After she finished speaking, she stopped talking and did not extend her hand, unlike her sister who was so enthusiastic.

Chapter 210 Haruhara Yumi

"Well, hello"

He Feiyu did not take Xingyueling's cold attitude to heart. After all, everyone has different personalities, just like there are no two identical leaves in the world. He still nodded politely with a smile.

"Feiyu Jun, don't pay too much attention to this guy, she is just like that"

Sister Xingyuefeng seemed not very satisfied with her sister Xingyueling's attitude towards He Feiyu. She raised her hand and pinched her sister's face while explaining to He Feiyu.

Even though Xingyueling was twisted by Xingyuefeng because of outsiders, the girl's fair face still did not fluctuate much and remained indifferent.

He Feiyu quickly waved his hand to indicate that it was nothing.

The four chatted for a while until they saw the sports committee member standing in front of the team, and then they dispersed.

Although there were four people, most of the time, it was Cangnai Jiexin who was talking to Xingyuefeng. He Feiyu would occasionally interject a few words, while Xingyueling remained silent.

What made He Feiyu feel strange was that Xingyueling always cast her eyes on him. When he looked at her, the emotions revealed in her brown eyes were confusing.

However, He Feiyu knew how to distinguish the two sisters. The one with the vertical pupils was the elder sister Xingyuefeng, oh no, the one with blue pupils, and the one with brown pupils was the younger sister Xingyueling. In addition, they could also be identified by their personalities.

They stood in the order of height from left to right, with girls in front and boys in the back.

He Feiyu, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall in the first year of high school, naturally stood in the last row, on the right side.

Coincidentally, Xiong Lusheng was standing next to He Feiyu, but he seemed very reluctant, especially when he looked down and saw the bulge. His already awkward face looked like he had eaten a dead rat, and he quickly changed seats with the person next to him.

He Feiyu saw everything and felt funny, but also a little regretful. He didn't get the reward again, but it didn't matter. Anyway, there is no shortage of minotaurs in this world, and there are plenty of opportunities.

He Feiyu retracted his gaze and looked straight ahead.

He looked at the sports committee member of his class.

A heroic girl.

When she was electing the sports committee member, she introduced herself and caused a sensation in the class.

She actually won the national junior karate championship this summer.

Although the scope is only in high school and junior high school, it is already very remarkable.

Naturally, she became the sports committee member without a doubt.

The girl is now chatting casually with the girls she knows in the front row.

"Ryouka, you've worked hard"

"Teacher Yumei, you're here, it's not hard, these are what I should do"

Until a mature voice came from behind, the girl smiled and turned back and said modestly.

"Since Teacher Yumei is here, I'll go down"


The teacher called Yumei smiled and nodded, and the girl trotted back to the team.

"Hello everyone, I am your physical education teacher, my name is Haruhara Ikumi, you can call me Haruhara teacher, or Ikumi teacher."

Then Haruhara Ikumi, with a whistle tied around her neck and a roll call book under her armpit, walked to the place where Ryouka had just stood, and introduced herself with a smile on her mature and delicate face.

After she finished speaking, someone took the lead in clapping, and then a large crowd of people started to applaud.

He Feiyu was naturally among them.

He clapped his hands and looked at Haruhara Ikumi in front of him with appreciation.

It is still very happy to see such a mature and charming teacher in physical education class in the future.

"It's a pity that Kano Makoto, who has bigger breasts, is not my teacher."

A slightly regretful and obscene voice sounded on the right side of He Feiyu across a body.

"But Haruhara Yumi, who is known as one of the two beauties in the swimming club, is also okay."

"Tsk tsk tsk~ As an outstanding person who was once nominated as a candidate for the national team, it's barely acceptable for her to teach me."

He only heard him mutter to himself again, his tone full of compromise, as if it was an honor for others to have such a person teach him.

He Feiyu didn't look sideways, he knew who the owner of the voice was.

He couldn't help but laugh at the shamelessness of the owner of the voice.

But he had to admire Xiong Lusheng. It was just a few days after the start of school, but he knew some people and things in the school.

After the roll call and a wave of difficult warm-up exercises, He Feiyu thought he was finally free. After all, it was the first day, and most teachers would show some respect.

But he didn't expect that Haruhara Yumi actually asked to run 2,000 meters.

He Feiyu and a group of students complained bitterly.

It's not that He Feiyu is afraid of running these 2,000 meters. Even if he ran 20,000 meters, he would not care, but today's situation is very special!

The reason why other students complained was that they had just experienced a lazy summer vacation, and they hadn't exercised much, but they had to run 2,000 meters. Who could handle this?

However, He Feiyu saw that the sports committee member Liangxiang was eager to try.

That's right, after all, she is a karate champion, and it is obviously impossible that she doesn't do physical training on weekdays.

Through the crowd, he also saw Yuxin-chan also sighing and shaking her head, with a worried look on her face.

"Damn, I forgot that Haruhara Ikumi is very strict, SHIT, is it too late to change the teacher now!?"


A sharp whistle sounded, quieting down the originally restless students.

"It seems that everyone finds it difficult to run 2,000 meters. If that's the case, then let's reduce it to 1,000 meters."

