"Idiot, right? You want to create the last idiot train, right?"

Takatori looked at the young man in front of him and said his name and thoughts as soon as he opened his mouth. He was even more frightened because he had obviously never mentioned his name.

"By the way, it is said that your devil's hand can increase pleasure?"

"If it's broken, I don't know if it will still have this effect."

The next moment, He Feiyu was in front of Gao Niao Zhen. He pinched his neck with one hand and slowly lifted him up. The words he spoke made Gao Niao Zhen turn pale and break out in cold sweat. He wanted to use his own I took his hand away with my hand, but found that no matter how hard I tried, it was useless.

Fa opened a finger.

"Oh, by the way, if you dare to dirty my clothes, I'm afraid your legs will be gone."

He Feiyu thought that if his white clothes were stained, Aunt Manzi would definitely blame him, so he reminded her out of kindness.

"let me go"

Gao Niuzhen, who was just about to kick He Feiyu, stopped struggling when he heard this and said vaguely.

Chapter 34 Naomi Odagiri

"I heard that your right hand is called the devil's hand?"

"Let me see quickly"

He Feiyu's other free hand grabbed Gao Niuzhen's right wrist and forced it in front of him. He looked at it carefully and found that there was nothing special except that it was a little whiter than his own. He couldn't figure out why. He looked at it for a while. I just felt bored.


Gao Niao Zhen saw the curious look on He Feiyu's face disappear and thought it was an opportunity, so he quickly

Slowly, she begged him to put her down.

"Of course, I'm not a devil after all."

Gao Niao Zhen was overjoyed, thinking that he would have to go out for "hunting" at a different time in the future, so that he could not encounter such evil stars again. He thought that he would be like a fish in water in other cities, and he should train more than a dozen women instead of dozens. .

Takatori felt that it was too boring to continue like this, so he planned to change the city to create a crazy tram for the idiots, so that they could have fun. However, he did not expect that he had just arrived in Saitama City with a dozen like-minded idiots, and he encountered a problem.

"Ah!!! My right hand!"

He thought it was the wrong time and planned to come out at night later. Thinking of this, his fingers felt an unforgettable pain. There is a saying that ten fingers are connected to the heart. You can imagine how painful the high bird formation must be at this time.


The expression on Gao Niuzhen's face was twisted into a ball, and snot and tears mixed with saliva flowed out. He Feiyu saw this and quickly threw him to the ground to avoid soiling his clothes.

"Don't worry, I won't let you be arrested by the conductor."

"After all, you still have value~"

Gao Niao Zhen was lying on the ground, with a pool of liquid in front of him. He couldn't tell what was dominant. He reluctantly relaxed after hearing He Feiyu's words, but the words that came from behind made him terrified. "What use value? This devil still wants to do it." Well? ’ At this time, he felt that it was better to let the conductor catch him. The worst he could do was to be sentenced to more than ten years. When he came out later, he would be a good man again.

"Forget everything that just happened"

"The injuries on your bodies were all caused by beating each other to enjoy yourself first."

He Feiyu activated the temporary skill [Hypnosis] given by the system.

[Hypnosis: Modify or forget part of other people's memories through language and actions, and can also recall them through suggestions]

"The injuries on my body were all caused by beating each other with them just to enjoy themselves first."

The eyes of passers-by A, B, C, and D, who were lying on the ground and wailing, were all cloudy, and they were correcting and repeating He Feiyu's words in their mouths.

"How can it be"

"Do you want to..."

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

He Feiyu looked at the look of surprise and fear on Gao Niuzhen's face and knew what he was thinking. After all, his meaning was very clear.


"My name is Takatori. I successfully trained a woman today. However, because my idiots were fighting for the right to use it for the second time, they beat each other. The conductor happened to hear the news and came over. I had no choice but to run out of the train first. But the index finger and middle finger of my right hand were accidentally caught by the train door, causing a fracture. Before committing the next crime, I will send a message to the number XX an hour in advance to clearly explain the location and target person."

He Feiyu watched Gao Niuzhen being successfully hypnotized by him, and he snapped his fingers and asked him to stand at the train door. He turned around and looked at the woman.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. It only took less than 5 minutes from He Feiyu beating the two idiots to hypnotizing the Tall Bird Formation. As for why no one came, who knows?

"Miss Naomi Odagiri, right?"

"You have two choices, one is to keep my secret, the other is..."

"I know, I choose one, but you have to fulfill my one wish"

He Feiyu can't believe his ears. In front of you, this person is a "thug" who beat up more than a dozen adult men in just a few minutes, and also tortured one of them. Even if he is not afraid, he actually dares to Make conditions...

"You said, as long as it's reasonable."

Of course, He Feiyu could only listen attentively. After all, the task was to solve the problem of the relevant heroine. It was just right to hear what problems the charming lady in front of him had.

"Actually, I know they are idiots."

"You know they are idiots and you still..."

He Feiyu was a little shocked. He seemed to have seen this show in his previous life, but it was too disgusting. He only glanced at it and got familiar with the male protagonist. He didn't know much about the women in it.

"I came out to satisfy myself"

"But you beat them down before anything happened"

"Then you have to take care of the problems that should have been borne by them"

"Although you look young and your ability may not be very strong, you can beat so many people, which shows that your body is still good"


At the same time, the tram arrived at a station and the tram door opened


Gao Niaozhen walked out of the train in a daze, his eyes were cloudy, the train had gone far away, his body trembled, and his eyes regained their spirit.

