After a while, Sono Yushin's breathing calmed down.

Just when He Feiyu wanted to say something.

But he never thought that the girl would take the initiative to stand on tiptoes, wrap her hands around his neck, and look up.

He Feiyu thought she would continue to kiss him, but the next second, the warm and moist heat from his ears made his body go limp.

Showing a weak expression.

"Uh~huh~This is~uh~Feiyu-kun~uh~teasing~uh~my end~uh~"

Yuxin-chan used the skills she learned from Tianhe Hana Minato to take revenge on He Feiyu.

The last sentence that came to He Feiyu's mind before he lost consciousness was that it was difficult to guard against domestic thieves by guarding against day and night.

Jie Xinjiang could clearly feel the changes in He Feiyu.

I felt proud and very grateful to Tianhe Hana Minato.

Ambiguous pink stars shone in her eyes.

After licking one ear of He Feiyu, the other ear suffered the same torture.

Now He Feiyu is like a slime, ready to be ravaged by others.

Chapter 240: Using people as mirrors

Yushin-chan swallowed the fluid in her mouth.

Then she rubbed her cheek against He Feiyu's temples for a long time before they separated.

The girl hugged his neck, raised her head, and looked at him with a proud look on her pretty pink face, breathing heavily.

He Feiyu was angry and felt like he was suffering from pain.

There was a smile in her eyes. She had seen Mr. Feiyu like this before. The girl even wanted to record this scene with her mobile phone. In the future, when He Feiyu made her angry, for example, by saying her feet were smelly, she would use them to threaten him. Let him smell it hard! snort!

"Okay...are you okay? Yushin-chan?"

He Feiyu was tortured so hard that his body was numb, and his ears felt the coolness brought by the evaporation of saliva.

I thought I was just teasing the girl, but I didn't expect to be "tortured" like this.

Later, he must teach Hana Minato-chan a lesson for talking nonsense!

Guessing that the girl was satisfied, she said.

"Hmph! As the saying goes, it's easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away."

Yuexinjiang answered He Feiyu with a proverb from the Dragon Kingdom that she recently learned in Mandarin.


"Ahem...Kouxin-chan, this is a derogatory meaning...can't be used here..."

He Feiyu was startled when he heard this, then looked at the girl who was showing off happily, and couldn't help but explain kindly.

"No matter! No matter! Huh! Since Feiyu-kun can still refute me, it seems that it's not going too far~"

Unexpectedly, this would anger Yuexin-chan. The girl was unreasonable and even threatened He Feiyu.


He Feiyu wanted to say something more, but his mouth was blocked.

Then he felt something as slippery as a loach crawling into his mouth.

Sweep his teeth, break open the city gate, and plunder everything that belongs to him in his mouth.

The girl was not as clumsy as when they kissed just now, which made He Feiyu's experience very good this time.

Gradually I became immersed in it.

As a man, how could He Feiyu let a girl dominate all this?

He finds the right moment.

Just when Yushin-chan stuck her tongue deep again.

His tongue was like a tentacle.

Wrap Yuxin-chan tightly.

It also increases suction power.

After all the calculations, Aangano decided to kiss him for the second time, and he was no match for the experienced He Feiyu.

In less than twenty-five seconds, the girl was completely defeated.

He can only survive with his petite Qiongbi.

He Feiyu came up with a plan and loosened the knot a little.

The girl's head was confused by He Feiyu's counterattack, and she subconsciously wanted to take it back.

Unexpectedly, he got exactly what he wanted.

When she withdrew her tongue, the city gate opened wide.

He Feiyu took advantage of the victory to pursue and rushed into the girl's city gate.

The battlefield is with the girl, and he has no worries.

Single-handedly, stir up the storm.

The loud sucking sound was like gurgling water in the ears of the two of them.

After kissing each other, He Feiyu's hand slipped from the girl's waist.

He didn't stop until his two hands held a ball of mutton-fat white jade.


Feeling the kneading on her buttocks, Yushin-chan let out a seductive moan from her nose.

Her innocent and lovely face was full of shame. Under He Feiyu's attack, the girl returned to normal and was no longer as arrogant as before.

After a while, the two separated.

It ended with Yushin-chan's complete collapse.

He Feiyu leaned against the wall, and Cang Naiyu nestled in He Feiyu's arms.

Neither of them spoke.

Only He Feiyu's big hand held the girl and gently stroked her hot cheek.

"I...I'm going home"

Yushin-chan was the first to break the silence, speaking in a restrained voice with a sweet voice.


