"It's okay. If you dare to bully Shishi-chan, this will be your fate."

With a smile on his face, He Feiyu lowered his head and saw that the eyes of the girl in his arms were blood-red from crying. There were wet marks on his face because he had just cried. He looked like a bullied kitten, not as arrogant as he had just met. , and the cute look of him sniffing just now was also noticed by him.

After hearing He Feiyu's words, Dongyue Zhi's weak face turned red. She didn't know whether she was crying or ashamed. She seemed to have remembered something, so she quickly pressed her face against his clothes, rubbed them, and then moved to the other side.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

He Feiyu touched Dongyue Zhi's little head again, gently broke away from her arms, and walked to the wailing Shimoda Yoshiyu.


He Feiyu wrinkled his nose. He smelled a disgusting smell, which he usually only smelled when he went to the toilet.

"CrazyDiamond (Crazy Diamond)"

He Feiyu shouted softly, and then a strong flesh-colored figure appeared, covered with diamond-like armor. Every blow repaired the things that had just been damaged by the battle. The same was true for Yoshihiro Shimoda. The stains on his crotch, The teeth and other things that were spit out were all returned to him, looking intact as before.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Why did the tooth come back?"

Shimoda Yoshihiro was still in pain just now, but suddenly the pain stopped. Moreover, he subconsciously touched his fat face, and then touched his yellow teeth with his hands. He touched every injured part of his body just now, and all of them were... Everything is fine and I feel healthier.

There was a big greeting on the fat face.

Before he could figure out what was going on, suddenly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah----!!!"

pain! It hurts so much!

The pain this time was more severe and unbearable than last time.

It's like there are countless ants biting.

Abdominal cramps, body cramps, wanting to cry but no tears.

He Feiyu stepped on his face expressionlessly. This is why he cured Shimoda Yoshiyu, because he wanted Shimoda Yoshiyu to be completely immersed in this kind of pain. How could he let other pain be shared by Shimoda Yoshiyu?


This kick completely added a father-in-law to this world.

Bloodstains and unknown liquids eroded Shimoda

Fangyu black pants.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch————”

The scream of heartbreak was even more unforgettable.

But it didn't last long before disappearing.

I fainted from the pain.

He Feiyu considered whether to do it again, but thinking that the girl was still here and he was not a devil, he let it go.

Chapter 45 The Unusual Nurse

As for the things that Yoshiyu Shimoda was stepped on and exploded, He Feiyu was not prepared to cure them.

In this way, when he wakes up again, he will breed greater evil, and the possibility of being demonized will be higher.

This is his residual heat and his value, and it is destined to become a stepping stone for He Feiyu to kill the tauren.

He Feiyu didn't look at dirty things anymore.

Turn around.

He walked towards the girl with shocked eyes.

Touching her hair with his hands.

"Are you scared?"

Dongyue Zhi was stunned for a moment.

I knew that what he was talking about was about the violent beating of Tian Fangyu just now.

He raised his beautiful eyes that were still filled with mist and stared at He Feiyu's face.

A gentle and warm smile is like the first ray of sunshine after the heavy snow.

I also saw that the clothes on his chest were wet, and I could vaguely see the flesh-colored skin and bulging chest muscles underneath.

Qiao blushed, remembering that she was the initiator.

Shaked his head.

"Don't be afraid, because Mr. Yu is doing it for me."

"If it weren't for Mr. Yu, maybe I would have..."

The girl didn't realize that her name for the boy in front of her had changed.

Dongyue Zhi didn't finish her words, but He Feiyu understood what she meant.

"Don't worry, no one will be able to hurt you as long as I'm here from now on."

After hearing He Feiyu's words, Dongyue Zhi didn't want to know what she thought.

The purple-tang colored eyes were not only moist but also filled with eyes.

A heart beating violently.

Qiongbi inadvertently smelled the pleasant smell on his body.

Uncontrollably, I hugged him, listened to his heartbeat, and raised a nice curve at the corner of my mouth.


He Feiyu continued to comfort Dongyue Zhi with one hand, and took out his mobile phone with the other hand.

Called the police and ambulance.