Haruhara Ikumi noticed the difficulty of the student in front of her, so she lowered her request with a smile.

Although some people are still sighing, running one thousand meters is better than running two thousand meters.

"Okay, everyone, go over there and line up. We'll start right away. We'll rest after we finish."

I heard that I can rest after running, and the last bit of resentment is gone.

He Feiyu simply showed it off and stopped covering it up. If someone saw it, just see it.

I have a big dick, I can’t help it.

The crowd mixed together and followed the sports committee member Ryoka, walking in the direction pointed by Haruhara Ikumi.

He Feiyu saw Ayato Tsubaki who was walking alone with his head down, and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder.

"Brother Feiyu"

Tsubaki Ayato felt the movement on his shoulder. He raised his delicate face and looked at it. He found it was He Feiyu and shouted feebly.

"Come on! Ayato-kun, if you want to stop being bullied in the future, you have to work hard to become stronger."

He Feiyu naturally knew the reason for Tsubaki Ayato's depression, so he encouraged him kindly.

"Are you that strong to become Brother Feiyu?"

Hearing this, Tsubaki Ayato's eyes lit up with stars.



Looking at the rejuvenated Tsubaki Ayato, He Feiyu felt that he told a white lie and was worthy of forgiveness.

Of course, it's not a lie. If it were the intensity of teaching the hot girl that day, it could still be done after a year of training. But if it was He Feiyu's hidden strength, I'm afraid Tsubaki Ayato would never be able to do it in this life, unless one day , he also got a plug-in.

Chapter 211: Teenagers and girls in their youth

Although the playground is made of simple yellow soil, it has everything. It is no different from the high school in He Feiyu's previous life.

Things like the starting line and runway line are painted in corresponding colors to make them easier to distinguish.

The girls stood in a crowd in front, interacting with people they knew, chatting and laughing, saying that when they ran later, they would run together, or let someone strong take them with them. It was so lively, how could it be different from before? Sighing.

The boys stood at the back, some out of gentlemanly courtesy, and some of them opened their eyes wide and looked like pigs, staring at the girl in front of them, Bruma's buttocks, and her straight thighs as white and straight as onions. The remaining people were in a daze, either out of innate self-confidence or because they felt it didn't matter.

He Feiyu is the kind of person who doesn't care.

"Classmates, listen carefully. After a while, I saw Teacher Yumei waving my hand and shouted to run away."

With a bright smile, Ryoka turned her head and shouted to her classmates behind her.


Hearing the affirmative noise from the crowd, Ryoka nodded, and then looked at Haruhara Ikumi who was still there, staring intently at her raised hand, waiting for the moment it fell.


The originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet after Liangxiang gave the order, and then saw Liangxiang rushing out at the lead, leading the crowd by two or three meters in the blink of an eye.

The girls reacted belatedly, took steps forward, and subconsciously lined up against the innermost white line.

When the girls left Qiqibaba, the boys also chased after them.

He Feiyu was mixed in the crowd, in the middle.

A moment of effort.

Ryoka, who was in the lead, was nearly ten meters away from the second place.

It seemed that Ryoka ran too fast, which put pressure on all the girls. Some plans that had been discussed in advance were broken. The powerful girls speeded up their pace, trying to catch up with Ryoka at the front.

Even if you can't catch up, at least don't let the lead distance be too exaggerated.

As for the boys, it was even more impossible for them to let a girl ride on their head. Those who were tall, had long legs, and were good at sports increased their power and soon caught up with most of the girls.

He Feiyu ran neither fast nor slowly, raising his head leisurely and looking at everything happening in front of him.

The corners of his mouth formed a slight arc.

Youth is so good~

Turning the angle of view, he could see the leading girl from his current position.


Looking through my memory, I went back to the day when the girl introduced herself, and I remembered her name.

Four Yuan Liangxiang.

The girl running in her eyes showed perseverance and no trace of blemishes. She was like a nimble cheetah, swinging her ponytail tied high behind her head, and gracefully shuttled through the warm sun.

Every step she took was so light, as if she was stepping on soft clouds instead of yellow soil.

The sportswear clung to her curvy upper body, fully displaying her exquisite curves.

He Feiyu's heart skipped a beat.

Of course, it's not that I'm in love, but that such a girl is very attractive, and I feel attracted to her unconsciously.

His eyes swept from top to bottom, ignoring Bruma.

He looked at his slender thighs that were stretched straight and strong from time to time due to running.

Those white calves are not all muscles like professional athletes, but are a little plump, just like a medium-rare steak, just right and full of toughness at the same time.

If you were stepped on by such sweaty beautiful feet...

When the fragrant picture in my mind is about to take shape.

He Feiyu quickly shook his head to dispel the unhealthy thoughts.

I don't know why, but since the summer vacation started, his desire has increased exponentially.

Especially that special hobby. Although he had it in the past, he controlled it very well. He would only occasionally turn on related short movies to vent his anger.

Unlike now, as long as I see beautiful feet, I will fall into fantasy if I am not careful.

A gentleman loves money, but he gets it in a proper way.

Similarly, if you like bitterness, it should be the same.

He Feiyu restrained himself and shifted his gaze, no longer looking at Siyuan Liangxiang.

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