
Feeling her face and belly being pinched, the girl pouted and said aggrievedly.

"Don't worry, Himuro Kanade-sensei didn't do anything to me, and it's all over, so don't talk about it anymore."

Seeing that the girl wanted to say something else, He Feiyu interrupted.

"Oh fine"

Since He Feiyu said so, Jie Xinjiang had no choice but to give up.

"Don't worry, Mr. Feiyu, you can copy my homework from now on.

When the time comes, I will be watching and reminding you.”

Just when He Feiyu finally thought that the matter was over, the girl suddenly moved her head closer, almost pressing her mouth to his ear, and then heard the girl whisper softly with concern.

In an instant, He Feiyu felt the hot air coming out of the girl's mouth and drilling into his head along his own ears.

He Feiyu's body couldn't help but tremble, and he almost leaked because of his sensitivity.


After a while, He Feiyu barely returned to normal.

He was looking "viciously" at the girl in front of him who stuck out her tongue and apologized to him.

He Feiyu seriously suspected that the girl was retaliating against him for pinching her face just now.

Forget it, just expose this matter.

"Yuxin-chan...Did the art teacher assign any tasks?"

He Feiyu's voice was still trembling.

"The teacher asked us to try drawing animals first."

Seeing this, the girl stuck out her tongue again, and then said.

"Animals? Do you want to hand them over or not?"

He Feiyu asked the key.

Whether he takes painting seriously or not depends on this.

Although he only paints seriously, that's all.

"Yes, but the teacher said just draw whatever you want."

Yushin-chan replied.

He Feiyu nodded.

"Feiyu-kun, do you think the bird I drew looks good?"

But soon Yushin-chan took her hand and asked to see the painting she drew.

Feeling the small and soft hand, He Feiyu smiled faintly, and then turned sideways to look at the girl's drawing board.

"Bird? Are you sure this isn't a chicken?"

Suddenly, a fat creature like a chicken came into view, He Feiyu said amusedly.

"Ah! What, Feiyu-kun, are you saying this on purpose to retaliate for my behavior just now?"

Yuexin-chan, who was still full of confidence at first, dropped her face when she heard He Feiyu comment like this, and pouted unhappily.

‘Are you asking for it? ’

He Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth.

He was very businesslike and had no such idea at all.

He Feiyu shook his head cruelly and denied.

"If Yushin-chan doesn't believe it, you can ask others to evaluate it too."

Without waiting for the girl to refute, He Feiyu suggested.

"Okay! Hum! If someone says it's a bird instead of a chicken, what are you going to do, Mr. Feiyu!"

Yushin-chan's eyes lit up, and then she thought of something again and hummed.

"Then I will agree to your request, Yushin-chan, and you can do anything."

He Feiyu chuckled and replied confidently.

A sure win.


Seeing He Feiyu say such words, Yuexinjiang nodded very happily.

What? Feiyu-kun, you really want to kiss me so much~

If He Feiyu knew what the girl was thinking, he would definitely tell her not to slander her. I don't have that idea now.

The taste of Himuro Kanade still lingered in his mouth.

The girl was very naive and completely ignored the strong confidence on He Feiyu's face.

"Yoshida-kun, guess what I drew~"

Sono Yui looked around, finally focusing on Yoshida Saki behind her, and said politely.

Hearing this, Yoshida Saki stopped what he was doing, looked up at Sono Yushin, and then cast his eyes on He Feiyu. A faint blush appeared on his delicately dressed pretty face.

Yoshida Saki had just listened to everything the two of them said, and naturally understood the bet between the two. She withdrew her eyes from He Feiyu's face and looked at the drawing board next to Sono Yushin. There was a chubby figure on it that could not be seen at all. The painting of a bird put her in a dilemma.

To be honest, he doesn't look like a bird at all, but one is her good friend and the other is her savior. Plus... She doesn't know who to help. She helps Sono Yushin. Then He Feiyu will hate her for being a liar. But she helped He Feiyu, and Cang Nao was angry because of it. What if she didn't become friends with her...

"Yu Xing-san should draw a bird, right?"

Yoshida Saki was confused and didn't know how to answer. It wasn't until she saw He Feiyu winking at her that the girl felt relieved, opened her mouth and spoke softly.

Chapter 271 The hidden Yoshida Saki

"Okay~ I'll just say that what I drew is a bird."

After hearing Yoshida Saki's admission, Yuzuo-chan, who was uneasy at the side, couldn't hide the excitement and joy on her cute face. She just didn't know whether the girl was recognized because of her own painting or because He Feiyu agreed to her. The request made him appear so excited.

"Hmph~ Feiyu-kun, you heard it, right? The first thing Yoshida-san saw was a bird~"

Aang Nao turned his head to look at He Feiyu and said proudly.