Even if the police in the other world are incompetent, the weapons they carry are not incompetent. If they hit the mortal body, they will still die.

He didn't want the police to kill the demonized Yoshihiro Shimoda.

Tauren can only be killed by hunters.

Yoshihiro Shimoda's injuries may have to be recuperated in the hospital for a period of time before he will be tried. As for how long the sentence will be, he doesn't know, so he can only create an environment conducive to Yoshihiro Shimoda's escape after being demonized.

More than ten minutes passed.

Two different piercing sirens sounded outside the convenience store.

He Feiyu patted Dongyue Zhi's small back and motioned for her to let go.

The girl also understood what he meant.

Reluctantly left He Feiyu's arms.

He Feiyu opened the closed door.

After walking out of the convenience store, he led the police officers who were looking around back to the locker room.


Several police officers saw Yoshihiro Shimoda's crotch glowing red and yellow.

They looked at each other, their throats rolling subconsciously.

One of the older-looking police officers asked, licking his slightly dry lips with his tongue.

"What's happening here?"

"He just wanted to defile this girl, and then I took action..."

He Feiyu explained the outcome of the matter with some rhetoric, and then took out the video to prove it.

Basically there are no mistakes, it just conceals the problem of ability.

Sure enough, after hearing what happened, the older-looking police officer looked at Yoshihiro Shimoda with disgust in his eyes.

There were still tears on Dongyue Zhi's face, and her pitiful appearance reminded the old police officer of his daughter.

I firmly believe in what He Feiyu said.

Of course, He Feiyu also used a little hypnosis ability, which can only be said to be the icing on the cake.

The old police officer turned his head and said to the police officer next to him.

"Go call the medical staff to take this person away."

There was a pause.

"Although you are acting in self-defense, you still have to go to the police station with us to make a record. Is that okay?"

"no problem"

When Dongyue Zhi heard that she was going to the police station, she subconsciously moved closer to He Feiyu, and a small hand also held his three fingers.

He Feiyu also noticed the girl's uneasiness, and he gently stroked the back of the girl's hand with his thumb.

He seemed to be telling the girl that he was there for everything.

Dongyue Zhi finally calmed down her nervous heart, but her hands were harder.

the other side.

The young police officer walked to the ambulance.

Knocked on the rear door.

Then two very beautiful nurses came down.

The young police officer was stunned.

But seeing their expressions and expressions, his body trembled inexplicably, as if he was facing some pervert.

One of the nurses had a cold face, with a fierce cold light flashing in his eyes from time to time.

The other nurse was similar. She had a beautiful face but a sinister smile, like a street gangster.

"It's really troublesome. Why isn't that woman Pingsong here? It's so annoying!"

The nurse with a sinister smile patted the stretcher in her hand vigorously and said impatiently.

"Haha, it doesn't matter who comes, take it away quickly

Call it a day”

The nurse with an indifferent face replied calmly.

It seems that he is not interested in who came from this kind of thing, and just wants to end it as soon as possible.

Although both of them are beautiful, they both have bad personalities.

The young police officer next to him was a little confused.

Aren’t nurses supposed to save lives and heal the wounded? Then shouldn’t everyone be very enthusiastic?

At this time, the convenience store was lit up again, and I don't know who turned on the light.

He Feiyu took Dongyue Zhi's hand and stood near the cashier.

Seeing a nurse coming in carrying a stretcher, he quickly pulled the girl out of the way.

Nurse Tachibana, who had an indifferent face, accidentally saw the two people near the cashier.

Especially when she saw He Feiyu.

There was an inexplicable feeling of fear in my heart but mixed with excitement.

It's like M sees S and wants it to whip him hard.

The Peach Blossom Spring couldn't help but flow out a stream of water, soaking a lot of the obscene pants that covered it.

She quickly clamped her legs and turned her head with difficulty to look forward.

This sight shocked her.

Because she saw the Yamaguchi nurse carrying a stretcher in front of her showing her feminine attitude.

The reason why she was shocked was that Nurse Yamaguchi was considered a bad-tempered person in their hospital.

It often makes some male patients complain incessantly.

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