"No... no... Xiangya... is not such a person... no way..."

The girl was completely lost and stunned.

"Haha, why not~ Katase-kun is working very hard to become better, but what about you, Manager Nanao? You can't stop others from running towards someone better than you~"

Coach Dong Gang said the most shameless words.


There was silence in Nanao Akane's ears. There was no hustle and bustle of the crowd in the distance, and there was no proud and wild laughter from Coach Dong Gang. There was only the sound of heartbreak.

It was as if a revolving door had started in my mind before death.

Scenes of memories about Katase Shoya came to mind.

Under the setting sun, the young man sweated without fear of fatigue. When they first met, the eyes of the two flickered dimly and shyly. In their daily companionship, they encouraged each other and the happiness of making progress together...

But that beautiful picture gradually turned into an illusion.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Coach Dong Gang’s laughter echoed in the small warehouse.

finally! It’s finally time to take action.

Seeing the two lines of clear tears flowing from Nanao Akane's eyes, Coach Dong Gang felt that the time had come.

He even felt that someone was urging him inexplicably, asking him to act quickly now, so Coach Togo walked towards Nanao Akane.

"Hey, no one will come to save you this time."

Take a day off, power outage

If there is a power outage, we will have to find someone to repair it tomorrow, but there will be no repairs today.

Excuse me

Chapter 231 See the chicken flying and the egg beating again

The sparrows circling overhead were chirping.

Ordinary people don't understand its meaning, but He Feiyu knows it clearly.

Except for a few honest words he said when he came to him earlier, the others were all related to food survival and reproduction.

For example, that tree is the easiest to breed bugs, and it takes a long time to eat before others of the same kind.

What made He Feiyu laugh the most was that he didn't expect that the person leading him would be a female bird.

Complaints about some male birds courting it without even building a nest, just wanting to prostitute it for nothing.

He Feiyu walked quickly while shaking his head in a funny way.

Soon, the female sparrow led them to the familiar warehouse.

Just as he was about to break in, he heard the triumphant laughter coming from the warehouse.

He Feiyu was speechless for a while, why did he raise the flag?

Look, isn’t this retribution coming?

A 'bang' sound.

The seemingly solid door was kicked open by He Feiyu.

The sound of the explosion was like thunder on the ground.

Coach Togo, who was approaching Nanao Akane, was caught off guard and startled.

The loud sound made his heart jump into his throat, like a frightened rabbit jumping up and down.

The desire that originally arose due to Nanao Akane's desperate look disappeared in an instant, and even the second brother, who held his head high and his chest high, became sluggish.

I don’t know if I can still show off my glory after this incident.

He Feiyu didn't take Coach Dong Gang seriously at all.

This is the confidence brought by strength.

His calm eyes passed over the tall and burly coach Dong Gang.

Wanted to see if the girl was okay.

Although he could infer from what Coach Dong Gang said before he entered the door, the girl was probably fine.

But I still can't help but care.

This is out of instinctive sympathy for the girls who were tortured by the minotaurs, and is not mixed with other evil intentions.

When He Feiyu's eyes caught sight of Akane Nanao, who was slumped on the mat with lifeless eyes, like a zombie in a movie from her previous life.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his original calm expression disappeared.

Some are just full of anger and murderous intent.

Did you come late?

But she soon calmed down and found that although Nanao Akane looked sad, her clothes were intact.

It shows that the girl was not harmed.

Coach Dong Gang slowly recovered from the huge noise just now.

"Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Again! It's you!"

Seeing the person coming clearly, coach Dong Gang's ugly eyes were flashing with hatred. He spoke word by word, and his overwhelming hatred was frightening.

If you could kill with your eyes, maybe He Feiyu would have been quartered by five horses by now.

"Why, are you surprised to see me?"

He Feiyu looked at the ferocious coach Dong Gang and said calmly.

"Why show up when I'm successful!"

Somehow, coach Dong Gang gritted his teeth and asked this sentence.

"Oh, why? Maybe every cause has its consequences, and your retribution is me."

He Feiyu answered coach Dong Gang’s question without thinking.

"Damn brat, what are you pretending to be! Do you really think that as an adult, I dare not educate you!?"

Hearing He Feiyu's pretentious words, Coach Dong Gang was extremely unhappy and wanted to take action, but when he thought of the humiliation last time, he felt timid and could only quarrel.

The current coach Dong Gang is just like the keyboard warrior He Feiyu in his previous life.

He is good at using the keyboard to express arrogant opinions, but he dare not use his hands to do practical things.

Of course, Coach Togo was helpless. If he was a thin person like Katase Shoya, he wouldn't even bother to talk and just do it.

