, please stretch your hands first."

He Feiyu quickly stepped forward, and while speaking, he helped Gunma Manko take off her clothes.

"Yu-chan is so bad. I didn't know how to come and help auntie quickly. I even laughed at auntie."

Unexpectedly, as soon as his clothes came off, Qianjian Manzi leaned against He Feiyu's chest, his face as big as a palm full of grievances.

"Didn't I come right away?"

The pert breasts were pressed against his chest, which made He Feiyu feel uneasy. He nodded and answered.

"in spite of!"

Looking at Qianjian Manzi pouting in his arms, He Feiyu finally understood that women act coquettishly regardless of age.

After such an episode, He Feiyu also relaxed a lot.

Just when he bent down to take off his pants, and when he raised his head, Gunma Mitsuko in front of him was already candid.

The enchanting body is like the peach blossoms blooming in March, white with pink, blooming brightly and openly on the branches.

Gunjian Manzi stared at He Feiyu's eyes fixed on him and the belly that was about to burst. He couldn't help but smile charmingly. Without covering up, he picked up the nozzle placed not far away, along with a bottle of yellow liquid. He boldly swayed his body and walked towards the stunned He Feiyu.

The white snow occupies a patch of pink, and there is a touch of red embellishment on it. The temptation of the lining is also trembling with the steps. Under the light, there are beautiful and stunning traces.

When He Feiyu came to his senses, he found that he was already sitting on the bench, with a soft cushion spread under the bench.

Let’s not talk about why there are cushions, let’s just talk about this bench...

No matter how he looked at it, he felt something was wrong.

Damn, why are some stools made into a "concave" shape? ?

He Feiyu didn't understand very much, but he soon knew the real use of this stool.

There was a sound of "rustling yarn" behind him, and He Feiyu turned his head to look.

It was discovered that Mitsuko Gunma was pouring a yellow, oil-like liquid onto her delicate body while letting the liquid already on her body spread out, forming a reflective, crystal clear film.

Witnessing this beautiful scene, He Feiyu felt his blood swell.

What made He Feiyu even more moved was that Gunjian Manzi knelt down behind him, and then there was a cold and soft touch coming from his back. Before he could feel it carefully, what followed was a sensation of up, down, left and right. Slide regularly.

Gunjian Manzi was like a sponge at this time, leading by example and wiping He Feiyu's back.

"How are you? Yu-chan, are you comfortable?"

Slowly, she slid to He Feiyu's ear, looked at the pink grape-like earlobe, and asked with a blue breath.


The heat hitting his ears made He Feiyu's body tremble and feel numb.

"Do you want to feel more comfortable~"




what does it mean?

My girlfriend or your girlfriend? ?

He Feiyu complained a few words in his heart.

Of course, he was not angry at all. Instead, he felt warm when he saw the happy smiles on the faces of the girls.


"Nanabi Akane, Nanao Akane! What are you doing?!"

A plump female teacher suddenly put down the book in her hand and loudly reminded a girl who had been distracted since her class.

"Nanao, the teacher is calling you!"


The girl was obviously absent-minded, even when the teacher called her, she was indifferent. She didn't react until she was poked in the back. She got up in a hurry and bumped into the table carelessly.

"Ah! Sorry! Miyazaki-sensei!"

Nanao Akane didn't bother to sort out the messy textbooks, and quickly bent down and apologized to the teacher.


The female teacher felt that Nanao Akane's attitude of admitting her mistake was very good. In addition, after teaching her for a year, she also knew that the girl was a very good student and did not embarrass her.

"Your behavior has been very strange in the past two days. Not only me, but also other teachers are saying that you often get distracted in class. Did something happen to you? You need to adjust quickly."

But he added.

"Sorry! Teacher! I will correct it as soon as possible!"

Nanao Akane didn't say anything more, she just bent down again.

"Okay, sit down"

The female teacher waved her hands.

Nanao Akane sat down, first touched her painful thigh, then silently arranged the textbooks on the table, and then looked at the blackboard.

But those pale chrysanthemum blue eyes still looked dull.

It wasn't until the bell rang and the female teacher left that she lay down on the table with relief.

Nanao Akane also knew that she was not in the right state these past two days, because she was always thinking about how to make that bastard Coach Dong Gang reveal his true nature in front of everyone.

