but! This will also make people think wildly!

Fortunately, the journey back to football was short. After saying goodbye to the enthusiastic Shigen Ryoka, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He Feiyu felt that the sports committee member was too straightforward and the praise was a bit overwhelming for him. The main reason was that he was not a social cow, so it was embarrassing to say so many compliments.

"What's wrong? Yushin-chan, you're still standing still. It's time to return the football."

He Feiyu turned around and saw Canano Yuxin not far away, who was lowering his head and not moving for some reason, so he quickly walked forward and came to her side and said.

"Feiyu-kun, do you think I'm useless..."

Yushin-chan lowered her head and said in a gloomy tone.

He Feiyu was speechless, why do girls like emo so much? It seems that the school's strict control is not necessarily a good thing.

"How could it be possible? Yushin-chan is so awesome."

Still comforting the girl.

"Really? Mr. Feiyu, please tell me how awesome I am~"

Yuexinjiang looked up hopefully, looked at He Feiyu expectantly and pitifully and said.


He Feiyu hesitated. After getting along with each other for this period of time, he really didn't notice the girl's advantages. Moreover, the girl gave him a sense of stupidity, but he didn't dare to say it now, otherwise he would definitely make Yu Xinjiang angry. .


So I tried to say.



Yushin-chan pouted, ready to cry.

What’s the advantage of being cute! ! !

Isn't this making things difficult for him, Fat Tiger?

In fact, the two of them have been together for less than a week. Usually, Sono Yushin behaves naively, and he doesn't know the details yet, and he can't explain why.

"Ahem... Yushin-chan, you are very good at making bento, and you study very seriously..."

He Feiyu racked his brains before he came up with a few advantages of the girl that were neither salty nor bland, but they were better than nothing.

After hearing this, the girl pondered for a while, then smacked her lips and raised her little head, obviously happy.

Extremely easy to coax~

Sono Yushin returned the ball and He Feiyu walked side by side on the playground. There were still twenty-five minutes until get out of class ended, so he was not in a hurry.

Some girls came to He Feiyu and asked for their contact information, but he decisively rejected them.

Not to mention that he already has Hana Minato-chan and the others, but with such a big crotch, I'm afraid it's worth several cars, and he doesn't dare to drive.

Aangano Yuxin enjoyed being alone with He Feiyu.

The joy on her sweet face has never stopped, and the girl has been deliberately closing the distance between the two.

From time to time, he would rub his arms against the warmth beside him, and the warmth he felt made his heart itch.

Until a sparrow suddenly flew in front of her and its chirping sound pulled her out of her happy state.

"Feiyu-kun, this little bird?"

Sono Yui looked curiously at the little sparrow that was flapping its wings and hovering in front of it, showing no fear of humans.

Since I saw a sparrow standing on He Feiyu's shoulder without fear last time, I guessed that this sparrow must be related to He Feiyu.

"Did you take action? Well, you did a good job. Thank you for your hard work."

The sparrow in front of the two people naturally ate Momotaro rice balls and was ordered by He Feiyu to monitor the reconnaissance plane of Buck Sheng. Unexpectedly, not long after it was sent out, news came that Buck Sheng had evil intentions. He Feiyu reached out and touched the sparrow's head as a reward.

"Yu Xin-chan, you go back to the classroom and pack your things first. I have something to do. I will meet directly at the school gate later."

Without explaining, He Feiyu took off and ran towards the teaching building after giving instructions.

Aangano Yui was left standing dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on. She was stunned for two and a half seconds, and then walked towards the teaching building.

Just follow Mr. Feiyu's arrangements.

Chapter 221: Pure and Beautiful Girl (Modified Version)

Time comes back to when the physical education class is about to end.

Zizhi Gong Xia Ye looked at that elegant and free figure in a daze.

An extremely abnormal blush spread across her pretty face.

The white jade face looked like a red cloud after being drunk.

Delicate and attractive.

If someone happened to witness this scene, they would definitely be tempted to pick this pretty girl like a hydrangea.

Although there were many nymphos at the scene, none of them seemed to behave as exaggeratedly as she did.

The locked gaze followed Haruhara Ikumi's sharp whistle and another beautiful figure no less beautiful than her appeared in the red eyes, which happened to cover a certain key part.

The girl's confused thoughts returned to normal again.

After returning to her senses, Zizhi Gong Xia Ye struggled to look away.

She seemed shy, but also seemed to blame herself. She lowered her head slightly and pursed her pink lips, as if she didn't want others to see her strange state at this time.

After standing still for two and a half minutes, he slowly took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

I felt that the color on my face had faded a bit, and my beating heart had slowed down a bit, before I was ready to take a step forward and return the ball to the car.

Just as he took a step forward, he felt a chill somewhere, as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on him.

‘Unexpectedly, there was a cold wind blowing. It seems that we need to return soon.

In the locker room, change out of clothes that are wet due to sweating during exercise...'

Purple Palace Xia Ye blushed and muttered repeatedly in her heart, as if she was affirming herself.

With a slight stagger, he threw the football that he had never played a few times into the car.

Before leaving, my eyes glanced at someone vaguely, or maybe someone...

Although the girl showed something strange, she tried to control herself well, and the crowd's attention was almost all focused on He Feiyu, so no one should notice her embarrassment.

But did no one really notice her strangeness?

