He Feiyu was thoughtful, his eyes kept looking at the girl's sweaty body, and finally noticed the pair of unique murder weapons. He seemed to have thought of something, and he moved them away with his hands.

Sure enough, I ended up here randomly! It is indeed the product of a succubus.

"is it beautiful?"


Tianhehua looked towards where He Feiyu was pointing and found a pink jasmine-like tattoo on it. If He Feiyu hadn't revealed it, she would never have discovered it in her life.

"Is this the gift Mr. Yu gave me?"

"Well, it can help me protect you when I'm not around in the future."

"Yeah! Chirp~"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission: Tianhehua Minato's favorability reaches 100, and you will receive a lottery card × 1]

Tianhe Hua Minato looked at the beautiful and ambiguous jasmine flower, and the more she looked at it, the happier she became. When she thought that this was a gift from the person she loved, she raised her eyes filled with spring water, looked at He Feiyu's handsome profile, and couldn't bear to He kissed her despite the pain.

"Go to sleep"


The next day, at two o'clock in the afternoon, He Feiyu left with Tianhe Huamin hugging Hua Yu reluctantly, while the cat who was forced to work and only wanted to be smashed was being taken by the girl and shaking her fleshy kitten paws. .

"Let's go, your master has gone home, we should go home too"


The girl saw He Feiyu's back disappearing at the corner of the street. After a while, she came back to her senses and said blankly to Hua Yu in her arms. The cat meowed for no apparent reason, and there was no reluctance in her eyes, but a little happiness.

It seems to say that the stinky owner is finally gone, and the cat no longer has to sleep alone on the sofa, but can sleep on a warm bed.

Is He Feiyu going home?

Of course not

At this time, he got into a car and drove somewhere else.

Sitting in the car, he shook his head and was speechless. At this time, he looked like a scumbag who had just left one girl's house and was going to another girl's house.

But there is no way, in this world full of unscrupulous yellow-haired, greasy and ugly fat uncles, but...

Shota, who can't stand the attack, really can't do it if he doesn't take some protective measures for his woman!

Otherwise, the cuckold will be worn invisibly.

‘It’s our president Lihua who seems to be a bit disreputable...’

When He Feiyu called Kurashiki Reika in the morning, although the call was answered instantly, there was a stern and cold educational voice on the other end of the phone, saying that calling her while she was working had a great impact on her, and it was possible that The company's market value would evaporate by hundreds of millions. He Feiyu, who was unaware of the situation, fell silent on the spot. The other party seemed to realize that something was a little too much, so he quickly asked him what was going on.

He Feiyu could only say that he missed her, and prepared a gift for her, and asked her to prepare a car to pick him up at the other end. Unexpectedly, the other person was silent for a while, and then said, "It's just such a small thing," "No, it's not rare." Maybe he was "dreaming" and waited, then hung up the phone directly.

He Feiyu thought that Kurashiki Reika would not send a car to pick him up. Unexpectedly, when he arrived on time, he found that a valuable car was already waiting there.

It was almost half an hour's drive away. He Feiyu opened his personal warehouse and clicked on [Succubus Halo]. He noticed a problem. Except for the first skill, which was free, all other functions required points to activate.

He took a look. The second skill cost 500 points, which was acceptable. The third skill cost 5,000 points, which was barely acceptable. The fourth skill almost scared him. The second skill cost 200,000 points. He looked at the fifth skill tremblingly. The skill, 1 million points, collapsed directly. I defeated the evil god to get 1 million points. This...

He Feiyu wanted to turn off the system and then turn it on again to see if the system was stuck. Then he looked down and accidentally found a switching symbol at the bottom. He clicked it out of curiosity.

Shockingly, the points behind each skill disappeared and were replaced by fonts that thickened, overlapped and then dropped like in the game, which was a bit ambiguous.

He Feiyu discerned carefully and understood the meaning, but his expression was a little strange.

‘Is this changing from liver to kidney? ’

Because it says, 20 times, 50 times, 100 times, 300 times.

Although he didn't explain it directly, he had already thought of what it was, and there was also a reminder that it must be done for half an hour every time.

But he doesn't know if the previous points can be accumulated into the later times. If he can, he will fight all day long, and it will take almost 13 days to fill up all the points. If not, it will take 20 days.