He Feiyu felt the warmth of the contact between the two and responded softly.

Although the two said this, they still made no move.

Yu Xinjiang put her little head on He Feiyu's chest and listened quietly to the heart that was beating because of her.

The girl closed her eyes, thinking about what happened in the past few days, it felt like a dream.

Not only did I meet many new friends, I also found a boy who I like and who also likes me.

When did all this start?

What would have happened if the boy hadn't appeared during that heavy rain...

Is it my mother-in-law who is protecting me in heaven?

If it is true, she hopes that her mother-in-law can forgive her selfishness and hope that her mother-in-law can not only bless her, but also bless Fei Yujun and Sister Hua Minu...


He Feiyu came back to his senses only after seeing the petite figure of the girl disappearing on the stairs and the sound of opening and closing the door upstairs.

He realized that the responsibilities on his shoulders had grown heavier.

As the saying goes, it is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman. Anyone who does not marry and fall in love is a hooligan.

From the moment he kissed the girl, Yushin-chan was as important to him as Minato Amagawa, Mitsuru Gunma and others.

Just thinking about having to walk among the girls without favoring one over the other made He Feiyu feel as big as an ox.

Subconsciously, he remembered an imaginary ancient novel that he had read in his previous life and was not suitable for children.

He thought it was the pure love in the harem that attracted him to read it, but he didn't expect that the heroines died in the end. It was so cold. The protagonist was simply a shameless scumbag. It made him feel like he had a lump in his throat, a pins and needles, and a ray on his back. How uncomfortable it must be. That's how uncomfortable it is.

It's right to think about it carefully later. Using curses as a bond to connect feelings will definitely suffer backlash. An incompetent person, a person who can easily get love, is destined to be unlucky.

If he pays attention to feelings, then the women who are restricted by the curse and fall in love with him will eventually become distorted.

When love is easily available, there is no love, only naked desire and the backlash of unavailable desire.

The lessons of the past made He Feiyu fall into reflection. He also had a similar "curse", which was the succubus tattoo. Once a woman had sex with him, he would never fall in love with anyone else in this life.

If you become the kind of person who changes your mind and change your mind, just let the last one go, and their ending will be even more painful than the heroine in that novel.


He himself will never become such a scumbag. He will make every woman love him willingly and take the initiative to have a relationship, not only by relying on curses, but also by treating everyone with sincerity!

Think of this.

He Feiyu couldn't help but sincerely thank the system for allowing his body to withstand the demands from the girls.

Otherwise, the ending that awaits you will definitely be being sucked and fucked by the juicers.


He Feiyu couldn't help but sigh.

It's really a big mountain.

"What, are you annoyed by your little girlfriend?"

Turning the corner, what came into view was a beautiful purple figure. She was leaning against the railing in an elegant manner. The breeze blew her hair around her temples, forming a beautiful scene. She was graceful and charming. A joking voice came from her lavender-colored coat. issued from the sandalwood mouth.

"Miss Shangmei!?"

He Feiyu said slightly surprised.

I didn't expect to meet her here.

By the way...Miss Shangmei has been standing here for a long time...

Her home was on the side of the stairs, so close that even though he and Sono Yui were deeply involved, he could still hear the sound of the door opening.

But there has been no movement from the beginning until now...

Then...everyone has been heard!

Oops, the scumbag is real!

Chapter 241 Odagiri Naomi’s Thoughts

"What a coincidence, Miss Shangmei, I didn't expect to meet you here."

He Feiyu pretended not to hear Odagiri Naomi's teasing and laughed.

"Haha, yes, what a coincidence."

Odagiri Naomi smiled lightly, casually lifted up the thin silk gloves made of white silk, raised the purple hair tips under her shoulders with her little finger, and followed He Feiyu's words.

It's just such a small gesture, but when it appears on Odagiri Naomi, it looks extremely alluring.

I have to say that in this world, Odagiri Naomi is the most charming mature woman He Feiyu has ever seen.

Every smile and every frown is full of charm, like a bottle of old wine, which makes people intoxicated just by looking at it, let alone taking a few sips.

In the recent period, he has not brought excitement to Odagiri Naomi. It's not that he is tired of it. This kind of wine, even if you taste it once a day, will not make people bored, but will only linger over it.

Mainly because she was writing at the last moment, in order not to disturb her, He Feiyu resisted the urge, but he didn't expect to meet Miss Shangmei today.

Could it be that the novel has been finished?

"Why is Miss Shangmei free today?"

He Feiyu slowly walked to Odagiri Naomi and asked curiously.

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