"It can't be the female pig I'm interested in, tut tut tut ~"

Little did she know that there was a naked gaze watching her from somewhere. Even if Zi Zhigong Xia Ye hid it well, he couldn't escape his experienced and venomous, weathered and unique skills in looking at people, no, looking at women, which made Xiong Lusheng sneer with pride.

"But the abominable thing is! It's not me who is in heat! It's someone else! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

But then, the smile on Xiong Lusheng's face changed, and his expression became gloomy, like the evil wizard who cast a curse in Western legends, muttering with anger and resentment.

"Haha, but it doesn't matter. I'll let you experience real happiness later, and then you won't look at other people anymore."

As if thinking of something, Xiong Lusheng's ugly and dark face changed again. His narrow eyes looked even more treacherous and wretched. He licked his lips that were slightly cracked due to dryness.

Looking at the back of Zizhigong Xia Ye leaving, he quietly followed.

Zizhigong Xia Ye didn't know that a wolf had already stared at her.

The girl staggered to the bottom of the teaching building, looked up at the towering teaching building, and was about to go upstairs. She caught a glimpse of some girls in the same class walking by her side, talking and laughing.

The idea of ​​going upstairs to the locker room to change clothes disappeared instantly.

If others saw it, wouldn't it be misunderstood as whether I did something nymphomaniac in physical education class...

Thinking again and again.

I decided to find a toilet to wipe it first, and wait until the wet marks disappeared before going back to the locker room to change clothes. By then, even if there were still wet marks, it wouldn't be so obvious, and by then, almost everyone would have left.

It happened that he also felt the urge to pee.

So he changed his route and walked slowly towards the toilet on the first floor.

"Haha, God is really helping me."

The sly Xiong Lusheng behind him saw that Zizhigong Xia Ye did not go upstairs, but walked towards the first floor. He was happy. He was worried that he could not find a good opportunity, but he did not expect that it would be delivered to his door. He could not help but feel that God was blessing him. Since God was helping him, he would take it down in one fell swoop today. Anyway, the class would be over, and even if the two did not go back, it would not arouse suspicion.

'Second brother, your blessing is here today, let you have a good meal'

Looking down at the swelling caused by the enchanting figure, Xiong Lusheng thought obscenely.

Pretending to look around casually, he waited until Zizhigong Xia Ye disappeared before following her again, without noticing the sparrows standing on the treetops shaking their heads from time to time.

When Xiong Lusheng caught up, a sparrow flew towards the playground, and the rest of the sparrows flapped their wings and followed Xiong Lusheng closely.

Who the hell knew that there were several reconnaissance planes following him.

The toilets on the first floor of the entire school were avoided by many students because of the existence of Hanako Ghost Story, except for some fearless supernatural explorers and thrill seekers.

So on the first floor of the entire school, in addition to being used by many people, most of the toilets were used as storage rooms for cleaning. Fortunately, there were few people and it was clean.

Zizhigong Xiaye found a slightly secluded and clean toilet and rushed in. After carefully checking that there was no one, he pondered for a moment and inexplicably locked the old-fashioned wooden door from the inside.

He randomly chose a private room and quickly closed the baffle.

The quiet space and the occasional voices of teachers and classmates in class always calmed Zizhigong Xiaye's somewhat impetuous heart.

"What's the matter? What happened to me today... I was so ugly..."

Zizhigong Xiaye raised her hands, rubbed them on her slightly hot cheeks, and asked herself in confusion.

When did this innocent girl start to have wild thoughts...

My thoughts rolled forward, and my memories were like pages and pages. Finally, Zizhigong Xia Ye found the cause.

"It's all that damn He Feiyu's fault! If he hadn't touched my chest, I wouldn't be so miserable!"

Recalling that He Feiyu held her in his arms at the corner of the playground, her soft snow peaks were touched. That was a field that her childhood sweetheart had never touched, but she never thought it would be broken by an outsider.

Zizhigong Xia Ye put all the blame on He Feiyu, not knowing that without his help, she might have seen blood.

As for why He Feiyu didn't use time stop to help the girl, it was because that was too much of a fuss.

"You don't wear your clothes properly, and you don't know to change them when they don't fit. You dress like a pervert!"

"What's the use of being good at playing football! You have no sense of propriety and shame!"

The girl complained fiercely, and only in this way did she feel much better.

While venting, Zizhigong Xia Ye took off Bruma from her body until it reached her knees.

She pushed down the clothes that were slightly bulging on her belly, and sure enough.

Her white panties were wet.

Her fair face, which had just recovered,

turned red again.

She also took off her panties to her knees, and then slowly squatted down.


The sound of the faucet opening and releasing water was heard in the silent toilet.

Chapter 222: Everything is under the responsibility of He Feiyu

The sound of the gurgling water in the stream gradually died down after 25 seconds.

The toilet returned to peace again.

After this incident, Zizhigong Xia Ye's mind became empty, and her mood became much better. Her dissatisfaction with He Feiyu also decreased a bit.

She took out a tissue, wiped it clean, and was about to get up.

But the quiet and comfortable space always makes people unconsciously have strange thoughts in their minds.

The girl's body was halfway up, but suddenly, this familiar atmosphere made her heart rise with beauty.

It was like she was alone in the rental house, uncontrollable, or unbearable, and wanted to comfort herself.

Often this sudden desire is the most difficult to restrain, just like the red light for turning left is the most difficult to wait.

Once it arises, it will make people find excuses to complete it by all means.

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