One or two is fine, but what about dozens?

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, the life of a pile driver was too terrible!

can not be like this! I would rather work too hard than get addicted to it! I am a man who wants to become a tauren hunter, how could I be defeated by Se Se! ?

He Feiyu decisively shut down the system, holding his head high and unyielding. A ray of sunlight happened to shine on his face, making him look holy and holy.

But he did not switch to the [Succubus Halo] page...

Arriving downstairs at the Shenghua Group Building again, He Feiyu was still shocked.

After waiting for a moment, He Feiyu found that no one came to guide him like last time. He could only walk to the Shenghua Group building alone. When he walked into the lobby, he found that no one was paying attention to him, even though several people at the front desk were wearing OL professional clothes. The pretending receptionist just glanced at him and then changed her gaze.


‘Well, you Kurashiki Reika actually came to show off your power, don’t let me catch the opportunity to enforce the family law, otherwise I will just teach you with a stick! ’

He Feiyu couldn't help but guess when he saw this scene, and he was madly complaining in his heart to ease the embarrassment.

Since no one was paying attention to him, He Feiyu followed his memory of the day before yesterday, took the elevator to the 58th floor, and then went to the door leading to the two floors above. He looked around and looked at the small display in front of him.


He remembered that it seemed that only Kurashiki Reika and her daughter had the authority to open the elevator door, and no one else could. He Feiyu blinked his eyes and approached curiously. Just as he pointed his face at the display, he was going to find out, but he didn't expect to hear the sound of the elevator door opening.

He Feiyu looked around and made sure that there was no one around, which meant that either Kurashiki Reika opened it, or he had obtained the authority.

'Lihua's little wife is really.....'

He walked into the elevator and then came to the 60th floor. The elevator door opened and the lobby was empty. He was sure that he had obtained the authority and couldn't help shaking his head.

But when he looked at the quiet lobby and the closed Kurashiki Reika's bedroom, he knew that she wanted him to open the door and firmly grasp the initiative, just like a queen high above.

But how could He Feiyu do as she wished? He changed his shoes, fumbled around, turned on the TV, and sat on the sofa to watch it.

On the other side, Kurashiki Reika hugged her chest with her hands. The round breasts on her chest were wrapped in a fiery red windbreaker, tight and full. The buttons on the top of the white shirt she wore inside were all open, and the black lace was inadvertently visible.

Her cold and beautiful face was also different from the usual calmness. The willow eyebrows on her emerald-like beautiful eyes were tightly wrinkled together, and her two plump and slender thighs in black stockings were also crossed back and forth, showing the beauty's anxiety.

"You should come up anyway!?"

Kurashiki Reika turned over the phone that was upside down on the table and looked at the time. It was almost 3 o'clock. The car she got on at 2 o'clock was a 30-minute drive, so she should have arrived.

"Could it be..." Kurashiki Reika wondered if her plan had been seen through. She had originally wanted to give this young high school brat a little shock, to let him know who was on top and who was on the bottom, and to train He Feiyu into a little milk dog, so she was ready to crush him with invisible momentum, and then she would have the upper hand, and He Feiyu would be at her mercy.

Chapter 32 Selling one's body to pay back the money

Fantasy is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Kurashiki Reika sat for another two or three minutes, and couldn't wait any longer, so she stood up. Just as she took a step, she found that the sound of her high heels stepping on the floor was too loud, so she decided to tiptoe and tiptoe to the door.


Kurashiki Reika patted her chest and breathed out from her red lips. It was hard to describe her walking posture just now, but fortunately no one else saw it, otherwise who would believe that a beautiful woman worth 100 billion would do such a thing that was out of character.

Her body was slightly bent, her pretty face was solemn, one hand was attached to her ear, and she leaned her ear against the door, listening carefully to the sound coming from outside the door.

Sure enough!

Kurashiki Reika clenched her small hand on her thigh.

Because the sound of TV and laughter came faintly from outside the door.

Now Kurashiki Reika was very angry, and the two peaks on her chest were also ups and downs. It took a while to calm down. The pretty face that was tense just now showed a confident look of strategizing again.

