Although he didn't know what the relationship between He Feiyu and President Kurashiki Reika was.

But it’s definitely unusual for President Kurashiki Reika to take such good care of He Feiyu. If He Feiyu says something good about him, won’t he become a human being?

Reach the peak of your life, become CEO, and marry Bai Fumei?

"Thank you Taro-kun for your concern. Nothing happened to me."

"Then, do you want to..."

Taro Xiaohong hinted at He Feiyu in a subtle way.

With his methods and connections, as long as he talks to relevant people, Yoshihiro Shimoda will shed a layer of his skin even if he doesn't die.

He Feiyu shook his head.

Tauren should be executed by specialized tauren hunters.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."


Takahiro Taro didn't say much to Nakaizumi Mayo.

After all, Shimoda Yoshiyu is the younger brother of Mao Nakaizumi, and her younger brother offended He Feiyu.

I was afraid of getting angry, because President Reika Kurashiki's sense of oppression was too strong.

Taro Takahiro got in the car, hesitated for a moment, and then made a call.

He spoke respectfully and told everything he knew.

Although the voice on the other end of the phone was very calm, she was always with you like a tiger. Takahiro Taro vaguely remembered that the last time she sounded so calm was to someone who was obedient to her.

As a result, that person did not come to work the next day, as if he had disappeared from the world.

He guessed that most of them were sleeping on the seabed of Tokyo Bay among fish and shrimps.

After hanging up the phone, I felt a chill all over my body, and my clothes were soaked with cold sweat before I knew it.


Taro Takahiro took a long breath, then started the car and left here.

Chapter 47 Nakaizumi Mayo’s throbbing

Nakaizumi Mao watched the entire process from the sidelines.

There was doubt and confusion on his mature and lovely face.

The question is why Taro Takahiro knows He Feiyu, and his tone is very kind, even a little respectful.

I wonder if he didn't call him here himself?

Why did you leave without saying hello...

She also met Takahiro Taro at a company promotion and on the recommendation of a friend.

At that time he shamelessly asked for his phone number.

In this spirit, one more friend brings many paths.

She also exchanged numbers with Takahiro Taro.

From then on, Takahiro Taro liked to greet her whenever he had nothing to do.

Unfortunately, he was not her type, so she reminded him tactfully that she had a daughter.

Afterwards, Takahiro Taro restrained himself a lot, and their relationship remained at the stage of friends.

It was only recently that he sought help from Takahiro Taro in order to find a job for his younger brother.

She was conflicted, after all, she would owe Takahiro Taro a favor, but she could only do this for the sake of this unfulfilled brother.

But I didn't expect that I almost hurt Shishi-chan.

On the way here, she made a call to Takahiro Taro.

Because I don’t know the specific situation, I am afraid that something bad will happen. I hope that Takahiro Taro can help me to accommodate him.

Mayo Nakaizumi is just a weak woman and a widow. Her parents are not here and her husband died early.

One person drags two people with him at first, and then three people.

She also thought about finding someone to live on.

But my heart is unwilling.

Why can't you find someone you like?

When I graduated from college, at the urging of my parents, I got married and had children early.

Even if she doesn't like someone, she has no other ideas after getting married.

But who would have thought that just when she was pregnant with the child, her husband died unexpectedly.

She has been lonely in her heart and body for more than ten years, but she is not a casual person. If she cannot find someone who makes her heart beat, she would rather die alone.

"Well...if nothing happens, I'll leave first."

“It’s not too late after all”

He Feiyu took out his phone and looked at the time. It was almost nine o'clock.

Dongyue Zhi heard He Feiyu's words.

The little hand moved slightly.

But thinking about seeing you again tomorrow.

The little hand stopped.

"By the way, Oh Gasang, why not drive Mr. Feiyu back first?"

Nakaizumi Yui on the side raised her hand and suggested.

"Yeah...that's okay"

Nakaizumi Mayo thought for a moment and then agreed.

After all, He Feiyu also saved Dongyue Zhi, so he should express his gratitude.

"Okay then, my family lives in the Gunjian Apartment. Have you ever heard of Aunt Mayo?"

"I've heard of it, and it's not far from our home, only a kilometer or two away."

"Then thank you Aunt Mayo"


He Feiyu was just about to follow Mayo Nakaizumi towards her car.

But he heard a whine coming from her.

He looked at Mayo Nakaizumi.

She was found squatting on the ground, pressing her ankles with her hands.

Remembering that she had limped over just now, it must have been a sprain.

"Oh Gasang, what's wrong with you?"

"Aunt Mayo..."

"It's okay. I must have been running too fast just now and my foot was twisted."

Wearing high heels, no wonder...

"it's all my fault..."

Fuyutsuzhi guessed that Aunt Mayo was worried about her own affairs, so this happened, and she started blaming herself again.

"Zhi-chan, we are a family, you are not allowed to say such things in the future, do you hear me!"

When Mao Nakaizumi heard Fuyutsuki Shiori's confession, she scolded her with a mature and cute face.


Dongyue Zhi sniffed, her eyes red, and nodded heavily.

"Haha, actually I have a way"

He Feiyu was very moved when he saw their deep feelings.

Aunt Gunma's family can be seen in their family.

"Ah!? What can Feiyu-kun do?"

Nakaizumi Yui blinked her eyes, with an expectant look on her cute face.

"Hey, it's not convenient here. Let's talk about it in the car."

Of course he is an invincible substitute~


Nakaizumi Mayo just wanted to stand up, but her ankles hurt and she squatted down again.

The two women were petite and could only be supported.

Seeing this scene, He Feiyu stepped forward and asked.

"Aunt Mayo, do you need me to carry you over?"

When Mayang Zhongquan heard He Feiyu's words, her heart moved.

It was a bit embarrassing for a fifteen or sixteen year old boy to hold her aunt in her thirties.

But there is no way.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Feiyu."

He Feiyu bent down and put one hand under Mao Zhongquan's armpit, and the other behind her knees in black stockings.

Get up with force.

Mayo Nakaizumi was held in the arms of He Feiyu like a princess.

A wave of green male hormones hit her nose, making her body weak.

Even though He Feiyu's two palms did not touch her body, the hot feeling from her back and feet made her heart beat violently.

Nakaizumi Mayo's head was dizzy and she was thinking randomly in her heart.

The last time I was so close to a man was probably more than ten years ago.

When He Feiyu carried her to the front of the car, she had not yet come to her senses.

"Oh Gasang? It's open"

It wasn't until Yui Nakaizumi's doubtful voice came to her ears that she blushed, took out the key from her clothes, and opened the car door.

He Feiyu bent down and placed her smoothly on the driver's seat.

"Ahem, Aunt Mayo, I might offend you next..."

"If you don't want to, I will stop immediately."

He Feiyu looked at Mao Zhongquan and said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, you can do it"

Nakaizumi Mayo replied with a blushing face.

Fortunately, the night covered the blush on her face, otherwise He Feiyu would definitely not be able to bear it.

After all, who doesn’t like a mature and lovely widow?

"Then I'll start"

He Feiyu gently took off the high-heeled shoes on one of Mao Nakaizumi's feet.

A petite and exquisite jade foot covered in black stockings was exposed, and then a hot breath with the scent of sweat came towards He Feiyu.

His nose sucked in subconsciously.


A hot fire rose up in the body from the lower abdomen.

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