A ball of pink light suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

It disappeared as he completely touched the book.

"Hehe, then let me help you."

Chapter 260: A hero saving a beauty?

"The hot girls are really troublesome"

He Feiyu lowered his head slightly, looking at the gray floor tiles under his feet and couldn't help complaining.

Although the lethality of the hot girls had no effect on him.

But he was always like a fly, which made him a little dissatisfied.

"Should I beat them up again?"

He Feiyu suddenly had an idea, but he rejected it immediately.

He was not such a domineering person.

Unless the hot girls did bad things under his nose again.

At that time.


He Feiyu laughed evilly.

He couldn't help but think about it in his mind.

If you are not careful.

Just when you are about to step into the office.

The body suddenly collided with something soft.


It caused an exclamation.

Although it was a panic sound.

It can be transmitted into He Feiyu's ears.

It just makes people feel gentle like water, extremely pleasant and melodious.

With He Feiyu's physique.

He will definitely not fall.

Then the scene that fits the anime scene where the male and female protagonists collide at a corner and one of them must fall is naturally the other party.


Shirakawa Miwa finally finished revising her homework.

She couldn't help but stretch her body, which felt a little stiff and tired.

As she stretched out her jade hand.

Her watermelon-sized breasts trembled.

A pair of plump roundness collided with each other.

Stirring up layers of waves.

It's really eye-catching.

It's a pity that no one can enjoy such a beautiful scenery.


Until Shirakawa Miwa's cherry-like mouth exhaled gently.

The lake surface returned to calm again.

"Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Miwa"

An older female teacher next to her was looking at the computer. Suddenly, she heard Shirakawa Miwa's slightly cheerful voice and turned her head to smile at her.

"Haha~ As a teacher, it's not hard~ Finish the corrections early so that I can explain them to the students during class and try to make sure they don't make mistakes in the exam."

Shirakawa Miwa returned with a sweet smile on her face.

"It's great that young people are motivated~"

When the older female teacher heard Shirakawa Miwa's answer, a trace of disappointment appeared on her mature face.

She saw in Shirakawa Miwa the same vigor and vitality as when she first became a teacher.

But as time passed.

Especially when she was a class teacher.

Gradually, the enthusiasm faded, leaving only the most basic responsibilities as a teacher.

Shirakawa Miwa wanted to say something after hearing this.

But she saw that the other party seemed to be lost in memories.

So she didn't interrupt him again.

She turned around.

She reached out and stacked the corrected homework patiently.

After doing this.

She wanted to familiarize herself with the copy for the next class.

But when her hand was about to touch the mouse.

She felt the urge to urinate.

The urge to urinate came suddenly and violently.

So Shirakawa Miwa changed the direction of her hand.

She reached for the tissue on the table.

After getting the toilet paper.

She quickly stood up from her seat.

She walked quickly towards the door of the office.

She didn't think too much in a hurry.

But unexpectedly, a student walking with his head down suddenly appeared at the door.

When she reacted.

Her body had already fallen backwards.

Shirakawa Miwa couldn't help but scream.

She closed her eyes subconsciously.

But two and a half seconds later.

There was no pain.

Instead, she felt an unusually warm hand on her waist.

She slowly opened her eyes.

A familiar yet unfamiliar figure came into view.

"Fei Yu... Jun?"

Looking at the boy in front of her, Shirakawa Miwa said softly.

"Teacher Shirakawa"

He Feiyu returned to the beauty in his arms.

The posture of the two was very ambiguous at this time.

Shirakawa Miwa was hugged by He Feiyu's hand around her waist.

The pair of snow-capped peaks towering like clouds were pressing on his chest.

A soft feeling came over him.

He Feiyu couldn't help but feel excited.

He had the evil idea of ​​using his other free hand to knead the pair of giant breasts.

"Asshole! Let go of Teacher Meihe!'

Just as He Feiyu was about to let go, a sudden angry rebuke came from not far away.

It sounded like someone of the same age.

The tone made He Feiyu extremely unhappy.

Because it was full of commanding tone.

What are you barking about?

The person involved didn't say anything.

What are you barking about!

The hand that was about to loosen tightened a little.

The round and plump jade beads became a little oval.

The boy who started to rebuke saw that He Feiyu not only didn't He not only let go of Shirakawa Miwa, but also deliberately hugged her tightly.

His long bangs on his forehead could not hide his eyes widened with anger at this moment.

‘How dare you! How dare you! Hug my favorite teacher Miwa! No! Can! Forgive! Forgive! ’

Morishita roared in his heart.

Ever since he first attended Shirakawa Miwa’s class after entering school.

He had fallen deeply in love with this beautiful and powerful teacher L.

Although he had had a crush on many girls before.

But it was never as intense as this time.

He called it love at first sight or destiny.

And Shirakawa Miwa didn’t dislike him because of his dark personality like other girls did.

When facing his questions.

Shirakawa Miwa always smiled and answered gently.

There was no trace of impatience.

Such Shirakawa Miwa was like a beam of light.

Illuminating him.

She was completely like the white moonlight.

“Luckily I saw it!”

Morishita clenched his fists and said thankfully.

He was originally because he didn’t do his homework.

He was called into the office by the tigress Tsukishima Kyoko to criticize him.

It was originally a thing that made him uncomfortable.

But he saw Shirakawa Miwa being bullied by bad guys.

As long as he helped her.

At that time, Shirakawa Miwa’s favorability would definitely increase greatly.

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