Da Da Da Da

He Feiyu, who was watching TV, heard the sound of high heels stepping closer and closer to his ears. He knew who was coming, but he still pretended to watch TV.

A heavy object sat down on the sofa, and He Feiyu's body trembled.

Ignore! Watch TV

The sofa trembled again, and the trembling was more obvious.

Ignore! Watch TV

The sofa trembled again, and it was close at hand.

Ignore! He moved a little to the edge of the sofa, and then a hot body pressed directly against him.

He subconsciously wanted to stay away.

"You dare!"

A cold and rebuking voice exploded in He Feiyu's ears. At the same time, a jade leg wrapped in black silk was also placed on him, fixing him firmly.


"It's not good for President Kurashiki Reika to put your feet on others casually"

"Oh? Really?"

"I don't know who hugged, kissed and nibbled, hehe"

When Kurashiki Reika heard this, a trace of disdain appeared on her cold and beautiful face, and she directly exposed He Feiyu's past.

But at the same time, thinking of the madness of the night before, her pretty face also blushed.

"Hmph! So what? A real man is born in heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and live under others for a long time?"

"A man should be looked at with new eyes after three days of separation"

"That was me the day before yesterday, and I am now..."

"Oh! I just remembered that 10 glass windows in the company were broken. It seems that they were punched through by a punch, and then several were broken by dragging"

"By the way, according to the calculation of the company's financial department, it will cost about 20 million yen to renovate. Although the suspect was not caught on the spot, the surveillance camera took a picture. I wonder if classmate He Feiyu is interested in taking a look"

Kurashiki Reika listened to He Feiyu's words. Although she didn't understand them very well, she knew he was bragging again when she saw his righteous face, and took out the prepared trump card from the red windbreaker directly.

He Feiyu saw that there was a piece of paper and a USB flash drive in Kurashiki Reika's fair and slender jade hands and her confident look, and he knew it was true.

On the spot, he heard the news from the supervisor that Amaga Minato might be in danger. Without thinking, he jumped from the 60th floor. When he reached a certain height, he summoned the Platinum Star and broke the window. Then, under the influence of gravity, With the blessing, it was dragged for a certain distance and finally landed successfully.

At first, I thought he was a bit handsome. After all, when I watched Jotaro fight against DIO, I was filled with flying stars and full of passion. Now I can give it a try, but I didn't expect that he was so handsome that he owed a huge debt of 20 million yen.

"...Now I like President Reika Kurashiki's legs even more."

As he said that, He Feiyu quickly pressed his hands on Kurashiki Reika's jade legs. Through the stockings, he felt a sense of caress and softness, which he couldn't put down.

It seems that foot control will never change in this life.


"The foster mother who adopted you, doesn't she have an apartment underneath her? I estimated it, it's almost 1,800,000 yen. It's just enough to let her sell it, and I don't want the remaining fraction."

“Is it possible to change the method of compensation?”

When He Feiyu heard Kurashiki Reika's words, he shook his head directly. Aunt Manzi's property had nothing to do with him. Even if he had it, he would not hurt his adoptive mother who loved him, and the movements of his hands were even more attentive.

“It’s not impossible”

"Let's do this, give me 500,000 yen to be a cowherd once, and you can do it 40 times."

Kurashiki Reika looked He Feiyu up and down, and what she said shocked him.


"Then prepare to sell the house."

"No...isn't it good!"

When Kurashiki Reika heard this, a touching smile appeared on her cold and beautiful face.

"Then let's start from now on. First, I'll massage my president's feet. I've been walking for a day and I don't know if I'm sore or not."

After hearing Kurashiki Reika's words, He Feiyu's heart moved slightly, and he wanted to take off her high heels for no reason. To find out what was going on, he turned his head and glanced at Kurashiki Reika, as if he was asking for her opinion, but she didn't have anything. means, that is


He Feiyu put Kurashiki Reika's other leg on his own, and then took off her black high heels with his hands.

A burst of hot air hit his nose directly.

Along with the smell of leather and feet, there is no sour smell.

If Kurashiki Reika is right, then her suspicion has been confirmed once again.

The two-dimensional characters in this world only appear in animation settings related to Blue Star in the previous life, and the people in this world will have corresponding characteristics.

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