But my eyes are wrapped in sportswear,

The young man who seemed a little awkward and astringent was not the kind of incompetent person.

How can you not be afraid if you can land yourself in the hospital with just three punches and two kicks? It's okay to say cool things behind your back, but it's really hard to get into a fight.

"Then just give it a try"

Looking at the fierce-looking coach Dong Gang, He Feiyu curled his lips in disdain.


Coach Dong Gang clenched his fists in humiliation, and the veins on his fists were bulging. The mistakes were more complicated and visually impactful, which made people feel afraid. He widened his eyes, and his ugly face was flushed red, like a volcano about to erupt.

What was even more strange was that there was a flash of black air in his eyes.

He Feiyu saw the changes in Coach Dong Gang.

He was not afraid but happy.

This means that he can beat the Minotaur and there is no need to show mercy.

"Since you don't dare to go up, then I will do it myself."

As he said, He Feiyu walked towards the tall Coach Dong Gang.

Damn, I didn't do it, but you gasped.

Coach Dong Gang was shocked.

The place that was injured a few days ago began to hurt again because of He Feiyu's arrival.

Panic appeared on his ugly face, and he subconsciously shook his head left and right, trying to avoid He Feiyu.

But the panicked brain couldn't think of a good way at all.

At this critical moment, an idea came to him.

The sturdy thigh suddenly kicked the ground and pounced on the stupid Nanao Akane.

As long as the boy is taken as a hostage, all difficulties will be solved.

Moreover, Coach Dong Gang realized that it seemed that He Feiyu's appearance was related to Nanao Akane.

Then could he hold the emperor hostage to control the princes?

Thinking of this, Coach Dong Gang showed a grim smile on his face.

He Feiyu frowned and looked at Coach Dong Gang who was flying towards Nanao Akane. The girl didn't even react at all, and had no intention of dodging at all. If the girl's thin and delicate body was hit by the muscular coach Dong Gang, although it would not break like a bottle, I am afraid that her internal organs would be dislocated.

He Feiyu, who wanted to beat Coach Dong Gang with his own strength, finally used his ability.


With a complaint, He Feiyu appeared in front of the girl.

Slightly sideways, raised his leg, and used a whip kick to kick Coach Dong Gang in the face who was flying in the air.

Don't ask why he can do whip kicks. In his previous life, He Feiyu was not only an appreciator of anime in the second dimension, but also a loyal fan of martial arts movies.

He watched a lot of kung fu movies by people like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li. Although he couldn't do complicated ones, he could still imitate kicking.

With the great power he now possesses, the effect will only be better.

Sure enough, Coach Dong Gang was kicked away by He Feiyu, changing his route to form a 7, and crashing into a pile of sports equipment.

And at the original position, there was a bloody broken tooth.

He Feiyu planned to make a quick decision, anyway, the current Coach Dong Gang could fight and kill.

For the evil bull-headed people, He Feiyu didn't regard them as human beings at all, but more as animals in human skin. In addition,

knowing that this is the second dimension, even if he has lived for so long, there is still a gap in his heart. If it weren't for the person he loves, everything is so illusory.

Killing the Minotaur is just like tearing off a painting in the real world. Guilt doesn't exist at all. Maybe there was one in the past, but there won't be any now or in the future.

So while Coach Dong Gang was still struggling to get up, He Feiyu walked in front of him.

"I'm done, I'll be fine, I'll never feel wild again... woo..."

As if he had noticed He Feiyu's killing, Coach Dong Gang's hair stood up, and he begged with his mouth leaking air regardless of the pain in his body.

He was full of emotion, and tears were dripping. If it wasn't for the pain in his body, he might have hugged He Feiyu's thigh directly.

He Feiyu looked down at the pitiful Coach Dong Gang, watching him crying in pain.

There was not a single wave in his heart.

"You just know you're going to die"

He Feiyu shook his head.

He no longer cared about Coach Dong Gang's continued begging, and raised his foot to step on his neck, with enough force, this kick was enough to send him to hell and change his ways.

Just when his foot was only 2.5 centimeters away from Coach Dong Gang's neck, He Feiyu heard a system prompt in his mind.

[Ding! It was found that Dong Gang Yamato had not yet been completely demonized. He could not obtain the power of rules after being killed. Please consider it as appropriate.]

He Feiyu froze in place.

No wonder Coach Dong Gang was not like the minotaurs before, and he did not even have the ability to resist.

After a lot of entanglement, he finally decided to cultivate him.

Wait until he is completely fat before killing him, so that the garbage can be fully utilized.

Coach Dong Gang did not feel the pain for a long time. He swallowed his saliva and opened his eyes carefully. He saw the dark soles of his shoes and felt panic again. Fortunately, He Feiyu did not intend to step on it.

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