He Feiyu looked at Yu Xinjiang, who had the corners of her mouth raised high, and couldn't help but smile and nod in response to her. He felt quite satisfied in his heart like an old father telling a white lie just to make his stupid daughter happy.

Seeing He Feiyu nodding and agreeing to her words, Aangano Yui's heart proved that she had won and could make He Feiyu agree to her request. The girl's inner joy could no longer be restrained. She giggled on the side while thinking about what she wanted He Feiyu to promise her. Okay~

Is it a kiss or a hug?

Or ~hehe~

"The relationship between Feiyu-san and Yushin-san is really good... It would be great if I could be like this with Feiyu-san..."

Yoshida Saki was watching quietly and laughing.

The two of them, for some reason she felt a sense of envy and sourness.

The girl envied Aangano Yuixin for being cared for by He Feiyu like this, but she couldn't explain the sourness.

But when she saw He Feiyu looking at Canano with a doting look on her face, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Her throat and eyes were inexplicably dry, and her hands were naturally placed on her sides, but she felt very awkward.

But I didn't dare to move. I always felt embarrassed if I moved.

Yoshida Saki didn't make any friends even in junior high school. After spending three years alone in loneliness, she naturally didn't know why she was like this.

The girl suddenly started to lose consciousness, and she didn't come back to her senses until there was a shout in her ears.

Yoshida Saki looked intently.

"Yoshida-san, can you show us what you drew~"

It turned out that Sono Yushin, who had returned to normal, took her hand affectionately and suggested to her.

"Did I draw it?"

Yoshida Saki looked hesitant when he heard this.

"If you don't want to, Yoshida-san, forget it."

Sono Yushin seemed to notice Yoshida Saki's hesitation and thoughtfulness.

She didn't have to watch it, it was just a curiosity among classmates and friends.

"That's not true. It's just that the bird I painted is also a bird. It may be a bit ugly. I hope you will take it with your heart."

Yoshida Saki shook his head and replied.

"Hehe~ No, Yoshida-san and I are really destined! We actually thought of going together. We are indeed good friends~"

Yushin-chan said with a smile when she heard that Yoshida Saki's pretty face was also a bird.

He Feiyu nodded beside him to show that he would not laugh at Yoshida Saki.

After all, no matter how ugly it is, can it be as ugly as the "chicken" Yushin-chan drew?

Seeing He Feiyu nod, Yoshida Saki felt relieved.

The girl sat on her seat, gently holding the drawing board with both hands, and then slowly turned the drawing towards the two people who were looking forward to it.


A picture of a peacock in full bloom came into the eyes of He Feiyu and Canono Yuxin.

The two of them had a look of surprise in their eyes.

It’s not that the painting is very good.

Mainly, I admire her painting skills that are far beyond her age.

It's like everyone in elementary school is doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but you can solve Mathematical Olympiad problems. Even the simplest chicken and rabbit in the same cage will make people amazed and admired.

"So beautiful~ Yoshida-san, you are so awesome~"

Yushin-chan's eyes shone with admiration, and she couldn't help but bring her petite body closer to the drawing board so that she could see it more clearly.

"Haha, what's the matter?"

A blush appeared on Yoshida Saki's delicate and pretty face, and the girl seemed a little at a loss when being praised.

"I didn't expect that Yoshida-san is not only beautiful but also good at drawing~"

Especially after receiving He Feiyu's praise, the shy and joyful mood reached its peak, and her hot heart beat non-stop. It seemed that if He Feiyu praised her a few more words, the pounding heart would start to beat faster the next moment. would burst out of her chest.

"I'm not...not...not as powerful as Mr. Feiyu said..."

The joy in the girl's heart almost condensed into substance and overflowed from her eyes with blue contact lenses. She replied to He Feiyu with a trembling tone.

After finishing speaking, Yoshida Saki actually felt that his body was a little weak.

'If I could lie in Feiyu-kun's arms...'

In her mind, there were even more unreasonable thoughts that made her feel bold.

He Feiyu looked at the blushing Yoshida Saki and didn't feel anything unusual.

I thought that young girls have a shy constitution and felt shy when being praised like this.

But Yoshida Saki-san looks very beautiful like this.

Looks like a little confused ~ It should be easy to deceive, right?

It's just that the body is a little thin, as if it would break if touched lightly.

He looked at the girl for a moment, and then focused on the peacock on the drawing board.

At first glance, it feels amazing, but upon closer inspection, there is an indescribable awkwardness.

It seems to give people a feeling of deliberately showing beauty, but it leads to flaws in the ointment.

Maybe it would be better if it could be more natural.

Of course, He Feiyu would not say it shyly, after all, he was not a professional painter.

He Feiyu could only attribute this feeling to the familiar words from his previous life.

The peacock spreads its tail and is so sentimental.

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