After thinking about it, she only thought of using herself as bait, but that was too dangerous. If she was not careful, she would step into an abyss, but... there seemed to be no other good way.

Of course, this is not the main reason why Nanao Akane is in a bad state.

But the bastard Coach Dong Gang was actually discharged from the hospital. Yesterday, he appeared inexplicably at the door of her class. Although he didn't do anything, the sinister smile on his arrogant face made her hair stand on end.

Another important reason actually came from the Katase Shoya she admired. Just yesterday, he sent no less than twenty messages to her, asking her to meet at the sports ground warehouse, saying that he and Coach Togo cleared up the misunderstanding.

But how could she, knowing the true face of Coach Togo, be willing to make excuses, become nauseated frequently, and finally have no choice but to break up with Katase Sho on bad terms? Fortunately, it rained heavily yesterday and club activities were canceled, leaving her with more time. I've been thinking about it, but I still haven't thought of a good solution.

This is why Nanao Akane has been distracted these past two days.


He sighed helplessly.

"Tianhe, thank you for the reminder."

Nanao Akane sat up, twisted her upper body, and thanked the girl behind her who had just reminded her.

"Nanao, why are you so worried lately? Do you need help?"

The girl smiled lightly and said it was okay. She looked at the frowning Nanao Akane and said considerately.

"Hey, Tianhe-chan, thank you for your kindness. It's not really a big problem."

Nanao Akane shook her head. She didn't want to get the girl in front of her into trouble. Even if she told her, it would be useless. There was nothing the two girls could do against such a big man.

"Okay, Nanao, if you have any trouble, you can tell me. Although I'm not very powerful, my boyfriend is super powerful~"

"Boyfriend? Tianhe-chan, congratulations."

Nanao Akane looked at the stars in the eyes of the girl in front of her when she talked about her boyfriend, and congratulated her.

Chapter 206: Hanako who doesn’t eat coriander

As soon as Nanao Akane finished speaking, doubts arose in her mind.

In her memory, the girl seemed to be entangled by a bad student with a certain background.

Because that bad student would appear in class every once in a while to harass the girl. Even if she didn't pay attention deliberately, it left a big impression.

What puzzles her is that several days have passed since the beginning of the school year, and the bad guy has not appeared again.

Could it be that the girl’s boyfriend is the bad guy?

Nanao Akane felt nauseated at the thought of being in a relationship with that kind of unscrupulous person.

But seeing the sparkle in the girl's eyes in front of her, Nanao Akane didn't feel like it.

Although she was curious, Nanao Akane did not ask specifically.

In fact, her relationship with the girl was quite ordinary. They were just classmates for a year in the first year of high school, and then they happened to be assigned to each other when they were divided into classes, and they became the front and back desk.

A relatively private topic like this is only suitable for conversations between best friends, and she doesn't have the time to take advantage of others.

Nanao Akane greeted the girl with a few polite words, then turned around, frowning, and continued to think about her idea.

On the other hand, the girl behind her glanced at her back thoughtfully, and didn't know what she thought of. She reached out and touched the bulging package in the desk, with a smile on her pretty face, looking forward to the lunch break coming soon.


'Jingle Bell'

The bell just rang, and before the teacher could walk out of the classroom, students were jumping up and down with excitement. Then, they were in groups, bustling, discussing arrangements for noon.

He Feiyu also stood up. According to the usual practice, it was time to join Hua Minato.

Before he could take two or three steps, he felt a gust of cold wind blowing towards him. He was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He knew she was coming.

Sure enough, my back and neck felt a little cold.


Beside him, Aono Yuxin shuddered. She didn't know why the cold wind blew inexplicably when the sun was shining outside, but she didn't care too much. Instead, she said to He Feiyu who suddenly stopped moving.

"Let's go"

He Feiyu replied calmly. He didn't want the timid Yuxin to know that there were ghosts in this world.

It wasn't just Aono Yuxin who felt strange, but they were the same as the girl. After all, when they were walking on the road and were suddenly blown by the wind, they couldn't just suspect that there was something in the wind.

When He Feiyu and Aono Yuxin were about to walk out of the classroom door, four girls with heavy makeup and gorgeous clothes were about to enter the door.

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