"Damn, a bunch of things that are more likely to cause trouble than help"

Gao Niaozhen remembered that he had already started to operate, and the lady was almost trained by him, but he didn't expect that the group of perverted brothers he brought with him would fight for who to enjoy second, and the battle was like a vicious dog pouncing on food.

He shook his head helplessly and dragged his exhausted body out of the train station.

He accidentally got the news that LongLin led the members of Dark Star to Saitama City, but it was normal to think about it. She had always wanted to arrest him, but unfortunately he was always one step ahead and escaped from the encirclement again and again.

No one can arrest him, this is fate!

Just like a mouse playing with a cat, he played her around

, but this time he was tired of it and prepared to fulfill his dream in Saitama City.

The last pervert train!

That LongLin was his stepping stone. In the past few confrontations, he could see that LongLin was also a person who was easily corrupted, so this time he would find an opportunity to let her also board the pervert paradise he created and become his plaything.

But this time he was injured, and I am afraid he will have to rest for several days. Fortunately, it is a good time to think about the specific plan.

Gao Diaozhen walked out of the train station quickly while thinking.



"I agree to your request"

He Feiyu looked at the gorgeous woman in front of him, thought for a moment, and agreed to her request.

At first, He Feiyu thought he had heard wrong, but after repeated inquiries, he finally confirmed that Odagiri Naomi came out to seek excitement.

According to her own words, in recent years, her husband has been busy with his career and left her alone in the villa. As spring went by and autumn came, she became more and more empty and unsatisfied. She lacked excitement in her life, and finally decided to wander around. If someone could satisfy her, she would not care about various forms, as long as she could provide excitement.

I didn't expect that I would meet a pervert the first time I came out. Before I felt the excitement of being desecrated, he "rescued the beauty" by her. Then the excitement that the pervert should provide was transferred to He Feiyu.

Who told him to meddle in other people's business?

Odagiri Naomi's noble and elegant face was happy. I didn't expect He Feiyu to agree. Isn't this a different kind of excitement?

He was a hero saving a beautiful woman at first, but he was tempted by her beauty and ended up making love with her.


"Cuff all those who fell to the ground!"

At this moment, He Feiyu saw a dozen people in black uniforms, similar to train police, running from the back carriage.

He looked a little confused, after all, he had never seen train police wearing such uniforms before.

"Hello, Mr. He Feiyu, it's you who helped us catch these hateful perverts again"

Just as he was thinking, a familiar person walked up to him and said with a smile.

"You are the one who was there last time..."

"Yes, I didn't expect you to remember me, I'm very honored"

"What is this?"

He Feiyu looked at the smile on the face of the man in front of him, which was as beautiful as a chrysanthemum, and tried to change the subject.

"Oh, this is not a secret."

"They just came from Tokyo today. It is said that they are carrying out some important mission and have temporarily taken over the tram station. I brought them here to familiarize themselves with the environment."

"I didn't expect that I would see so many perverts wanted on TV just after walking into this carriage. I'm afraid it's your credit again."

He Feiyu just smiled when he heard the man's flattery, but he was interested in these all-female police officers.

"Captain Kurotaki Rin!" ×14

Suddenly, a uniform voice attracted He Feiyu's attention. He saw a woman wearing the same black uniform walking out from the crowd, but the beret on her head was not the same as the other police officers, but more like a regular officer's hat.

Her dark and smooth hair reached the hem of her skirt, and she was wearing bright red stockings on her feet. She had a delicate little face with regular features, and the same purple eyes as Hanamito, but more gorgeous, as bright and moving as the stars in the sky.

In general, she gave people a feeling of cute appearance, timid appearance, but inexplicably strong.

He Feiyu knew without thinking that she should also be the heroine of the related show.

Sure enough, the next moment, the system prompt sounded.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the S-level mission: Conquer Kurotaki Rin. Reward: Kamen Rider Kabuto Belt Experience Card 10 minutes × 1]

[Penalty for mission failure: Same as above]

"Captain Kurotaki Rin, this is the Mr. He Feiyu I told you about. Last time, he helped catch the difficult Kameda Ichiro."

The male police officer bowed to Kurotaki Rin and pointed at He Feiyu.

"He Feiyu, right? Thank you for your contribution to maintaining the order of the tram."

"Excuse me, are these perverts who fell to the ground your masterpiece?"

Kurotaki Rin looked at the perverts who were lying on the ground, wailing and mumbling, and then walked forward. After nodding to the male police officer, he looked at He Feiyu and Odagiri Naomi who was not far from him with his purple eyes thoughtfully, and said.

Chapter 35 The key to Kurotaki Rin's strategy

"Not all of them, when I came in, there were already people lying on the ground"

"One of the last two people was about to come forward to molest the beautiful lady next to me"

"I just casually made him fall to the ground and rest for a while, and there was another person who ran away when the train stopped just now, and he was still saying"

"I will be back!"

He Feiyu said the words he had thought of early in the morning, and he had just colluded with Odagiri Naomi in advance.

As for why he did this?

Of course, he was afraid of trouble. After all, there was a saying in his previous life, Dragon Country, that "people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being fat." First, he didn't want to be too noticeable, which would be detrimental to his future college life. If he became famous, how could he pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Second, he was afraid that Gao Niaozhen would accidentally read the news and conflict with his tampered memory. If he remembered something, he would be afraid to leave Saitama City, and his mission would fail.

He also planned to take advantage of Gao Niaozhen, because there were at least eight heroines in this show. According to the system, every time a task was completed, the next reward would be better. If all tasks were completed, it would be great to be rewarded with a [Love Train] or [Miracle to You].


"Gao Niaozhen!!"

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